I’M so excited to present you today, with the spirulina benefits my top five benefits of spirulina. Those benefits are really motivating me to almost drink this every day. This is a spirulina water, just water and spirulina powder, nothing else in there before we jump to the five best benefits. I just want to give you like a little short thing, so you know what spirulina actually is. You might have wondered, or at least i wondered why spirulina why this name where’s this origin coming from comes all from the autonomic structure of this algae. It’s literally like a spiral. I’M goon an put you an image here, so you can look at it. This green thingy over there is not just cute and beautiful and blue and green with colors.
When you hold into the light, it’s literally it’s so beautiful it’s alive.
It’s cyanobacteria: it’s in a live bacterium which brings us to health benefit number one. This stuff is very, very gut friendly. Why?
Because it’s a bacterium, it can act like a probiotic in your gut meaning it can help to repopulate your gut with the good gut bacteria. So, in the case, if you had any antibiotic treatments or if you just feel like oh, i need some retirement of my digestive system. This is going to do the job, it’s a natural, probiotic, spirulina and with very little side effects. I also record a video if you’re kind of oh, I’m so sensitive to anything, and i want to be sure i have thyroid issues. People have told me not to do spirulina i’ll link your video up here or up there, which you can check out where i talk all about spirulina side effects, they’re really on the lower end, because spirulina is a very safe food. In fact, it’s so safe that health benefit number two.
The world health organization claimed this food as the food of the future. Now they don’t do this lightly, and why is this the food of the future, because it’s a nutrient powerhouse, it’s one of the it’s one of the densest foods that you can find on planet earth. It has 34 times more iron than the good spinach good old spinach. It has four times more antioxidants than any berry any of the chai berries any of the good berries.
This outperforms, almost all the foods on the planet, eight percent, more calcium than milk, which you have hopefully don’t drink and it’s very easy digestible. At the same time, bursting with chlorophyll b vitamins. Vitamin k is in there lots of minerals, also trace minerals like zinc, which are hard to get unless you’re, providing it with a good supplement, magnesium and most of all, if you’re one of those people i need the protein, i need the protein. I need more protein eating vegan there we go.
Here’s your protein, 60 dry weight protein and it’s easy digestible. It’s not like meat sitting in your stomach and taxing all your secretion in the enzymes in the stomach acid, it’s not sitting in there. It’s literally supporting your digestive system, the end of this video, if you make it through all these minutes of listening, I’ve got a secret spirulina ice cream for you and I’ve tried it out with my friends: they love it. Kids love it. Everybody loves it and it comes at the end of the video so make sure you stay with me till the end before we come to number three, i want to know from you: have you tried spirulina? Have you seen any benefits?
What and if so, if you tried it, what changes did you notice? You can also put in the comments below oh, Peggy. It sounds good. I haven’t tried it yet because let me know what spirulina so far did for you in the comments below, so you can share all the experience and support each other in the community. I have benefit number three: it oxygenates your blood. Now you might not feel like wow.
This is so exciting. You might think, like your pain is gone a little bit, but nuts nuts oxygenates your blood. Why is this so key oxygen? Is everything over 50 of your body of living organisms is oxygen?
Oxygen is everything, oxygen means your brain works better. It means oxygen, kills viruses in the body viruses, it stabilizes your organs, it helps your body and your internal organs to perform on an optimal level, and if you have brain fog, for example, here we go. This eat your oxygen right now, if you’re dealing with any kind of strep viruses bacteria in your butter pylori, whatever you’re dealing with candida, you want to get this this stuff, because this is the green alive healing liquid cheers health benefit number four energy: it boosts your Energy levels on a daily basis, try. I know it’s not the same taste but try to replace your coffee with spirulina, and you will see you have more energy and have the energy over a long period of time, and it doesn’t crash after one hour or two hours.
It’s literally like an endurance food.
So, if you’re, somebody who does a lot of sport, if you need focus, if you need high performance or you have a lot of stress levels in your life, spirulina is the answer for that. It also helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels also because it gives stress release to the body. It’s also really good. If you’re dealing with adrenal fatigue or you’re just feeling tired a lot. Maybe you even have allergies, and this is the food you want to eat. Every day, last but not least, on the benefit side, number five spirulina is your best friend when it comes to detoxing. If you’re somebody who’s health conscious, maybe you want to give your liver, a break you’re doing some celery juice, maybe you’re doing some medical, medium protocol or you’re just conscious, okay, i don’t have the performance that i had a few years ago. I might need some detoxing now with detoxing.
A lot can go wrong, and this is why, when i work with clients, i always recommend them to have some detox support and spirulina is one of those detox supporters, because not just only that it boosts your immune system.
All the nutrients that you need has antioxidants when you’re detoxing there’s a lot of toxic stress in your body and what spirulina does is you’re detoxing with solar, celery juice or cleansing juice in the morning and your liver, which is a huge organ here on the right. In your right, ribcage one and a half kilos, three pounds has a lot of toxins stored.
That’s what it does. It saves it from damaging other organs. When you’re moving into the detoxing process, the body will let go of toxins in like a pulsating wave, not just like continuously like pulsating, and when this pulsating happens and the toxins coming out from the liver, for example, that creates stress in the body.
It’s not just. Oh, my god, I’m detoxing, I’m feeling better, I’m feeling better. No most people feel like crap me included. I feel like. Oh my god, i’m tired. Why is this? Because those toxins they are still toxic when they come out of the liver right and what spirulina does is it binds to those toxins? Imagine like a sponge when they come out, spirulina kind of grabs them and binds to them and helps to get them transported out safely. So, they do not get reabsorbed in what is called the anterior hepatic cycle, which is the cycle between your gut and your liver.
This is why, for example, antibiotics.
They are kind of circulating forever in this loop because they don’t have a transport way to get out the system and spirulina exactly provides this.
It’s not the same as chlorella, for example, you can imagine chlorella being like the little sister of spirulina. Corella is very clumsy.
So, it takes up some toxins and then oof lets them fall down. This happens while your blood is going through your brain and chlorella decides. Oh now is a good time. You got some toxic heavy metals in your brain, so chlorella. I do not recommend at all to take chlorella if you have chlorella in a green powder or things like that. It’s fine, because it’s usually very small and it’s mixed with others, but not taking chlorella powder like i recommend you spirulina bonus content.
Here it comes so we have the delicious recipe that i promised you and it’s coming up now, spirulina ice cream. What you need is you need two cups of frozen ripe banana, so they need to be brown, two cups and one cup of frozen pineapple. Half a lemon juice from half a lemon and you need one teaspoon of spirulina powder to mix it all. Together, you put everything in the blender and then add a little bit of water, or also, if you have coconut water, coconut water makes everything a little bit more. Tropical more beautiful, add as much as you need getting it through in the blender and then you have like this kind of creamy ice cream. You have this kind of very slush, creamy dark, green, exciting, sweet ice cream.
That gets you definitely attention on any party that you get to, but if i make it i usually don’t get it anywhere because i just eat it me.
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