So, you know who you’re trying to speak to but you’re not sure how to reach them online? Don’t panic. In today’s video, we’re talking about how to reach your target audience on social media. Hey, I’m Marley Jaxx, CEO of Jaxx Productions. I have scaled my business to multiple seven figures by reaching my target audience on social media, specifically here on YouTube.

So I’m really excited to share this with you today. First, let’s start with the difference between a target market and a target audience. Coz there is quite a difference. Do you know what it is? Let’s make sure we’re on the same page about that.

Then we’ll talk about my 3 favorite tricks for reaching your audience on social media and then well talk about how to narrow down your audience on Facebook for any kind of ads or maybe you’re hosting an upcoming event.

We’ll talk about the tricks to that too. So, let’s talk about the difference between a target market and a target audience. The target market is the whole group of people that a brand may want to sell to. The target audience is a particular group of individuals within that market that the company expects to sell to.

For example, my target market may be entrepreneurs but my target audience is a subsection within that market, specific type of entrepreneur. An entrepreneur that sells their products and services online. Now, when you know the difference between your target market and your target audience. These are gonna give you some clues to where you can reach the online through the various social media platforms that we have access to. For example, if your niche is professionals.

Maybe your audience is on LinkedIn. If your niche fitness or maybe or food. Your audience may be on Pinterest. If your niche is photography, you’re an artist. Your audience may be on Instagram.

So after hearing that where does your audience hang out? What platforms do you know that they’re part of? Let me know in the comments below.

When you know where your audience is, it’s best for you to focus your time on those platforms. Yes, there are so many platforms and a lot of shiny objects that can grab our attention.

But if you focus with the one or two that you know that your audience is on and really dial into that strategy. That can bring you huge lasting returns. Then once you know where your audience hangs out, what platforms they’re on. The next thing to do is research what kind of content they want to consume from you and the best ways that I like to research that is by seeing what my competitors are talking about. By seeing what trends are capturing people’s attention and also by doing keyword and SEO research.

You can look to your competitors in the space or just other people that are speaking to similar subjects or expertise that you’re and see what kind of content they’re creating. See what their audience is responding to. See what you’re doing well maybe they’re doing not so well.

There’s a lot of things we can learn from where people are coming to the same remark and where we might able to pick up where they’re leading off. One of the things that I like to do is see what kind of content people are searching for on YouTube.

Are people looking at videos on topics that I can speak to that I’m an expert on. What are the topics that are already been covered by people in the space that I might be able to put my own unique spin on that. Share my own stories, my own case studies, my own social proof to be able to captivate that audience. When you know the types of problems that your audience has or the questions they’re asking or even the questions that your competitors are solving. This will give you some insights into how you can cater your content and your message to your target audience and be able to reach them on social media.

Now, I also mention in addition to competitor research to do some keyword research or SEO research. This is looking at whether people are searching on Google or YouTube. You know, when people have a question, they have a problem that needs to be answered. Where do they go? For some people, we go to our moms but for most of us we go to this Google machine we type in our questions there and the answers can come up in the form of an awesome video or a blog article to any kind of website.

Now, there’s tools that you can use to see what other people are searching for.

I recommend looking into SEM rush, TubeBuddy, or Google Keyword Planner. When you know exactly how people are searching for these terms in these search engines. You can title your video the same way that they’re searching for them and that gives you a really great advantage to them being able to find you on platforms such as YouTube. So we talked about YouTube, we talked about Instagram, we talked about some other platforms.

But how do you find your target audience on Facebook? We can certainly join Facebook groups and share your topic of expertise about your interest. But there’s also some things that you can do inside of your Facebook business account to create audiences.

Inside your Facebook business manager, there’s an audience manager tool. When you’re in the business manager click on the menu on the top right and select audiences.

Facebook has 3 primary audiences saved audiences, custom audiences, and look-a-like audiences. Saved audiences may be people who have engaged with you already, that might be following you, that liked your post. Custom audiences may be once that you create based on people’s interest, their location, their age range.

Look-a-like audiences are made based on people who are just like the ones who are already following and engaging with you. Each of these 3 options gives you additional options for narrowing down your target audience.

So that you can be very specific in the people you reach through your Facebook ad campaigns. I winna share with you a strategy that I use to identify my target audience for an event that I hosted. But before I do I wanna encourage you to hit that subscribe button.

Because I’m putting out videos like this every single week. I have clients that scaled their businesses to 6,7 even 8 figures using this strategy.

Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss a thing. So back in September of 2020, I hosted my first virtual event it’s called virtual machine live and I knew that wanted to reach a ton of people with this to be able to help them scale their businesses online. Especially, throughout the year that 2020 was. I want to be able to help a lot of people through this virtual event. So, how can I get online and find these people that weren’t already existing followers and be able to reach the masses and bring them into my community and help them scale their business.

The first thing I did is I created what the event is all about. What’s the outcome? What’s the main objective? What are you going to be able to walk away with? So that in all of my advertising and my messaging and my promotions.
I could have that very clear benefit and then once I knew what the outcome was, I could create a specific customer avatar for the event.

Knowing who are the people that would want this outcome. So, for example, this outcome or this event is to teach you how to create a content machine and a cash flow system that would ascend their leads all the way to high tickets. SO, use the information based on what they already knew about my existing customer avatar and then getting really clear on that for what this event is all about. I know exactly who I wanted to reach on social media.

So, for example, in the outcome, I’m talking about lead generation. I’m talking about high ticket. I’m talking about creating content and a cash flow system. So from this, I know that I wanna speak to an entrepreneur that has an online business. That isn’t afraid to make content and be an attractive character.

That has or wants to have a high-ticket product or service to sell and that they need to generate leads for their business. Now, that you’re clear with the outcome and the avatar I can now approach my existing social media audience to promote this and give them an incentive to either share or speak about the event.

One of the things that I did was a contest that will get people entries to win a free tickets or get people some VIP access or even give them some swag. I love swag. I also leverage other people’s audiences I had joint ventures.
I had the other speakers promote to their audience so that you know. If their speaking at this event and some of their audience may be interested in attending this too. I created a lot of content that will give them sneak peeks around what they could get if they attend the event. I also offered bonuses for people who purchased tickets by a certain time frame.

We can give them early bird bonuses.

You can give them more access to the speakers or VIP if they sign up at a certain date and that’s all created once I knew who my target audience is and be able to use that information to create the best message to reach that audience on social media. So because you click on this video. Your someone that obviously wants to be able to reach their audience and make more money online through your social media accounts and that’s part of what I do with my clients. I help them build the content machine and the cash flow system and what I’ve done for you today is I’ve actually created an infinite cash flow blueprint. I’m gonna give you access for free.

If you click the link below you can get access to my infinite cashflow blueprint.

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