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Category: Marketing

Marketing to Marketers

Marketing to other marketers to make it easier to make money is great but many of the buyers never use the products and just try to pawn them off on other marketers. So, you wind up with all these people selling scripts, programs, eBooks, and more to other online marketers and they profess how great they are without ever using them. They are just trying to make a buck as an affiliate of someone else’s idea.

I am all for new marketing ideas especially the ones that automate tedious tasks. I love submitting articles and use an auto submitter. RSS feeds provide news to my sites. Automatically creating links to Click Bank items based on keywords in my blogs is a godsend.

But, to me, if people don’t use these products and just pimp them to others, they are missing out on the long-term benefits for a quick buck.

I admit that I have done this in the past and may do it again in the future? but? I only sell products that I actually use and approve. That way I can actually vouch for them since I have used them and can speak from personal experience.

Personally, I prefer to market to the average Internet Joe. I market to people who are looking for a deal on a credit card (and I use a super script to keep my site current). I recommend hotels in Thailand and can speak from first-hand experience. I post links to hotels in Thailand forums and also have 6 Thai affiliate hotel sites.

I also write articles about Thailand and list my hotel affiliate links in the author’s resource box. These are pretty easy to write since I have been traveling to Thailand for over 30 years.

I also write the occasional marketing or credit article to get some traffic to those sites. I have about 10 article sites and advertise on those sites that others submit their articles to.

I would rather make a few bucks marketing a product to people who are actually going to use it instead of marketing to someone who is only going to try to sell it to someone else.

All of this is just my personal opinion. There is nothing morally wrong or illegal of marketing to marketers. I use many of the items that are up for sale, especially those that make my life a little bit easier.

The one thing that I do object to is the folks that market to others and make false or misleading statements indicating that they use the product and how wonderful it is when they have never used it and just want to make a buck.

Anyhow, keep coming up with all those great products that marketers can use to make our lives easier. Just market them honestly.

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Grow Your Business with Data-Driven Marketing Strategies | TahaMedia

My ideal client is a client that is doing relatively well in the market. They have a strong marketing position, yet there are inefficiencies in their back-end marketing infrastructure.

That sounds like a mouthful, but what that means is: is that they’re not tracking the necessary data that could get them more recurrent business, more recurring clients, so that client just necessarily has the raw data, but it’s for us to bring it together and get them to The next level and set up that infrastructure, so they’re collecting the data, making their company more profitable and more valuable to potential investors or buy out a lot of my competition is very short-term, because a lot of clients are short-term.

So, they think that immediate boost in revenue. That means that’s a good marketing firm. However, with me, I have a former investment banking experience and I’m very much into valuation and buyouts and so forth, is getting the long-term evaluation for your company through marketing and so with us we’re more of a long-term data-driven, consulting firm where we focus on teaching Our clients, and in coaching our clients to set up this infrastructure that gets the most value per customer. In addition to that um decreasing the ad spend so you’re, you know having a higher profit and a long-term strategy of collecting more data and getting smarter than your competitors.

Many of the companies we work for they have a unique selling position.

However, in the market today, things that are getting much more competitive and we have companies stealing each other’s unique selling positions all the time. What makes people different in the market and gets them results time and time again is just communicating a unique mechanism. What is a unique mechanism? It’s the one thing that makes your companies so unique that your competitors can’t even compete with and a lot of times, there’s confusion on.

You know I don’t have a unique mechanism and what we tell a lot of our companies is just name what you do just implementing that one strategy will get results time and time again the mistakes that people are making out there is bling and copying your competitors ads copying the messaging and so forth.

That does not work well, and I do advise anybody to go ahead and do that. First off is you’re not collecting the same data on the back end. If you’re copying an ad, you don’t know if that ad is actually working, so you might be copying the wrong thing. All right, that’s number one number two is: is that when you end up copying, you then become a me-too product. Your goon an get ignored almost immediately and the third reason why you don’t want to do that.

You can’t be better than your competitors if you are copying them and you know, what’s the point of doing business, if you can’t be the best, I got my first client in the b2b space at the tender age of 22 years old.

Essentially, I had a unique selling proposition, which was: I brought Wall Street executives to Dubai, and that was in 2006. When I first started it was like a complete novelty. Every single company that I would speak to would be like great. How do we sign up so just having that unique selling position odd by this time I was 24 we had about. I think six of the top ten investment banks as clients.

The biggest opportunity that I’ve seen over the last year is the emergence of a clean LinkedIn in the b2b space has always been a forum to get more client engagement and more clientele and they’ve really cleaned up their act through video content. Video ads for us personally, we tend to use the LinkedIn messenger ads or the in males all the time and they’ve worked on a consistent basis and they continue to work because, most of the time people get four or five messages on LinkedIn daily at most, whereas In their email box are getting 20 or 30 emails, so companies reading our emails and engaging with us is a lot more likely. So we’re really bullish on the LinkedIn in mail strategy.

The best book that I’ve read in business and marketing has been breakthrough.

Advertising by Eugene Schwartzman, I went to the Wharton School got my MBA in marketing and that single book has taught me much more than any MBA and essentially what the book teaches is that customers have heard of your messaging before unless you’re having a trip to them.

To Mars, or something that they’ve never heard before getting customers attention is almost impossible back in the 30s. Imagine how it is today, and the book is a classic in helping you create a unique selling position that will grab your customers attention over and over again and once you’ve learned in the methodology of breakthrough advertising.

You can constantly do that for each and every product or service that you offer.

Simple Click Track


How To Find Your Target Market In 6 Steps


Now, if you’re new to the channel – and you want to build brands that go beyond those visuals using strategy, psychology and creative thinking, then this is the channel for you – hit that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you’ll be well on your way. Now. Why is it that we brand our businesses now someone could answer that question with something like to generate leads or to make sales, but these results are a byproduct of what we’re actually trying to do by branding our businesses.

What we’re trying to do by branding our businesses is to make connections with our audience, so we can shape how they see and how they feel about our brand. Now you can do absolutely everything right within building a brand from the strategy and the communication and the positioning to the visual identity and the user experience. But if you do not have a crystal clear image of who your audience is, who you’re trying to connect with? And how they feel how they think and how they act, how they make decisions? If you don’t have that information, then anything else that you do within the development of the brand is going to be for nothing because it won’t be aligned with who you’re trying to connect with.

So, in this video i want to show you six steps that you can use to find that target audience, but before we dive into the nitty-gritty and get down into the individual steps, i just want to highlight the fact that we are at a hugely advantageous position.

These days in how much information is freely available to us out there in the market now i know that a lot of people when they start getting into uncovering who their audience is, they want it handed to them on a silver platter. But if you’re trying to connect with your audience, if you’re trying to build a brand, nothing is handed to you on a silver, a platter. Building a brand is not easy. You have to go out there and you have to find that information for yourself and what you’re prepared to do that.

Your competition is not, will benefit you and your brand, so getting out there into the marketplace and finding the information that’s readily available online. In terms of who, your audience is, is an absolute must, and one of the best places that you can go to for this information is social media, whether your audience is in a group or they’re following one of your competitors, their information is there out in the Public forum out in the public marketplace – and all you have to do – is go and search of that information. Look at what they’re doing and look at what they’re asking.

What is it that they want from your brand from anybody within your marketplace?

So, the information is out there not just on social media, not just on Facebook or LinkedIn, but also in forums as well the likes of Reddit or Quora.

This information is out there. Your audience is asking questions: all you need to do is go out there and find that information so make sure you put your hat with grit on there, so you’re getting out there and you’re doing the work and you’re not just expecting it to be handed to You on a silver platter, step number one start with a title: so you’re just categorizing your audience at this point, you’re not getting into any kind of detail. You want to start as broad as possible because from this point on we’re going to get more and more narrow with every single step, but you you do want to start from a broad point of view.

Just so, you have an overarching idea of who it is that you’re trying to target now.

This might be john, the stylish professional age between 21 and 36, or it might be mary, the sporty mom age between 32 and 45. So you’re really just trying to put a title on who it is that you’re targeting. So you have a broad idea and a broad point of view before we start to get more and more narrow step number two uncover the circumstances of their lives. Now the circumstances of your audience’s lives are essentially their demographics, so here we’re talking about their age, their gender, their profession, their income. Are they married? Do they have kids? Where do they live? All of these details will fill in a picture of the circumstances of their lives, and this is really where the broad title of who your audience is starts to come to life in a little bit of detail.

So, get in to as much information as you can about their demographics and uncover those circumstances. Step number three understand their behaviors, so here you want to really get into the personality of this individual in step. Number two you’re uncovering their circumstances, but step number three we’re starting to get a little bit more human, so we’re starting to uncover things like what magazines they like to read. What news sources they listen to, what type of music do they listen to what food do they like to eat? What restaurants do they like to go to? What do they like to do in their spare time? What sports do they watch? What sports do they play?

What hobbies do they have so this really starts to paint in a picture of the personality that they have the type of person that they are and the characteristics that they have step. Number four identify their goals now, identifying their goals will give you an insight into their psyche in terms of the makeup of the person. So there are two levels to this. Their first goal will be their underlying definitive goal in terms of what their purpose is, what their life’s purpose is, what mission they’re on? What is it that they want to achieve overall within their lives?

What is that main goal, and then on a more contextual level?

What is it that they’re trying to achieve right now that you’re going to be able to help them with within your brand, in terms of the outcome that you provide them so understanding their goals will give you a real insight into their psyche and understanding their goals? On those two different levels in terms of their overarching goals for their lives and then their contextual goals, in terms of what they’re trying to achieve right now, step number five uncover their obstacles, so they are trying to achieve something they are trying to achieve that goal. Their life’s goal their contextual goal, but what is it that’s, standing in the way of those goals right now? What obstacles are they coming across?

What challenges are they coming across?

If it was easy to get to their end goal, they wouldn’t need help and they’re probably going out in search of help, because they can’t do it on their own if they can’t do it on their own. What is it that they cannot do on their own?

What is getting stuck, what is in their way and what is it that they need help with, and step number six reveal their emotions now if they are trying to get somewhere if they have this big goal that they want to achieve. If they have this immediate goal that they want to achieve and something is standing in their way and blocking their route to get there well then they’re gon na have some kind of emotion attached to that now, they’ll have an emotion attached to the goal that they Want to achieve in terms how that will make them feel if they achieve it, and they also have emotions attached to the obstacles that are standing in the way.

How do those obstacles make them feel and if they can’t get rid of those obstacles and achieve that goal? What is that going to do for their lives and how is that going to make them feel so tapping into their emotions in terms of both their goals and their challenges is really really critical. Now, look if you go online and google how to find your audience or look it up on youtube. Even you’ll find a lot of videos and a lot of articles that will talk about the demographics and the psychographics, and they are very important.

They are a very, very important starting point, but if you know the demographics – and you know their psychographics, you still don’t have any real information that will help you to connect with your audience, because it’s through their human emotions that you’re going to connect it’s through understanding. What they’re going through understanding those goals, understanding those obstacles and understanding the emotion attached to both the goals and the obstacles?

So, when you start to look at who your audience is, don’t look for the demographics and the psychographics as the end goal. Look for those that information as a starting point. You want to go a lot deeper than that. You want to understand who your audience is, because when you have this information, you are armed with really really valuable insights that you can use in. Not only the development of your brand, but you can use in the communication at every single touch point to connect and resonate with who your audience is and how they’re feeling. But I would love to hear from you in terms of your experiences and your challenges.

Have you identified your audience, have you created audience personas and uncovered that level of information to then use at every single touch point to then use in the development of your positioning strategy and your communication strategy, or are you struggling to identify who your audience is or Are you struggling to extract that information that you can then use to connect and resonate on a human level?

I’D love to hear your experiences in the box below if you’ve got any challenges?

Let me know in the box below I’ll do my best to answer all of those. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and the notification bell as well and let you know when i’ve got new videos coming out. If you want more actionable brand strategy, tips and techniques, just like this one head on over to, get yourself signed up for the list.

It’s free and i keep some exclusive content for that list as well, so make sure you’re on that list. But, as I said, I’d love to hear from you in terms of your challenges and your experiences I’ll do my best to answer all of those until next time, brain, like a master, and I will see you in the next video you.

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Competitive landscape analysis

One of the most annoying things in business is when your competitors are getting ahead  of you and you don’t know why. Even though your goods are great, your customer service is great,  and your marketing is sharp and full of useful information, your market share is  still going down. You can’t just watch your rivals and wonder what they’re doing right  to solve this puzzle. You need to be methodical and make a study of the competitive landscape. A competitive landscape analysis is a proactive way to find out how you stack up against other companies in your business.
By using the strengths of your business, you can close the gap between you and your rivals and avoid taking a purely reactive approach. To do it right, you need to plan and put in some work, but the results can be big. What is a study of the competitive landscape? A competitive landscape study is a way to find and learn about your competitors in a planned way. You  do a thorough study into how they make products, market them, sell them, and handle other important  tasks.

Instead of guessing why you aren’t doing well, you can make counter-strategies based on  accurate and reliable facts from the analysis. An study of the competitive landscape should  look at five main things: Who your business’s rivals are What your rivals sell and how they do it The pros and cons of your rivals How your competitors are achieving their goals and how you can do the same The overall picture for the market Every business, from small start-ups  to the biggest companies in an industry, can gain from a competitive landscape analysis. Finding out what your competitors are doing to increase their profits is a great way to increase your own. What a competitive landscape study can do for you A study of the competitive landscape tells you where your business could go in the future. In the short run, it shows what needs to be done next.

By taking a careful look at what your competitors are doing, you can find out more about your potential customers and how you can reach them better. When you look at the competition, you can also get a better idea of what your company’s unique value proposition (UVP) is.

When you know your unique value proposition (UVP), you can focus on the things that make your business stand out.

These are the things you do better than your competitors or differently. Businesses that do well know how important it is to do a competitive landscape study.

Competitive  research is done by about 90% of the Fortune 500 companies. 69% of businesses that have outsourced  their competitive intelligence work have said that it was a good decision overall. Any business can  start getting the benefits of this useful practice as soon as they have a good plan  and the right tools. Here’s what to do first. 8 steps to make a framework for analyzing the competitive scene

1.Get in order If it’s not organized or ordered, reams of raw data won’t tell you much. The first step  is to make an organization tool for your info. Make a matrix or worksheet that you can change,  sort, and share. Having a way to see how your data looks can also be very helpful. You’ll end up with a lot of different data and information to record, but you can start by making a list of your known rivals and putting them into groups.
2.Identify your competition Who are you up against? And how should you put them in groups? You probably know the answer to the first question right  off the top of your head, but you shouldn’t just study the most obvious competitors. Start with a list of ten competitors and sort them into three groups: main, secondary, and tertiary. The main category is for your straight competitors, which are companies that make or sell almost the same thing as you. They are close, but not exactly the same, as the main competitors.

Your  secondary rivals are businesses that sell a version of your product with  different features or that market to a different group of people. In the tertiary category are companies that sell something that is truly  different from what you sell and could be bought instead of what you sell. To take your competitive analysis approach to the next level, you can also add an industry benchmark to see how you and your rivals compare to the averages for your industry.

3. Look at what they say Once you know who the players are, you can start to look at the information they put out and figure out what it means. Pay attention to: How they advertise the way they show things Their website and everything they put on it (blogs, whitepapers, eBook’s, testimonials, emails, etc.) Videos, webinars, and podcasts are all types of multimedia material. Using software tools to find and scrape the material is one way to do this. Don’t be afraid to do study by hand when you need to.  Pretend you’re a customer and go through the buying process to see what material your competitors offer. See what topics, ways of communicating, and choices about branding stand out the most.

4. Check their social media pages. Social media is one of the best ways to find out about your competitors. Buyers  are looking to social media more than ever to get real, unfiltered information and talk about  what they might buy. Businesses that sell to consumers and businesses that sell to other businesses are both rushing to meet this demand with a strong social media presence, a consistent voice, and a lot of material. Most of the time, social media is the best place to get a sense of a company’s brand image. It’s an easy way to find out about their latest marketing plans and how they interact with their customers.

Because social media is so big, tools that help you listen to it can be very helpful. In fact, using social listening for competitive analysis can help you make sure you’re keeping an eye on the right hashtags, keywords, and conversations that might be happening that are important to your business.

5. Look at their business plan and products. When you watch and listen in all the right places, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture of your competitors’ marketing plan. What you’re looking for is: Where are they putting the most effort into marketing? Where do they buy the ads? What perks are they giving buyers to get them deeper into their sales funnel? Pay close attention to the CTAs in their text. Look at their options to see where and how they ask potential customers to sign up for more information. Join their email list to see for yourself how they organize and order their email marketing.  Find out if they are advertising any special deals or free stuff.

With this knowledge, you can figure out how they try to turn leads into customers.

6. Look at what they’re offering and how much it costs You don’t just look at what your competitors do so you can copy them. Sometimes you can see what isn’t working, which is something you don’t want to do. It’s also important to think about how a good plan for a competitor might not work for your business. This is especially true when you are looking at secondary or tertiary rivals. But when setting your costs, it’s important to know what your competitors charge for similar goods or services. You can’t win the battle for people if you charge too much.

On the other hand, lowering competitors’ prices by a lot can mean lower quality or less customer service. You can also find out a lot about what customers want by looking at normal sales for the kind of  goods you sell. This information can help you decide if it makes sense to offer customers free trials, deals, or subscriptions as ways to get them to buy from you.

7.Figure out where they are Companies that have a good marketing and communication plan know how important it is to stand out in the market. Hey, do this by coming up with ways to be different from their competitors. When you look at what your rivals are saying, look for the themes and ideas that set them apart. Imagine that there are three pizza places on the same block. One has the biggest pieces, another has the quickest service, and the third says it has the healthiest ingredients.  All of them are in competition, but they all stand in very different ways.

To come up with your own unique selling point, you need to know how your competitors are positioned.

8. Use SWOT, the PEST, and other models to analyze the competition. For a competitive landscape research process, you don’t have to make up  your own structure. You can use models that have been used before, like SWOT and PEST.
SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Your business’s strengths and flaws show what it’s like on the inside. Threats and opportunities are outside factors. In a competitive landscape analysis, you try to figure out the SWOT factors of your rivals so you can compare them to your own. PEST is an additional framework that looks at external issues in more depth.

It looks at how a business responds to political, economic, social, technological, and sometimes legal and environmental forces. You can look into other models, but SWOT and PEST are the ones you need to start with.

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Master TikTok Marketing For Your Business | Go Viral & Increase Sales Quick!

You probably see a tiny little gorilla figurine. I see Harambe someone who must be protected at all costs, which leads me to today’s topic: tick, tock, a beautiful segway! Am i right. As of last month, tick tock beat out YouTube for average watch time in the us and the up. So, if you’ve been thinking about adding tick tock to your business for social media marketing, the time to do it is now, if not for me, for Harambe, especially if you’re interested in capturing the attention of the gen z audience. What’S up it’s jamal from hubspot in this video, i’m going to show you how to get your business on tiktok today, so you can start to grow your audience with all the tools and techniques already being used by some of the biggest brands.

If you want to learn more about the current state of social media, marketing, download, hubspot’s, free social media trends, 2021 report, the link is in the description and while you’re there be sure to subscribe to this channel and ring that notification bell. Even if you don’t have TikTok on your phone, you’ve definitely felt its impact from the meld crate challenge to that guy on a skateboard drinking cranberry juice, while Fleetwood mac is playing. Many of the biggest viral moments of the past few years got going on tick. Tock. No wonder tick: tock was the world’s most downloaded app in 2020, beating out both Facebook and Instagram, and it remains in the number one spot, with 2.6 billion downloads, since it launched in 2016.

So, if you haven’t already it’s time to download TikTok and start using it for your business, where to begin well, first, you need to properly set up your profile start by going to manage your account in settings and select switch to business account. This gives you access to specialized features like enhanced metrics, a business content guide and music approved for commercial use.

When setting up your profile photo and bio.

There isn’t much of a difference from other social media accounts, use, text, emojis and hashtags.

To briefly describe your business ticktock also lets you include one URL in your bio, just like Instagram.

That space should be your homepage or use link tree. If you need multiple links, TikTok also lets you link your profile to your Instagram or YouTube account with a separate cat right next to the bright red, follow button that is some premium real estate and it’s kind of a flex on tick, tock’s part there, basically, just Like go on leave our platform, they already know they know we love it so now you’re all set and ready to start tick-tocking.

But what are you gon na post? Like all social media? You don’t just want to start posting willy-nilly.

TikTok is a video first platform, which means you need a content strategy for creating a steady stream of attention-grabbing clips like any marketing strategy. You want to start with considering your user profiles. Some content might work great for tick tock as a platform, but does it connect to your audience at the same time, you need to make content that performs well on TikTok, so spend some time researching what other businesses in your category do to earn followers engagement and, If you take nothing else away from this video, please do not be cringy.

There are so many brands that think that they get it, and they don’t get it just.

You know maybe ask young people a little bit what they do.

You know I’m saying look at what young people do you know tick tock makes this easy with their video showcase tool which lets you flip through the top brand videos in terms of number of likes and levels of engagement, as well as the most liked videos from All creators – this is a good starting point, but you’ll want to do some deeper research into your immediate competitors to really get a sense of what’s possible. Once you have some ideas as to what kind of content you want to make start creating a calendar, it’s generally recommended that brands post on tick tock, one to three times a day to maximize engagement.

This can seem like a lot but remember that not all your tick tocks have to be award award-winning masterpieces, and i know this because i tried to do that myself. Sundance hasn’t called me. Unfortunately, out of all the social media platforms out there, tic tac is the most casual meaning you can post authentic moments from your business without turning every 15. Second video clip into a major production according to TikTok’s own research.

The number one reason users report going to tick tock is to lift their spirits, so keep things light and entertaining want to see a good example. This tick tock from chipotle is nothing more than a smartphone video of someone dipping their quesadilla in guacamole, while song sings about dipping a quesadilla in guacamole.

That’s it that’s. The whole thing doesn’t need to get more sophisticated than that. Literally people eat this stuff up.

You know they’re goon an get puns yeah one of the fundamentals of tick tock is the way it lets. Users play music over their videos. For that reason, dance trends or other music-based content dominate the platform. If you want to talk about dance trends, listen, you know. Yeah, there you go, you know who you got a hit up uh somebody else. I don’t know what I’m doing as a brand you’re required to use music from the app’s commercial use, library of pre-cleared songs.

Otherwise, your post could end up being taken down or worse. You could actually end up being sued for copyright infringement if your brand just has to be part of the tick tock music trend.

It’s up to you to license the song directly from the owner, then safe list it with tick tock. This is legally required, even if you’re working with influencers, whose creator accounts, don’t have the same limitations as a business account. But before you put in tons of effort licensing the hottest tracks, independent research tells us that 65 of tick talkers prefer content from brands.

That feature original sounds if you need help creating these sounds tick.

Tock has partnered with several music distributors and production companies that can help you create or discover your own catchy tunes optimized for tick. Tock. Keep in mind that, while it’s great to participate in existing tick, tock trends to gain likes and views, the gold standard for a brand on tick tock is to create a trend of your own converse.

Did this to promote its London fashion week, activation by encouraging other London tick-tockers to express themselves creatively using a pair of all-stars as their canvas and it used one of tick-tock’s branded hashtag challenges, plus a media package to promote the campaign with a discover page banner campaign.

Hashtag and music page recommendation: there was also a seamless shoppable experience to boost sales, and the brand commissioned some of the most popular artists on TikTok to kickstart. The campaign with their own all-star designs. Influencers are a huge deal on tick tock, so you’ll probably want to use them at some point for your brand.

I am not available, though, but thanks for asking using influencers doesn’t have to mean hiring someone with millions of followers.

If you spend time following your brand’s niche on TikTok, you’ll, see plenty of micro, influencers or potential influencers who you can reach out to directly and get them talking about your business for help with that process, download HubSpot’s, free, influencer marketing, guide from the link in the Description, finally, if you’re going to maintain a steady stream of relatable, participatory and niche specific content on tick, tock you’re going to need the same tools, the pros use fan bytes is a great app for finding influencers in the coveted 13 to 21 year old range to use.

In your TikTok campaigns and I’m sure, you’re thinking really Jamal 13-year-olds, that’s who we’re goon and have push our products and our campaigns and our brands. Yes, they are powerful. More powerful than you could ever realize via maker.

Is a video editing tool made by the owners of tick tock to really upgrade your clips?

Trental offers ai-powered analytics to help predict.

What’s going to become a tick-tock trend, exalitre is designed to help optimize your own content to maximize engagement and story clash offers monitoring.

So you can discover where tick talkers are talking about things relevant to your brand and, like all social media, it’s important to interact with other users by commenting on things in a proactive and non-spammy way. Some of these are free apps for your phone, while others are paid services, but they’re all worth it to help.

You make the most of your tik-tok marketing efforts. After all, it’s not every day that a new app comes around and takes over the entire internet. I would know i tried with jamba it didn’t work to learn how to succeed on all your social media platforms. You can sign up for HubSpot, academy’s, free online social media certification using the link below and don’t forget to like this video on your way to class. Now, if you’ll excuse me Harambe – and i have some trends to start all right – they’re not going to start themselves – we want to be the first ones to do it.

You already know how this game works all right until then I’ll see you next time now, if you’ll excuse me Harambe, i let you down literally.