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Tag: history

The Culture Question: How Hot-Button Issues Divide Us | Retro Report

It’S absurd and immoral for teachers to call boys, girls and girls boys do your job. A culture. War is a battle over how we live when we talk about the red and blue divide in the United States. Very often we’re talking about cultural differences. Wokeness teaching in schools and in corporate training, as opposed to War and Peace abroad or the economy, but the idea of fighting over symbols, a fear that the other side is trying to fundamentally change.

The country goes way: back John Charles Fremont. We run into his name today, all over the place, without perhaps realizing who he was Tes Los cars manufactured in Fremont California, in Wyoming mountain climbers, climb, Fremont Peak. There is a Fremont New York, Fremont Nebraska, the names are everywhere and they are signs of a time when John Charles Fremont was possibly the most famous living American. As the country expanded Westward by annexing land, John Fremont’s life moved Westward along with it. He led a number of expeditions out west.

He wrote These official IAL US Army reports, but he wrote them almost like novels. That put him at the center of this larger American narrative and his reports became the equivalent of best-selling books read all across the United States. Those new western territories created real issues in the American political system. It raised this question of whether that land should have slavery or shouldn’t have slavery. The wig party ultimately collapsed over the slavery issue and the Democratic party had conflict within it.

This opened a lane for the creation of the Republican party, which was anti-slavery and when it ran its first candidate, John Fremont in 1856, it Unleashed a culture War.

One of John’s symbols was his wife. Jesse Fremont was the daughter of a very powerful United States Senator she was a very attractive political figure, and it was suggested by Republicans at first that this was a brilliant Innovation and really great people on the other side immediately turned that into a disadvantage. They said she was the one who was really wearing the pants in the relationship and represented this radical women’s rights agenda. They argued Jesse Fremont is trying to upend the entire order of society.

Slavery was the issue in American politics, but gender and race are intertwined if Southerners are arguing. A man is at the head of a household and has control over his wife, his children and his slaves. If somebody questions the gender issue, then that also leads them to question the slavery issue. They implied because his wife was so independent. Fremont was emasculated by that he couldn’t control his wife and he couldn’t control the country also. He parted his hair in the middle. At the time, only women parted their hair in the middle. It made him too womanly the in the number of daily newspapers fed by a nationwide Telegraph Network and spread by railroad trains meant that people were getting a lot more political commentary in their face.

All the time, whipping up fear demonizing the other side. Immigration was part of that. Fremont was the son of a French immigrant. France was a Catholic country, and so Fremont’s political opponents began spreading the false story that he himself was a member of this alien religion controlled by the pope. It was said who were plotting to take over America. The Republicans were not refraining from participating in this culture.

War compared to John Fremont, who was young and had this beautiful wife, Democratic candidate, James Buchanan, Was A Bachelor. There were questions about why a 60-some year-old man in the 1850s had never once married there’s some speculation about whether James Buchanan was in fact gay. He argued he was married to the Constitution, and voters could trust him because he wouldn’t be distracted by a woman like John Fremont there’s a cartoon that represents the whole Democratic case that Fremont was going to profoundly change society. There is a Catholic priest really offensively portrayed free black man, a socialist demanding all land be distributed.

Equally, a woman’s rights activist smoking, a cigar which was a very unfeminine thing to do, and a free love activist portrayed as being really skinny, which at the time was unattractive and she’s, inviting John Fremont to join their group. In order to elect an anti-slavery president Republicans had to win virtually all the northern states. They did not it’s hard in retrospect without exit polls or anything else, to prove exactly what turned a particular election. But we know that Democrats raised immense fear about cultural change, and they prevailed. 1856 for Democrats was a bit of a hollow victory for two reasons.

One was that they elected James Buchanan, who is now roundly considered the worst president in American history, and he opened up a broader culture war that contributed to the Civil War.

The Civil War and its aftermath ended slavery. It did not end at all many of the cultural battles that flashed up in that time. In the 1850s, the Republicans were thought of as more Progressive. Now today, obviously, that’s flipped culture.

Wars remain an incredibly powerful force in American politics. They draw people in, and they force people to choose sides:

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Sid Vicious | The Self-Destructive Life of the Sex Pistols Bassist

[PUNK ROCK PLAYING] Though his time on Earth was short, Sid Vicious’ life was full of blood, drugs, and everything punk. And it was with this vigor that his bright light went out in a spectacular blaze. Stories of Vicious, who played bass with the Sex Pistols, have percolated throughout culture as both an example of tragedy and the epitome of punk. As you’ll soon see, he truly lived without boundaries. In the late hours of October 12, 1978, at the famous New York Chelsea Hotel, Nancy Spungen made her way to the bathroom with a stab wound, leaving an eerie trail of blood behind her.
The night before, her boyfriend, Sid Vicious, had bought a large number of opioids from his drug dealer and bodyguard, which he shared with his guests, including Spungen. Sid downed a reported 30 tablets and then blacked out.

He was in such a deep state of unconsciousness that he didn’t wake up until the next day. It was then when he discovered Spungen’s lifeless body and called the front desk for help. When the police arrived, Sid was found wandering the halls in a state of misery, and muttering that he was responsible for her death.

Despite Nancy’s well-known status as a drug addict with plenty of enemies, Sid was arrested and charged with her death, though he later recanted his admission of guilt. With Sid’s consumption of drugs and the high foot traffic of unsavory individuals in and out of the hotel room that night, there was no clear indication on the report of what happened.

In the end, Nancy’s murder was never solved. Months after Nancy’s death, Vicious lashed out. In one incident, Sid broke a bottle and shoved it in the face of Todd Smith, the brother of singer Patti Smith.

Witnesses claim that the disagreement began when Vicious taunted Smith after he asked the Sex Pistols guitarist to be respectful of his girlfriend. While police hauled Vicious off to jail, Smith was taken to hospital and nearly lost an eye. Smith pressed charges, saying he thought that if Vicious isn’t put behind bars or in a hospital, he would kill himself. His stay wasn’t for long, as Sid’s mother bailed him out shortly after his arrest. That wasn’t the first or last known violent incident by Vicious.

Within the walls of the famous London punk venue, The 100 Club, Vicious beat music journalist Nick Kent with a bike chain. Prior to the incident, Kent published many disparaging remarks about the Sex Pistols lead singer, Johnny Rotten.

Naturally, this resulted in tension between Kent and the band. At some point in the night, Kent walked by Vicious, asking him to move over. Sid responded by pulling out his chains, saying he didn’t like the journalist’s trousers, and lashed him.

That wasn’t even the most gruesome act of violence. After his mother kicked him out of the house, it’s rumored that Sid would strangle cats. This type of violence and drama seemed to follow Vicious his whole life. He attended the Kingsway College for difficult and expelled kids. It was there where his friend, John Wardle, saw Sid’s dark side during a counseling session, in which Vicious admitted to suicidal tendencies.

In addition to thoughts of ending his own life, Vicious reportedly participated in self-mutilation. On a meal stop during one of the Sex Pistols’ American tours, a cowboy challenged Vicious to snuff out a cigarette on his hand. Vicious did him one better. He took out his knife and cut his finger, letting the blood trail down into his eggs, which he then ate to the dismay of everyone around him. Lesson learned– never challenge a punk rocker.

By the time the band reached Dallas, Vicious had carved “Gimme a Fix” into his chest with a piece of glass. Apparently, this self-destructive behavior began when he was a teenager. Sid’s father witnessed him cutting his hand just to get attention. This self-abusive behavior sadly also turned outward. Nancy’s mother accused Vicious of beating her daughter when he was depressed.

In Nancy’s final conversation with her mother, she claimed that Vicious had broken her nose and torn her ear, amongst other gruesome acts during their drug-fueled fights. Though it definitely doesn’t make his treatment of Nancy right, she was the one and only person Vicious ever loved. Even those who despised her admitted that he truly cared for her. With this sentiment in mind, Vicious penned a list of her best attributes in a sweet tribute.

This was months before she died.

It seems that no matter how punk one appears, the heart is still capable of romantic love. There’s romantic love, and then there’s the love of a mother. This, too, can be spoiled, especially when said mother is a junkie. Vicious’ mom, Anne Beverley, reportedly used Vicious, then a toddler, as a drug mule when they lived in Spain. Later on in his life, Beverley even gave Vicious a bag of heroin as a birthday gift.

And unbelievably, according to Sex Pistols manager, Malcolm McLaren, she even smuggled heroin in her body cavity for her son while he was in prison.

Though all of these stories of Vicious’ twisted life are shocking, nothing compares to the following infamous story. And it epitomizes what a punk rock legend he was. With company like Dee Ramone, founding member and songwriter of the Ramones, there was no shortage of punk-inspired debauchery. However, Sid topped even the hardest of rockers.

One such incident occurred in a bathroom that was coated with puke from the floor to the sink in the toilets. While Dee was in awe of the filth, Sid was unfazed.

He took out a syringe, loaded it with speed, then dipped it in the toilet and filled it with dirty puke water. And, if that wasn’t cringe-worthy enough, Vicious didn’t even bother to cook the mixture. He just jammed it in his arm.
When Vicious’ mother bailed him out of jail for his assault on Smith, his new girlfriend threw him a freedom party. Once the celebration died down, Peter Gravelle arrived with a present from Vicious’ mother– a stash of 98% pure heroin. Even though Gravelle warned him not to take too much, Vicious ignored him and overdosed. In a sad turn of events, his mother, the person who brought Sid into this world, most likely was the reason the Pistols bassist died.

It seems the stories that surround Sid Vicious’ life take front stage to his short-lived career in the Sex Pistols– even though he reportedly never really learned to play the bass.

In fact, some people say that he swung his guitar in fights better than he could play, which seems to align with the many stories of his confrontations. And, as a result of this behavior, he cost the band a record label deal with EMI in 1977.

They were quickly picked up by A&M’s label shortly after, but even that contract wouldn’t last. Sid Vicious simply never learned. He was a punk until the day he overdosed and died.

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