Alright, in this video you’re going to discover the secret to success with online marketing for small businesses. Before I get into that, if you’re interested in learning some advanced strategies that insiders are using right now to get a 248% ROI using paid media, then I’ve got a special video just for you. Just go ahead and click the link that’s below right now.

Before I get into that, I do also want to tell you a little bit of a story that’s going to paint the picture for this. So, I took on a client that’s in the consulting space, and when I brought them on, the whole idea was they needed an entire funnel built, and we needed to drive a very specific prospect into this funnel to convert strategy sessions for them to sell a high-ticket service on the back end.

Now, when I told them that we were-When we were bringing them on, I told them we needed to be able to test and drive the traffic through, monitor the data, and then apply a bunch of tweaks along the way, and so we had a three-month engagement.

Well, things weren’t working out as fast as they thought, and so at the end of 30 days, they were already getting cold feet about the process and didn’t want to continue. We hadn’t really done much optimizing yet because we were still trying to get traffic through, and so they ended up pulling the plug on the project only 30 days in. And that’s really the secret to success with online marketing is that you have to be committed to the process of testing, tweaking, and optimizing until you can get the results that you’re looking for. Very rarely will you ever put a brand-new marketing funnel out and have it work really, really, really well.

It just very rarely happens. Now, what you can do is apply best practices so you can get some results right away, but you should be prepared for, with any marketing funnel, you should have the idea that it’s not going to work, and all you’re doing is gathering data so that you can apply tweaks and different strategies to actually get it to work.

That whole process typically takes 60-90 days if you’ve got somebody that really knows what they’re doing. If you’re not using the right tools and systems, it can take much longer than that. So, if you’re looking to do marketing online, and you’re a small business, just be committed to the process of building out a funnel, testing, tweaking, and optimizing until you get it right.

When you do, you’re going to have an asset that will produce leads and sales for you at ROIs of 500% or more very easily. Just don’t expect it to happen overnight. One thing you need to understand is that online advertising is becoming increasingly difficult to pull off successfully using the traditional methods because people are simply becoming blind to them.

The most effective way to combat this is using native advertisements, which is just a fancy way term for ads that look similar to the content around them. It sounds counter intuitive, but the best way to get noticed is to actually blend in.

Think of soap operas and infomercials. They’re the original native ads that have been running successfully for decades, selling billions of dollars of products. Now, if you want to start leveraging native ads, there’s two choices you can make.

You can go out and spend all the time and money trying to figure them out on your own, or you can just click the image on the right.

That will take you to a page where you can get free instant access to a special video, I put together just for you.

It’s called 17 Advanced Native Advertising Insiders Use to get 248% ROI Right Now.

These are all techniques that have been proven to work through multiple tests across the 22 accounts I manage for clients and myself. You can use them to drive sales of products or to generate leads for selling high ticket products and services over the phone. It will literally save you massive amounts of time and money. So go ahead and click that image right now to get this video while it’s fresh on your mind.

Funnel Hacking International