Alright, in this video you’re going to discover the secret to success with online marketing for small businesses. Before I get into that, if you’re interested in learning some advanced strategies that insiders are using right now to get a 248% ROI using paid media, then I’ve got a special video just for you. Just go ahead and click the link that’s below right now.
Before I get into that, I do also want to tell you a little bit of a story that’s going to paint the picture for this. So, I took on a client that’s in the consulting space, and when I brought them on, the whole idea was they needed an entire funnel built, and we needed to drive a very specific prospect into this funnel to convert strategy sessions for them to sell a high-ticket service on the back end.
Now, when I told them that we were-When we were bringing them on, I told them we needed to be able to test and drive the traffic through, monitor the data, and then apply a bunch of tweaks along the way, and so we had a three-month engagement.
Well, things weren’t working out as fast as they thought, and so at the end of 30 days, they were already getting cold feet about the process and didn’t want to continue. We hadn’t really done much optimizing yet because we were still trying to get traffic through, and so they ended up pulling the plug on the project only 30 days in. And that’s really the secret to success with online marketing is that you have to be committed to the process of testing, tweaking, and optimizing until you can get the results that you’re looking for. Very rarely will you ever put a brand-new marketing funnel out and have it work really, really, really well.
It just very rarely happens. Now, what you can do is apply best practices so you can get some results right away, but you should be prepared for, with any marketing funnel, you should have the idea that it’s not going to work, and all you’re doing is gathering data so that you can apply tweaks and different strategies to actually get it to work.
That whole process typically takes 60-90 days if you’ve got somebody that really knows what they’re doing. If you’re not using the right tools and systems, it can take much longer than that. So, if you’re looking to do marketing online, and you’re a small business, just be committed to the process of building out a funnel, testing, tweaking, and optimizing until you get it right.
When you do, you’re going to have an asset that will produce leads and sales for you at ROIs of 500% or more very easily. Just don’t expect it to happen overnight. One thing you need to understand is that online advertising is becoming increasingly difficult to pull off successfully using the traditional methods because people are simply becoming blind to them.
The most effective way to combat this is using native advertisements, which is just a fancy way term for ads that look similar to the content around them. It sounds counter intuitive, but the best way to get noticed is to actually blend in.
Think of soap operas and infomercials. They’re the original native ads that have been running successfully for decades, selling billions of dollars of products. Now, if you want to start leveraging native ads, there’s two choices you can make.
You can go out and spend all the time and money trying to figure them out on your own, or you can just click the image on the right.
That will take you to a page where you can get free instant access to a special video, I put together just for you.
It’s called 17 Advanced Native Advertising Insiders Use to get 248% ROI Right Now.
These are all techniques that have been proven to work through multiple tests across the 22 accounts I manage for clients and myself. You can use them to drive sales of products or to generate leads for selling high ticket products and services over the phone. It will literally save you massive amounts of time and money. So go ahead and click that image right now to get this video while it’s fresh on your mind.
Building an online business can be very frustrating when we start out as entrepreneurs, we’re usually hopefully optimistic, and we have an important message that we want to get out to the world. We have a great product or service, and we feel like. Surely, if we build it, they will come this thing that I have is so great and so valuable.
Surely, if I put it out there, people will find me and then reality sets in because the response to your new website, your latest piece of content, your new product or service, is generally always the same crickets, no matter how much work you put into it.
No matter how much you care about your message and your product, no matter how much you want to help, you are not seeing more traffic, a growing subscriber number, more followers or really anything at all.
So then we realize ok, indeed build it and they will come. Does not work and what’s the solution that we have to learn marketing, we have to get into all the marketing stuff and we start learning all this stuff about what we’re supposed to do differently, how to write headlines how to make better content? How to present our products and so on, but unfortunately, even there, the frustration usually doesn’t end. Instead, you find yourself doing more and more work and being overwhelmed. There’S all these different tips and all these different things you’re supposed to do in order to grow an audience online and grow your business online and even though you’re doing so much more work and instead of working on your business. As you imagined, you would you’re basically sitting there staring at a screen all day, trying to write better headlines and trying to use social media the right way and so on.
You’Re doing all this work you’re putting in all this work and the results are just still disappointing now. The good news is, there is a reason why the stuff you’re doing is not bringing you the results you hope for, and there is a better way of doing it. I have been building online businesses for over 10 years and I’ve been doing things very differently from what you’d imagine. If you read online marketing blogs and follow general online marketing advice, I think countless entrepreneurs could greatly benefit from a completely different approach to building an online business. But there is a problem here and it is greatly summarized in a Chinese proverb about filling a cup. This is the first problem we have to solve right now. Your cup is already full of all the wrong ideas of all the ideas that have kept you stuck where you are so. The very first thing we have to do is empty the cup and that’s what this video is for right here. I want to help you unlearn two of the biggest mistakes that are keeping you stuck.
The two things we have to unlearn are what I call the old paradigm and the great gap.
So, let’s start with the old paradigm. Tell me if this sounds at all familiar for online marketing advice. You have to post more, you have to post. More often, you have to post on a regular schedule and you have to post everywhere on every possible channel and on every possible social media platform. And if that doesn’t work, then the problem is that you’re, not posting enough and the solution is post even more. Do even more of the stuff that isn’t working, and even that is not enough, because we also have to do this social selling, where we have to reply to every single comment. Reply to every single email we get and whenever people comment on your stuff, send them a direct message, get into a chat conversation with people and try to sell them your stuff.
There there’s no shortage of so-called marketing experts, who relentlessly beat the drum of posting. More posting everywhere and doing more and more and more, but this just doesn’t work well as a way to grow an online business and the sheer number of entrepreneurs were doing their very best to follow this advice and getting basically zero results should be proof enough. What’S happening here is that this is an attempt to take an old strategy from the physical world, specifically door-to-door sales and transpose it onto the Internet.
If you’re a door-to-door sales person, what you can do is you can go out and knock on the door and then ask the person who opens the door if they want to buy your insurance or your kitchen knife set or whatever it is that you are selling And if they say no, you go to the next door. You knock on that door and so on, and if you do this enough and if you try hard enough, then eventually you have made a good number of sales. Now, in the old paradigm, with door-to-door sales, you can do this. You can do this kind of work to essentially cover an entire area, but if we try to take this strategy and bring it to the Internet, it simply doesn’t work. The Internet is an ocean of messages and trying to blanket the Internet with your message is just not going to work, even if you bring a big bucket of messages to the ocean, that is the Internet, you’re never going to make a significant difference now. Look, I could tell you a simple story.
It just says all of this kind of stuff simply doesn’t work. Any kind of door-to-door sales stuff applied online doesn’t work and you should never do it, but I’m not one for simple answers. So let me give you the actual truth reaching out to people trying to engage people one on one can work, but it’s something for an early-stage business where the goal is to validate a business idea. Maybe get your first customer your first 10 customers, and for that it is fine, but this is not a strategy that you can use to build the kind of online business that I bet you wanted to build. I bet you didn’t dream of being an online sales person who has to work 24/7 forever and ever in order to keep income going instead, what we want with an online business is, we want something that can work independently in the virtual space without us always having To trade time for money and for this goal, the door-to-door salesmen approach simply does not work.
Smart entrepreneurs and highly successful online businesses know this and don’t follow the old paradigm. The old paradigm on the Internet has been replaced with a new paradigm called inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is basically a reversal of the door-to-door sales approach where, instead of going out to where people are interrupting them, knocking on the door and hoping they’ll say yes, we do. The opposite: the goal of inbound marketing is to get P, who want what I have to offer to come to me, and that is our first key takeaway right.
There start unlearning all this door-to-door sales.
Whenever you see any kind of advice about online marketing, any kind of new marketing strategy or online marketing tip, ask yourself: does this fit the old paradigm, or will this help me build an inbound marketing based online business that can work independently of my input? The second problem – that’s keeping entrepreneurs stuck – is the great gap.
Now when it comes to the old paradigm, there’s a bunch of information, it’s just bad information, it doesn’t fit the purpose and it’s best if we ignore it and forget about it with the great gap.
The problem is a bit more complicated because there’s a lot of information.
That is not wrong, but it’s the wrong kind of information. Here’s the kind of thing I mean the length of the average blog post is 1142 words, however, posts with 3,000 words or more yet, three times more traffic, four times more shares and 3.5 times more backlinks than the average blog post on YouTube. The ideal video length through click-through and engagement is between six and eight minutes.
However, for monetization the ideal length is 10 to 11 minutes. Content that has a separate social sharing.
Thumbnail is 316 percent more likely to get shared on Facebook and content without an image.
The ideal image dimensions for Facebook are thousand two hundred by 628 pixels and the ideal image dimensions for a range of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, reddit and so on is a square image of 1200 by 1200 pixels all posts with a title length of 6 to 12 words get more traffic than articles with longer or shorter titles on YouTube. Titles between 42 to 60 characters get the most clicks and titles, with over 70 characters performed 37 % worse than shorter titles, least post and infographics get up to 90 % more shares than regular article and for least post. The ideal number of items on the list is 10. A top 10 list gets more shares than lists of any other non-maximize email, open rates sent on a Tuesday at 3 p.m.
With a subject line of between 6 and 10 words, the best time of the week to post a Facebook for maximum engagement is Wednesday between 11 a.m.
And 2 p.m. the restaurant post on Instagram is Wednesday and Friday between 10 and 11 a.m. and for Twitter, it’s Wednesday and Friday at 9, a M. thing in that list is factually true: everything you just saw is based on research and data, and it is all factually true, but it’s the wrong kind of information, and, if you think about it, can you see how this kind of thing is just never going To really move the needle it’s bit like we’re looking at a map that has a huge chunk in the middle missing and everybody’s, just focusing on all this stuff on the periphery, which is correct and interesting, but nobody’s going hold on what about this bit? In the middle, for example, you can easily tell that if you write 2,000 or 3,000, words of just inane meaningless nonsense and you create a catchy headline for it. Following all the rules with all the right word, count, that’s not actually going to work.
Is it the actual substance of the text of the email of the video of the tweet will always make a far bigger difference than all these technical low impact details? Why, then, is the Internet full of this low impact information? Well, it’s because this is the easy stuff you can easily quantify things like word count and video length and so on and come up with these stats that also make for a catchy headline. You can put them in a shareable infographic, and that is the way information spreads the most easily the stuff at the edge of the map is shareable goes viral is easy to write about and easy to measure and quantify the stuff at the center of the map.
That is more complex, and you can’t make a neat little infographic.
That sums up the step-by-step success, recipe for creating a piece of content that people will actually engage with and actually long and there’s also a nasty little hidden truth. In all these facts, which is to say that, yes, long blog posts get more shares. But most people are not going to read your 3,000 words. So, if you have 3,000 interesting words, but you can’t sum it up in a catchy headline or in an infographic, then you don’t have that nice situation where people can see something kind of skim through it and go oh wow. This is very substantive. I’M goon an read it later.
We’re goon and share it now, which is how most online sharing happens. So, the entire system is signal boo, all of the wrong stuff. If we really pay attention not just to averages, but especially to successful outliers, we can see that there are plenty of brands, businesses and content creators who break all of these rules and do extremely well for themselves.
For example, YouTube creators like bacon or Toska, whose posts very rarely very irregularly and super short videos, but gets hundreds of thousands of views or creators like contra points who also posts very rarely but extremely long, very in-depth, complex videos and gets millions of views or Matt Dia Bella, who seems to break all the rules about how you have to have a click, baby, spectacular, exciting titles, on YouTube in order to be successful or what about the Joe Rogan podcast in an age where everyone’s always talking about how everyone’s attention spans are diminishing? The most successful podcast in the world often posts three-hour long conversations and we can look to websites and blogs to find even more rule-breakers.
We have James’s clear who is a highly successful blogger, one of the most successful ones in his space who posts. Quite rarely almost never uses catchy titles or images often writes short, but to the point posts and has massive success.
Doing so for Cal Newport, who also doesn’t have a publishing schedule, often publishes very short posts, but is a highly sought after right war. Wait but why one of the most successful blogs on the internet posts completely regularly quite rarely hosts the kind of stuff you would never get to by following a bunch of internet marketing tips and is hugely successful.
And the list of these exceptions goes on and on and on the reason these creators are successful is because they focus on the stuff in the center of the map that you simply won’t find by following the latest top 10 internet marketing tips blog post.
So, what can we learn from these creators?
And what can we do to get this kind of success that doesn’t follow the mainstream advice now that we’ve emptied your cup of two of the worst problems that are keeping you stuck in the next video we’ll start, exploring that important centerpiece of the and make sure You subscribe below if you want to get notified in the next, video is released.
Hello, My name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. Form a team and thus grow professionally. I am an experienced person focused on advising people with an interest like me in online business.
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