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Category: Health (Page 1 of 2)

10,000 Steps For 30 Days – Our Weight Loss Results!

We walked 10,000 steps every day for 30 days. Find out what happened. Hi, I’m Zena and I’m doing the 10,000 steps a day challenge because I want to try and make my baseline activity for the day a little more active. My name is Fatima I decided to do the 10,000 steps challenge because I thought I wasn’t walking enough I’m Kim and I signed up to do the 10,000 steps a day for the accountability Hi, I’m Erica. I’m doing the 10,000 steps challenge because I know I definitely don’t walk enough I’m hoping after 30 days that I’ll see a little bit more definition, I think that’s always good and I think it’s really cool to be able to see those kind of results from just walking because I think people would think like walking, not really a form of exercise but there’s old ladies out there getting it with their steps in every day and they seem pretty limber and fit I’m hoping to lose a little weight because I feel that I don’t exercise enough and that’ll push me a little I feel like I’m skinny fat and I’d like to decrease my body fat percentage I would love to feel a little bit more mobile and less stiff and also reduce stress How many steps a day would you say you typically take?

I think I take average 3,000 to 4,000 I usually take between 3,000 and 5,000 steps a day and that’s thanks to my dog You know what’s sad? I actually walk to work currently You do? I do! And I still only get like 5,000 steps a day because I live very close to work I usually take about probably 2,000 to 3,000 a day during the week on the weekends it’s different probably like 20,000 because I like to go on long hikes Do you know why you’re supposed to take 10,000 steps a day or have you heard that before? I’ve heard it but I don’t know why.

Maybe it originates from the past because I know back in the day they used to walk like six miles a day I’ll link this article below but apparently the 10,000 steps myth came about in the 1960s when a Japanese company started selling pedometers which is a very good way of getting people to buy pedometers setting an arbitrary number that’s high and telling them that they need to step that much every day but studies later confirmed that people who take 10,000 steps a day have lower blood pressure, they have more stable glucose levels and better moods – which I’m all about You know, I get quite moody and I am looking forward to seeing if that is going to add a noticeable lift to my day Today marks Day 1 of 30 I am currently at 8,900 which is pretty good I walked to work today which was nice I’ve been telling myself to do this forever So, it is almost nine o’clock and I just brushed my teeth I have already put on pajamas I’m like fully ready to wind down and start getting ready for bed and realize I only have nine thousand steps so…

Gona put pants on again and go out there for another thousand It is day seven how are we doing so far, Kim? I think I’m not doing so well… How many days did you successfully walk 10,000 steps? Confidently, three days I walked 10,000 steps three times I have successfully completed seven for seven walking 10,000 steps I walked 10,000 step for six days I’ve actually been in a really great mood the last few days I feel good I think knowing that I’m taking a lot of steps actually makes me feel great For me I think it’s a little bit too soon to tell if I feel any different I’m excited for the next three weeks I think it’s been good so far I’m getting a lot of audiobooks in Okay, guys.

Seven days done stay tuned to see how the rest of it goes… will we make it? I’m getting ready to go do my walk it’s a little early but um it feels good the morning feels good I’m only 6,500 steps in so I’m taking a post-work walk with my dog she’s really enjoying this challenge It’s like now finally 9 o’clock and I still have 5,000 steps to go this is probably the hardest day so far for this challenge Steps challenge life hack you can get about 5000 steps in 30 minutes…On the jump rope! We have completed week two of the 10,000 steps a day challenge Kim, how’s it going? I’m struggling! How many days of the week of the past week have you completed 10,000 steps I would say five That’s really good!

It’s good but it’s a struggle! This week I walked 10,000 steps for three days straight I have miraculously hit 7 for 7 I think now I’m just on a streak and I’m stubborn I’m like don’t want to break it but it does involve a lot of like “Okay, 10 o’clock at night and I still have 3000 to go.” Mmhmm.

Gotta get up and walk around the living room I think I walk 10,000 steps maybe once or twice only This week wasn’t good So that is the end of Week 2 Let’s see how we do for the last two, Kim! It is a Saturday morning It’s been so lovely and lazy I’m just watching MasterChef and Queer Eye but lo and behold it’s almost 12 o’clock and I have 132 steps Ahh!

Just getting home we have about four flights of stairs to climb that should get me maybe a hundred steps maybe two and… Jackpot! Okay, so we are in Week 3, and I am still struggling!

I’m really behind I think I’m the one who’s got the lowest score I feel like the step nazi This one over here has like 12,000 or 13,000 I’ve taken up a new hobby I now jump rope every morning for about five minutes Nice! This week to get my steps in I actually have just been like having a dance party at home by yourself.

By myself! Really cool…You know, I tried this morning to step in my shower while I was showering Getting your steps in is not cool it’s like walking around your block by yourself without a dog or pacing around your friends or like dancing in your living room by yourself My biggest challenge is that I don’t find enough time during my day I think just the nature of working a desk job it is challenging by itself and also having travelled for work recently I don’t know… I don’t really know what the benefits I’m feeling are I don’t know that I feel more fit but I feel more mentally in a good place Mmhmm I agree with that I think I’m still snacking a lot more Me too!

Yeah, yeah. Once I start walking I’m just feeling great Yeah and I think mentally it’s become almost like a measure of success for a good day like I made it 10,000 steps I can go to bed, I’m happy That’s week three! Stay tuned one more week left let’s do this I am about 3,000 steps in at 6:00 p.m.

So I am about to go outside and go for a hike The most annoying thing has happened my headphones have gone on the fritz I realized how much I rely on listening to things to get through 10,000 steps a day and now that it’s not working I don’t want to walk anywhere I’m over it So we’ve reached the end of our 30 day challenge How’d you finish up here in the last week?

Disastrous My last week was good I made almost 20,000 steps probably five days a week My average for the month was 11,000 a day Well I kind of stepped up 3,000 steps a day I think my average is about 7,000 I think my average was about 8,000 That’s probably twice as much as it was! Prior to this, yeah Yeah definitely I think I gained weight on this challenge Oh, I’m sure I did and that kind of upset me and was probably part of the reason I just blew it on the last day I still lost a pound I gained weight! last day I still left it bound I gained It must be from walking to get snacks or because I traded my workouts for long walks instead I gained half a pound okay but I did lose on my waist and I lost body fat so maybe I gained muscle I think my body fat was about the same and I did lose an inch What advice would you give to someone who wanted to attempt 10,00 steps a day?

I think if you have the time to do it it’ll be much easier Get comfortable shoes and be prepared to give up some social time Also be mindful of your diet because you will be snacking often And get a good watch, something that can track your steps accurately so you want to check it every day and stay motivated I think I was looking for more physical changes throughout this challenge and that didn’t happen but I still really enjoyed it and I think I actually will continue to try and be mindful about how many steps I’m getting a day and try hit closer to 10,000 I think it’s a really interesting challenge to be more mindful of how much you walk and also what you put your time towards Okay that marks the end of our 10,000 steps a day challenge If you enjoyed, go ahead and like this video Comment below with anything else we should try for 30 days and let us know if you have completed this challenge.

The Spirulina Secret: 5 Jaw-Dropping Reasons to Eat It Daily!

I’M so excited to present you today, with the spirulina benefits my top five benefits of spirulina. Those benefits are really motivating me to almost drink this every day. This is a spirulina water, just water and spirulina powder, nothing else in there before we jump to the five best benefits. I just want to give you like a little short thing, so you know what spirulina actually is. You might have wondered, or at least i wondered why spirulina why this name where’s this origin coming from comes all from the autonomic structure of this algae. It’s literally like a spiral. I’M goon an put you an image here, so you can look at it. This green thingy over there is not just cute and beautiful and blue and green with colors.

When you hold into the light, it’s literally it’s so beautiful it’s alive.

It’s cyanobacteria: it’s in a live bacterium which brings us to health benefit number one. This stuff is very, very gut friendly. Why?

Because it’s a bacterium, it can act like a probiotic in your gut meaning it can help to repopulate your gut with the good gut bacteria. So, in the case, if you had any antibiotic treatments or if you just feel like oh, i need some retirement of my digestive system. This is going to do the job, it’s a natural, probiotic, spirulina and with very little side effects. I also record a video if you’re kind of oh, I’m so sensitive to anything, and i want to be sure i have thyroid issues. People have told me not to do spirulina i’ll link your video up here or up there, which you can check out where i talk all about spirulina side effects, they’re really on the lower end, because spirulina is a very safe food. In fact, it’s so safe that health benefit number two.

The world health organization claimed this food as the food of the future. Now they don’t do this lightly, and why is this the food of the future, because it’s a nutrient powerhouse, it’s one of the it’s one of the densest foods that you can find on planet earth. It has 34 times more iron than the good spinach good old spinach. It has four times more antioxidants than any berry any of the chai berries any of the good berries.

This outperforms, almost all the foods on the planet, eight percent, more calcium than milk, which you have hopefully don’t drink and it’s very easy digestible. At the same time, bursting with chlorophyll b vitamins. Vitamin k is in there lots of minerals, also trace minerals like zinc, which are hard to get unless you’re, providing it with a good supplement, magnesium and most of all, if you’re one of those people i need the protein, i need the protein. I need more protein eating vegan there we go.

Here’s your protein, 60 dry weight protein and it’s easy digestible. It’s not like meat sitting in your stomach and taxing all your secretion in the enzymes in the stomach acid, it’s not sitting in there. It’s literally supporting your digestive system, the end of this video, if you make it through all these minutes of listening, I’ve got a secret spirulina ice cream for you and I’ve tried it out with my friends: they love it. Kids love it. Everybody loves it and it comes at the end of the video so make sure you stay with me till the end before we come to number three, i want to know from you: have you tried spirulina? Have you seen any benefits?

What and if so, if you tried it, what changes did you notice? You can also put in the comments below oh, Peggy. It sounds good. I haven’t tried it yet because let me know what spirulina so far did for you in the comments below, so you can share all the experience and support each other in the community. I have benefit number three: it oxygenates your blood. Now you might not feel like wow.

This is so exciting. You might think, like your pain is gone a little bit, but nuts nuts oxygenates your blood. Why is this so key oxygen? Is everything over 50 of your body of living organisms is oxygen?

Oxygen is everything, oxygen means your brain works better. It means oxygen, kills viruses in the body viruses, it stabilizes your organs, it helps your body and your internal organs to perform on an optimal level, and if you have brain fog, for example, here we go. This eat your oxygen right now, if you’re dealing with any kind of strep viruses bacteria in your butter pylori, whatever you’re dealing with candida, you want to get this this stuff, because this is the green alive healing liquid cheers health benefit number four energy: it boosts your Energy levels on a daily basis, try. I know it’s not the same taste but try to replace your coffee with spirulina, and you will see you have more energy and have the energy over a long period of time, and it doesn’t crash after one hour or two hours.

It’s literally like an endurance food.

So, if you’re, somebody who does a lot of sport, if you need focus, if you need high performance or you have a lot of stress levels in your life, spirulina is the answer for that. It also helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels also because it gives stress release to the body. It’s also really good. If you’re dealing with adrenal fatigue or you’re just feeling tired a lot. Maybe you even have allergies, and this is the food you want to eat. Every day, last but not least, on the benefit side, number five spirulina is your best friend when it comes to detoxing. If you’re somebody who’s health conscious, maybe you want to give your liver, a break you’re doing some celery juice, maybe you’re doing some medical, medium protocol or you’re just conscious, okay, i don’t have the performance that i had a few years ago. I might need some detoxing now with detoxing.

A lot can go wrong, and this is why, when i work with clients, i always recommend them to have some detox support and spirulina is one of those detox supporters, because not just only that it boosts your immune system.


All the nutrients that you need has antioxidants when you’re detoxing there’s a lot of toxic stress in your body and what spirulina does is you’re detoxing with solar, celery juice or cleansing juice in the morning and your liver, which is a huge organ here on the right. In your right, ribcage one and a half kilos, three pounds has a lot of toxins stored.

That’s what it does. It saves it from damaging other organs. When you’re moving into the detoxing process, the body will let go of toxins in like a pulsating wave, not just like continuously like pulsating, and when this pulsating happens and the toxins coming out from the liver, for example, that creates stress in the body.

It’s not just. Oh, my god, I’m detoxing, I’m feeling better, I’m feeling better. No most people feel like crap me included. I feel like. Oh my god, i’m tired. Why is this? Because those toxins they are still toxic when they come out of the liver right and what spirulina does is it binds to those toxins? Imagine like a sponge when they come out, spirulina kind of grabs them and binds to them and helps to get them transported out safely. So, they do not get reabsorbed in what is called the anterior hepatic cycle, which is the cycle between your gut and your liver.

This is why, for example, antibiotics.

They are kind of circulating forever in this loop because they don’t have a transport way to get out the system and spirulina exactly provides this.

It’s not the same as chlorella, for example, you can imagine chlorella being like the little sister of spirulina. Corella is very clumsy.

So, it takes up some toxins and then oof lets them fall down. This happens while your blood is going through your brain and chlorella decides. Oh now is a good time. You got some toxic heavy metals in your brain, so chlorella. I do not recommend at all to take chlorella if you have chlorella in a green powder or things like that. It’s fine, because it’s usually very small and it’s mixed with others, but not taking chlorella powder like i recommend you spirulina bonus content.

Here it comes so we have the delicious recipe that i promised you and it’s coming up now, spirulina ice cream. What you need is you need two cups of frozen ripe banana, so they need to be brown, two cups and one cup of frozen pineapple. Half a lemon juice from half a lemon and you need one teaspoon of spirulina powder to mix it all. Together, you put everything in the blender and then add a little bit of water, or also, if you have coconut water, coconut water makes everything a little bit more. Tropical more beautiful, add as much as you need getting it through in the blender and then you have like this kind of creamy ice cream. You have this kind of very slush, creamy dark, green, exciting, sweet ice cream.

That gets you definitely attention on any party that you get to, but if i make it i usually don’t get it anywhere because i just eat it me.

Headache Relief | Headache Treatment | Headache Home Remedies

If you’ve got a headache right now, then thesis the video for you, here’s what you can do, foursome quick headache, relief, first of all, tension headaches. What are they well there, probably the most common type of headache.

It usually feels like band around your head, which is causing that pain and.

It usually is relieved when those stressful conditions are relieved, or the concentration levels are reduced that are causing it as well okay. So if you’re watching this video, i take it you, probably most likely have a headache going on at the moment, if you do have a tension type headache, the first tip that I’m going to tell you which is the number one easiest thing to do: to give you, some relief involves two Tennis, balls and a sock; okay, if you have them at home, great you’re really goon an find this helpful.

Okay so what you do you get two tennis balls put them. Ina nice, clean sock, lie down on the floor.

Okay, lie-down and place the tennis balls behind your neck next thing.

You need to do is just move your head rock it forwards and backwards if you’re lying down or you can move it side to side just gently so. It massages that area. Okay, this technique, can really give people a lot of relief from attention headache pretty much straight away. So, if it is a tension headache, i want you to try that first okay it’s, probably one of the easiest and best things to do if you don’t have a tennis ball at homer. If you don’t have a sock at home, that’s clean you can also give yourself a self-massage, okay it’s, probably not as good, but you can just massage that area behind the neck, really give it a sort.

Of rotating motion like so work.

Your way up and down this can also be really helpful: okay, so that’s the first tip done, but what other options are available we have loads of different things that. We can try so tip number two tip number twos, very easy go to your freezer, get a pack, of frozen vegetables or whatever you have or if you, have an ice pack even better wrap it in a tea towel, okay and place it on the area place it on the, forehead And around the side of the head, thesis just going to give us that relief, it’s going, to help relax. Those muscles are so tense that causing that tension headache. You can also do this withal hot towel as well. Some people found find a hot towel more useful, so see which one works. Better for you, okay, some people prefer the hot the colder sort of eyes.

Some people prefer hot. I prefer the cold, but then again everyone’s a little different now.

Moving on to tip number three tip number threes: relaxation: okay, if you’ve had a busy stressful day and you’ve, got that tension, headache going on first thing: you need to do: switch off those lights okay switch off those lights, switch off. Those electronics close your laptop close turn. Your TV off turn! Your phone off everything turn it all offend close and relax. Okay, let me close your eyes for a bit as well. This can really help you to relax things. If you want take a little nap, Takea 10 20 minute nap, okay, a little power nap, just so you’re, not feeling too groggy, because if you sleep too much, then you are going to feel very groggy so 10, 20 minute little quick, nap or even if your eyes just shut for 10 to 20 minutes, this can really help cause that relaxation and help with the tension.

Headache: okay, so moving on to tip number, four tip number four is a bit of a tricky one: okay, because too much of it is a bathing and a lot of it is actually a good thing for, a headache, and that is caffeine. Okay, caffeine constricts our blood vessels around our head okays, if you haven’t, had any caffeine on the day consider having you know, a small cup of coffee bit of tea, something like that or even a bit of green tea, or something like that.

It’s just going to get a bit of caffeine into our system and it’s going to help with detention. Headache the opposites, though, if you’re having too much caffeine that, can cause the opposite effect and actually cause a headache as well.

Okay, so think to yourself actually I’ve had six cups of coffee todays, that’s probably what’s causing it. Okay, soot much caffeine is a bad thing. A little bit of caffeine is actually a good thing. I’M moving on to tip number five tip number five is all about medication. Okay, in terms of medication what, do i recommend well paracetamol. And ibuprofen is really good. Potential headaches, okay, but the most important thing that you need to remember is taking it early okay. I can’t emphasize on this point: enough when you feel like you’ve got a headache coming on when you feel like you’ve got migraine. Or anything, like that tension, headache, anything takes it early.

Okay, don’t wait until your symptoms are really bad, take it soon as possible, so it gets in your system and give you that relief. Okay, the other thing that you need to consider as well. Ascertain different formulations can get into your system faster. Okay, for example, dispersible tablets liquids, okay, that sort of stuff can get just a lot quicker and let’s say a tablet, because it needs to come to your stomach. Then it needs to break and disperse and slowly absorb so bear that in minds well and lastly, always speak to you. Healthcare professional before buying any medications before you buy paracetamol or iPro fit anything like that, let them know so they can Takea history.

They can make sure you’re safe and suitable to take that medication, always read the information leaflet that comes with it that is the most important thing, because your safety is, the most important thing, okay, so now we ‘redone with the treatment options for the tension headache. Okay, I’m trying to make this quick because. I know you like this information quickly but thorough. At the same time, the next thing i want to talk about is prevention, okay, it’s much better to prevent getting a tension, headache than getting it in the first place, so let’s talk about those tips.

Okay. So, let’s begin with tip number one tip number one is: are you hydrated are you drinking enough water? Are you drinking enough fluids? Basically, okay. Remember all fluids: count to hydration! Okay!

This includes tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, orange juice, water, all of them cow, soup all of them count food.

Has it in it as well byte way, so i want you to make sure that you are staying hydrated the reason I’m telling you thesis. If you’re dehydrated, your brain shrinks, and it shrinks and it pulls away from the skull. When it pulls away from the skull it can cause.

These tension headache type symptoms, okay, so staying hydrated in the first place may prevent the headache from coming on so definitely think about that. One now in terms of how much fluid should bedrinking, you should be drinking about six to eight glasses a day of water. Okay, but remember other drinks contribute to it as well, so bear that in mind. Now, let’s move on to tip number two tip number two is making sure you’re not getting eyestrain.

Okay, if you have to wear glasses, wear your glasses: okay, if you’re constantly straining todo tasks to read things to read the monitor, okay go and see your optician, because all of this can potentially be causing the headache in the FirstPlace also make sure you’re taking breaks formwork.

If you’re constantly sat from your computerlike that one okay and typing away and doing your work and not taking a break, it’s goon an cause, that strain, okay and that strain is goon an bring on that headache. And we don’t want the headache. Moving onto tip number three make sure you are well fed okay, make sure you’re not starving yourself.

And your blood glucose levels aren’t dipping downtown to those bottom levels: okay, because ifrit is that can actually bring on headaches as well and especially when you’re working and you’re doing things and you forget about if you’re eating or you keep pushing on further and further before you eat, so make sure You have set times to eat so there’s blood sugar, levels that blood glucose levels aren’t dropping down too low because that might be causing it in the FirstPlace. Moving on to tip number four tip number fours all about relaxation.

You need to make sure you are not stressing okay too much, because if you ‘redoing it too much, your goon can be releasing loads of adrenaline and its goon an make you tensional tense those muscles and tense the muscles around the face and its goon a potentially cause that tension headache. So, we need to make sure weave relaxation techniques in place. Thankfully already have quite a few videos on different styles of relaxing and reducing stress, levels so I’d highly recommend watching them.

If you’re someone, who knows that you’re getting stressed-out a lot more often, okay, I’ll leave a link toit up here and in the description below and tip number five make sure you are getting enough. Sleepy know it sounds basic, but if you are not getting enough sleep, your body doesn’t have enough time, to refresh the brain, basically, okay, when we sleep outbrain, actually gets cleaned and refreshed during that time. Okay, that’s the best way to look at it it’s like when you’ve had your computer open fora long time and it’s getting really slow, because you never switch off and give it a full restart okay. And then after we started it’s all super-fast again.

Okay, the brain’s kind of like that, but a lot more a lot trickier okay, but we need to make sure we’re getting enough sleep, so you need tobe getting eight hours of sleep and good quality sleep. Okay, if you don’t know what good quality sleep is, it’s goon can be quite a long video, if ego through it in this video, but it’s making sure that you’re sleeping at the right time it’s, making sure that you’re doing the right thing so it’s high-quality sleep and your body will Thank you for that. Okay lack of sleep has been shown to increase headaches migraines tension, headaches.

Everything like that okay so make sure you’re getting sleep if you’re someone who struggles to get asleep.

If you want more information on good quality, sleep – and i keep plugging videos right now, but it’s otherwise going to – make this video really long. If i talk about them, so i have lots of videos on them, topics already on sleep, how to get better quality, sleep and leave it up here and in the description below so.

It looks like we’ve come to the end of ThisWeek’s video.

Please remember there are times where you should seek medical attention for a headache and, I’m going to leave loads, more information in, the description below, as i always say, at the end of every single video always remember you’re awesome, and i will see you next week. You feel like a headache is coming on. If you feel like that, i did not expect that. Oh god, it’s so hot in here tomorrow is apparently one of the hottest days in the up.

It’s going to be 40degrees and it’s definitely already getting there super-hot. Thankfully i had very big hands and it had like a little uh vanity.

Lazy Commissions

10 easy tips to Eliminate Joint Pain Naturally: Knee Arthritis treatment

If you’ve ever experienced the pain of arthritis, especially in your knees, you know how frustrating it can be.

Simple movements become painful and suddenly everyday tasks feel like a challenge.

But what, if I told you that there are easy natural ways to get relief in this video? I’M going to share 10 simple tips that can help you eliminate joint pain without relying on medications or invasive treatments, whether you’ve got arthritis in your knee hands or shoulders. These tips are designed to Target the root of the problem and get you moving again. So, stick around. You might be surprised how easy it is to finally feel better now before we dive into these tips.

Let’s quickly talk about what’s going on when you’re dealing with joint pain, arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and it’s not just one thing: it comes in many forms. The most common types are osteoarthritis, which happens from wear and tear and rheumatoid arthritis, which is actually caused by your immune system. Attacking your joints either way. The result is the same pain, swelling and stiffness that can make even the simplest movements difficult, whether it’s your knees, your hands or even your shoulders. Arthritis can show up in different places, but the good news is there are ways to manage it.

Naturally, so, let’s jump into some easy and effective tips to help you find relief all right, let’s dive into some easy and natural solutions, starting with foods and supplements that have been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain, tip one turmeric first on the list Is turmeric you’ve probably seen it used in curries and golden milk, but turmeric is more than just a flavorful spice. It contains an active ingredient called curcumin which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, studies show that curcumin can be just as effective as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs without the side effects. If you’re dealing with knee arthritis or even rheumatoid arthritis, adding turmeric to your meals, can help manage pain and reduce stiffness over time, you can sprinkle it on vegetables mix it into soups or even take it in capsule form.

It’s a natural, easy way to Target inflammation From the Inside Out tip two omega-3 fatty acids. Next up, omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are essential for your overall health and they’re particularly helpful when it comes to joint pain, found in fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as flax seeds and walnuts.

Omega-3S help reduce inflammation in the body, especially in areas like your knees, hands and even your shoulders.

The best part they don’t just reduce inflammation. They also help lubricate your joints, making movement smoother and less painful, so whether you’re struggling with arthritis in your knees or general joint stiffness, incorporating more omega-3 rich foods into your diet or even taking a high-quality fish oil supplement, can make a huge difference over time and Remember, consistency is key here, it’s not an overnight fix, but with regular intake you’ll start to feel the benefits tip three Ginger. Finally, let’s talk about Ginger. This root has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years and for good reason, Ginger Works similarly to turmeric. When it comes to fighting inflammation, it contains compounds called ginger which help reduce the pain and swelling that often come with arthritis. Whether you’re dealing with knee arthritis or pain in your hands, Ginger can offer relief. You can grate fresh ginger into your tea.

Add it to stir fries or take it in supplement form plus ginger has other health benefits too it’s great for digestion and boosting your immune system. So not only are you helping your joint point, but you’re also supporting your overall health at the same time now that we’ve covered some powerful foods and supplements, let’s shift gears to exercises and movement. One of the best ways to combat joint pain, especially knee arthritis, is to keep moving. I know it might sound counterintuitive, but regular gentle movement can actually help reduce stiffness and improve. Your range of motion here are a few exercises that are easy to do and can bring lasting relief tip four low impact exercises when you’re dealing with arthritis, especially in the knees high impact exercises, can do more harm than good.

That’s why low impact activities like swimming cycling or even walking are your best friends. Swimming in particular, is a fantastic full body workout that takes all the pressure off your joints; while letting you build strength and flexibility.

The water supports your body allowing you to move freely without the added stress on your knees or other joints.

Cycling is another great option, whether you’re riding outside or on a stationary bike. It helps strengthen the muscles around your knees, which in turn reduces joint pain. Even a simple daily walk can do wonders for your joints as long as you take it slow and steady. The key here is to keep the movement, gentle and consistent. Your joints need that circulation. Boost and low impact exercises offer just that without causing additional damage tip. Five stretching and yoga next up, let’s talk about stretching and yoga incorporating stretching exercises into your routine is a great way to relieve joint pain, especially in areas like your shoulders. Hips and legs.

Yoga, in particular, has been shown to improve flexibility, balance and even reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

There are specific yoga poses that focus on opening up your joints and strengthening the muscles around them, which helps reduce pain and stiffness. You don’t have to be a yoga expert to get started simple poses like the cat Cow stretch, child’s pose and seated forward. Bends can make a big difference over time if you’re new to yoga consider starting with a beginner class, either online or in person to make sure you’re doing the poses correctly. The best part yoga also promotes mindfulness and relaxation, which can help manage the stress that often accompanies chronic pain, tip six strengthening exercises. Strengthening the muscles around your joints is crucial for long-term pain relief, especially if you have knee arthritis.

Strong muscles help support your joints. Reducing the pressure on them during movement, one simple exercise you can try is the walls. All you have to do is lean against a wall slide down, as if you’re sitting in an invisible chair and hold the position for about 30 seconds. This targets your quadriceps, the muscles in the front of your thighs, which play a key role in supporting your knees. You can also try leg raises or hamstring curls to build strength in your legs for shoulder or hand, arthritis, simple resistance, band exercises or light dumbbells can help strengthen the muscles around those joints. Remember when you’re strengthening your muscles start slow and increase the intensity, as you feel more comfortable over time, you’ll notice that stronger muscles lead to less joint pain and better overall Mobility.

Now that we’ve covered exercises and movement, let’s dive into a couple of natural remedies that are simple to incorporate into your routine and can provide real relief from joint pain.

These remedies have been used for centuries and are easy to apply at home. So, let’s get into it tip seven Epsom salt baths, one of the most relaxing and effective natural remedies for joint pain is an Epsom salt. Bath. Epsom salt is rich in magnesium, a mineral known for its ability to relax muscles, reduce inflammation and ease joint pain. When you soak in an Epsom salt bath, your skin absorbs the Magnesium which helps reduce the stiffness and discomfort caused by arthritis, especially in areas like your knees, shoulders and hands. It’s particularly effective after exercise or a long day of moving around to try.

It simply adds two cups of Epsom salt to warm bath water and soak for about 20 minutes. This remedy is not only great for your joint points, but also for your overall relaxation. So it’s a win-win. If you don’t have time for a full bath, you can soak just your feet or hands in a basin with warm water and epsom salt. The relief might surprise you tip eight hot and cold therapy. Another simple, yet highly effective remedy for joint pain is alternating between hot and cold therapy.

It’s a tried-and-true method that can bring immediate relief when you’re dealing with arthritis, flareups heat therapy like using a heating pad or taking a warm shower, helps increase blood flow to stiff joints, relaxing muscles and soothing pain. This is especially helpful if you wake up feeling stiff in the morning.

On the other hand, cold therapy works, wonders for reducing swelling and inflammation, using an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables. Wrapped in a cloth can numb the area and ease the sharp pain that often comes with arthritis. The trick is knowing when to use each therapy use heat before you exercise to loosen up your joints and muscles and apply cold afterward. If you experience swelling or pain, this simple combination of hot and cold can be a powerful tool for managing joint pain in the knees, hands shoulders or any other affected areas. We’ve gone through some great tips so far, but these last two are all about making lasting changes that can have a huge impact on joint pain over time.

Let’s talk about how your lifestyle can play a major role in eliminating joint pain, naturally tip nine weight management.

One of the most significant factors affecting joint pain, particularly in the knees, is weight. Car carrying extra weight puts additional pressure on your joints, which can exacerbate arthritis and led to more pain and inflammation. Studies show that even losing a small amount of weight just 5 to 10 % of your body weight can significantly reduce joint pain, especially for people with knee arthritis. If you think about it, every pound, you lose takes four pounds of pressure off your knees.

That’s huge! Now I know weight loss can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be drastic start by making small sustain, able changes to your diet and daily activity. Swapping out sugary snacks for fruits, drinking more water and taking short walks can all add up to a noticeable difference. In how your joints feel not only will your knees, thank you, but you’ll also feel better overall tip 10 improve your posture. Good posture is often overlooked, but it can make a world of difference in reducing joint pain when you slouch or sit in awkward positions, you put extra strain on your joints, especially in areas like your back shoulders and knees over time.

This can lead to chronic pain by improving your posture, whether you’re sitting at a desk or lifting something heavy.

You can take the pressure off your joints and prevent further damage. One simple trick to improve posture is to make sure your shoulders are back and down your chest is open and your spine is aligned when you’re, sitting or standing. It may feel a bit strange at first, but it’s worth the effort you can even try using ergonomic chairs or standing desks to help maintain better posture. Throughout the day.

This small change can have big rewards when it comes to eliminating joint pain, especially for those dealing with arthritis in the shoulders or knees there.

You have it 10 easy natural tips to help.

You eliminate joint pain, whether you’re dealing with knee arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or general stiffness in your joints from anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric and ginger to low impact exercises and natural remedies like Epsom salt baths. These tips can bring real relief without relying on medications. Remember consistency is key. The more you incorporate these habits into your daily routine, the better your joints will feel over time, which tip are you going to try?

First, let me know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe for more health tips to keep you feeling. Your best.

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How to Choose an Air Purifier – 10 Tips Buying Guide

Are you looking for an air purifier for your home? First, I’ll, let you into a secret most of the air purifiers on the market, underpowered and overpriced. I want to help you to avoid the thousands of Duds on Amazon to find a device that works. Since 2020, I’ve tested over 70 different air purifiers and performed in-house experiments looking at air cleaning performance, sound level generation and energy usage, and this is how I’ve uncovered 10 tips to help you choose the right air purifier for your home number, one Kar Karnow. Unlike most home appliances, the work of Anair purifier is hidden to the naked eye, which means that manufacturers can say all sorts of rubbish to get you to choose their product over a competitor.

The good news is that the association of Home Appliance manufacturers have a Kadar test short for clean air delivery rate and this evaluates air purifiers at removing dust pollen and smoke and the score ranges from 0 to 400 C’mon as a very rough approximation for small space sup to a maximum of 200 squab ft. You need at least150 CFM for medium sized spaces, you’re looking at260 CFM and for very large spaces. You’re looking for, 300 CFM and over very large spaces will need very large Kar. For example, you might look at the smart blast, which has a massive Kar of 559 CFM alternatively. You could use multiple devices together, just add their Kar scores together. The energy star website has a great directory. Where you can search and see the car scores for most air purifiers.

Two bigger is generally better while.

It’s a good rule of throb to match the carto your room size. In most cases you want to get the biggest device. You can live with the reason is that Kos scores are made at the highest fan speed and for many devices. That’s just too loud for most people to deal with. They can be upwards of 65 DB with larger devices. You can run them at the lower fan speeds, and they can still clean a lot of air without generating too much noise.

Another benefit of a bigger device is they often have similar only very little extra-running costs as the filters. Don’t need to be changed so often three don’t trust, room, size recommendations. If you go on Amazon today, you’ll see many air purifiers Giv specifications for room size of 1,00, 1200 1300ft for small little cheap air, purifiers and you might. Think that you should get one of these small devices and it’ll be fine for your large space Butin reality they are using a marketing trick because they’re, giving the room size for just one air change per hour and there, not breaking any rurales and there’s no rules against doing that. Butin reality you need much more than that.

The Praenomen’s you get at least 4.8 air changes. And this really reduces the room size, recommendations that you’ll, see so as a good rule is use the energy, star directory to look at the room sizes there, as well as our site at house. Fresh cuz we always give the room sizes for 4.8 air changes four. Look for models that have a removable pre-filter. All types of air purifiers will use a pre-filter which protects ports. The main filters from being used op and also means that larger particles are stopped before going into the device. But you need to keep on top of keeping it clean.

Now some devices have pre- filters that are attached, tithe filter and it’s just tricky to keep on topo it it’s much better to choose a device that has, a removable, pre filter that you can take out of the device without removing the main filter, and you can keep it clean regularly. Intest, we saw that a dirty pre-filter can reduce Effectiveness by 40 %. Now, if you can’t remember the last time, you cleaned your pre-filter give it clean. Now, your lungs will.

Thank you. Five don’t worry too much about activated carbon.

The particle filter often her. In many cases, do the bulk of the work for most people. So, unless you have a serious issue with gases, vows and odors then you don’t need to worry too much about getting a large, activated carbon filter. Now you will notice that many air purifiers do have a carbon filter but. Many just have such small amounts of carbon that. It just won’t be useful in cases where you have serious issues.

Now, if you, you have serious issues with vows and odors such as smoking, from neighbors next door, you’ll likely want to look at specialist devices like the Austin air HealthMate that has 15 lb of carbon or the Isair HealthPro, Plus that has5 L of carbon, but be aware these devices cost a Lot to buy to run and the filters cost a ton. So, if you don’t need it don’t worry too much about the carbon, the cheapest air purifier, that has a good amount of carbon would-be, the Wini 55002. It has a separate washable carbon filter that you can wash and get more life out of it, and it’s good considering the price butut still won’t be enough to deal with very serious issues with odors and gases, carbon filters will reduce the particle efficiency of your device. Soif, you don’t need the carbon filter, try running it without Smart hair.

Does this really well where all? Their units will only come with particle filters as standard and you choose to get the carbon filter, whereas devices like Levit wherreted bond, the carbon filter with the particle filter means you have no choice. You have to run the filter with both the particle and the carbon. Six HEPA is not a requirement for a good air purifier. Hepa is just a grade of filter that measures, how much small particles are blocked-in first past filtration, but air purifiers will have, multiple places of air. So, it’s not such a good thing to look at now.

We’ve seen this yourself with Lavoy, where we’ve now found out thither, don’t use Hep grade filters, yet they perform very well and removing tiny particles from there. The same is true with the Corsi Rosenthalbox or the Nikit Tempest Di devices that use MF 13non Hepper grade. Yet they perform as well or even more effectively than many devices that use HEPA grade, don’t get caught up with the Hep grade, used look for Kar.

Seven, don’t forget about noise, levels there’s, no point in air purifier being great at cleaning, the air. If it sounds like a turbine device like an air, purifier is going to be needed to run continuously, so you want to make sure that it’s not so loud. That’s going to put you off doing it. Many devices that are too loud are just going to be switched off and never used now be wary of Manufacturers cuz. They will often State the lowest fan, speed sound level instead of the highest fan speed. Now some of the quietest air purifiers we’ve come across are from Brandlike Allen.

Smart air and we’ve also been super impressed by this new pc fan, DIY kits, like the new kit Tempest where they use PC fans to push air through a device and clean the air, but without generating massive amounts of noise. So, before you decide on a device make sure you know exactly how much sound, it’s going to generate at the fan, speed you want to run it at eight decide. If you wanton, ionizer ionizers have a bad reputation. After companies in the early 2000s push these device son consumers like The Sharper Image Ionic Breeze which.

Then we found out that caused high levels of ozone and vows. Now there was a change in the law in 2010 and carb certification came in places, modern ionizers. Don’t lead to these buildups, however. They can lead to dust buildup around the device and some house. Fresh readers have let me know that it can irritate their respiratory issues. Now, if you do want to go down the path of getting, an ionizer sticks of brands that have Itas a button that you can press on and off. Alewine copay all have this and avoid Brands likelier where the ionizer is integrated as part of the process. So, you can’t disable it. Nine you might not need those smart features.

Now modern air purifiers come with a ton of bells and whistles with onboard sensors app support schedule in you name it, but for many situations you might not need it, for example, dealing with Wildfire smoke allergies or outdoor pollution. You’re going to want to just use your air purifier at the highest-level that you can deal with from a sound point of view and just let it run so only these extras are not required, and you can often find devices that.

Don’t have these smart features for less money and are less likely to have issues in the future 10. Stick to brands that have been around awhile. If you don’t want to go down, the DIY route good rule of thumb is to stick to brands. That are well known many Brands like Iqra, smart Arlevia, Cowey, Wini they’ve been around for many years, and you can be sure that they have a lot to lose if their products don’t live up. Tithe hype in 2020, loads of new companies, enter the air purifier market and in our testing the mainly, had underpowered and overpriced devices and. The real bad side of these new brands is that if.

They go B and they go out of business.

You won’t be able to find filters, or even access warranties for devices that break so it’s much less risky togo for brands that are well known. I hope these tips have helped you to find the right air purifier for your home. If you want to know which specific models, we really like then check out our best air purifier for 2024 I’ll make sure to link it at the top. As always, if you have any questions about the tips, I’ve shared or even have any tips to share yourself. Let me know in the comments.

The All-New Click Generator

3 Top Acne Skin Care Tips For A Healthier Skin

When dealing with acne skin care, most of the medical professionals commonly suggest that people affected with acne must practice certain acne skin care methods that will help improve the condition of their skin.

Acne, as you may already know, is a very severe skin disorder that affects thousands of people from all over the world. It not only affects the surface of the skin but also the inner layers of the skin. Acne usually occurs on the face, neck, chest and back, and it starts during the adolescence period.

During the past several years, a good number of acne experts and skin care professionals have conducted many studies on how to prevent the formation of acne. And fortunately, these skin care specialists have come out with certain acne skin care tips that can be of great help for fighting acne. I have selected the three simpler yet most powerful acne skin care tips that you can follow in order to have a healthier skin. These are mentioned below:

Acne Skin Care Tip # 1: You Should Always Clean Your Skin Very Gently

First of all, personal hygiene is very necessary for fighting acne. So as what most experts usually suggest, you should gently clean your skin with a mild cleanser at least twice a day. This simple acne skin care step is deemed important for fighting acne since washing your face or the other affected areas will wipe away the acne-causing bacteria found on the skin. Also note that although you are sometimes told to scrub your face, scrubbing is not a good acne skin care move since it will just trigger the development of acne, worsening the condition. In addition to this acne skin care step, it is worth noting that astringents are not always suggested unless the skin is very oily. And, they must only be applied on the oily spots.

Acne Skin Care # 2: You Should Refrain from Frequently Holding Your Skin

Another helpful acne skin care tip is to avoid frequently handling of the skin. Don’t pinch, pick or squeeze your pimple since it will only worsen the condition. Many of the people have considered this acne skin care step as one of the most important acne skin care pointers knowing that it may only cause infection and scars formation. As this acne skin care tip holds, you should avoid rubbing and touching your skin lesions if possible.

Acne Skin Care # 3: Always Choose Cosmetics Carefully

This last acne skin care tip holds that people who are being treated for acne must change some of the cosmetics they use. Note that in order to avoid the onset or the development of acne, the cosmetics you plan on using like the foundation, blush, moisturizers, and eye shadow should be oil free. Aside from that, this acne skin care tip also holds that you must avoid oily hair products for they may cause closed comedones. Therefore, those products that are labeled as noncomedogenic should be applied.

It is a fact that many of us are very conscious of our skin condition. And as such, we are always wanting to have a fresh, good-looking skin as much as possible. Unfortunately, many of us also fail to come to the conclusion that simple steps are the best ways to accomplish this goal. We often are blind enough that we don’t see what’s really right or wrong for our skin. We often fall in so much frustration and desperation that make us go buy any high-priced beauty products that in the end just turn out to be a waste of time and money and even worsen our acne. Hopefully, the above-mentioned acne skin care tips will be a good start to help you enhance your skin condition.

5 Easy Tips For Treating Acne

If you have even a passing interest in the topic of acne, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of acne.

1. Avoid Scrubbing and Abrasives

Scrubbing and abrasives should be avoided. Experts have said that they irritate the skin, which should be left intact as a natural barrier against the acne-causing bacteria.

2. Sun for Beautiful Skin

As you may know, sun does kill bacteria, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t harm the skin. Note that the sun also acts as an astringent that dries, tightens and clogs the skin pores. Thus, you should just spend limited time under the sun. At least 15 minutes to the face and arms daily is enough.

3. Avoid Extremely Cold Weather

If extreme heat causes clogging of the pores, extremely cold weather causes it as well. So, avoid extremely cold weather so you don’t freeze and clog pores. It is ideal that you moisturize your face and body and stay in temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Swimming Does Help

Exercise for stress reduction by swimming in a properly treated indoor swimming pool. But, use the Ozone purified pool if possible. It is interesting to know that the swimming pool water is typically 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well below the normal temperature of 98.6 degrees of your body. Therefore, the swimming water cools your whole body, including the acne affected areas, while providing excellent exercise to the rest of you. This even reduces stress as well as physical attention.

5. Think Clean

Change linens, wash cloths and body towels after each use. It is for the fact that they are great places for acne-causing bacteria to grow and be reapplied to the skin later. Also, wash white facial cloths, pillow covers, as well as personal undergarments daily with Vinegar, tea tree oil or essential oils of Lime, lemon or orange so to lessen the acne-related bacterial development. It is also often suggested that you apply a natural detergent for washing.

Indeed, there are a lot of ways to control and fight acne, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so far the best one to consider. It is important to note that healthy lifestyles will lead you to attaining a healthier skin and a healthier body. Changing your unfavorable habits will reward you with better general health, more energy, and clearer skin to show the world.

If you were once afraid to make changes, please don’t be. Of course, the initial effects may be hard to grasp at first, but as you go on, you will find out that you can quickly learn to adapt with them.

This article is Copyright. 2006, Heather Colman. Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as no changes are made, and the entire resource box is included.

5 Natural and Non-Natural Acne Treatments

At one point all of us have been trying to find ways on how to be completely acne-free. Here are some natural and not so natural acne treatments that are proven to be effective.

1. Witch Hazel Astringent

This astringent comes from the plant with the same name. It is widely spread from Nova Scotia in Canada down to Texas and Florida. Simply steam the twigs of this plant and voila! The extract you get from it serves as your astringent. Remember to cool it though. What’s good about this is that it occurs naturally and even the process it has undergone is all natural. You can be assured it is less harsh compared with commercially produced astringents.

2. Commercially Produced Astringents

There is no doubt that astringents we can buy over the counter are also effective. There are lots of variants to choose from with additional ingredients that promote better skin. The only downside is it can be a little harsh because of the chemicals added to produce this formula. Use them with extra care as they can dry the skin.

3. All-Natural Treatments

Kitchen and acne are two enemies we may not be aware of. Scout your kitchen for stuff like oranges and lemons, fresh garlic and raw potatoes.

– Oranges and lemons just need to be squeezed on cotton balls. Apply the extract on affected areas and wash it after about 20 minutes.

– Fresh garlic is used much easier. Just remove its peeling and rub it on your face.

– As for raw potatoes, peel them and rub its flat surface on your face.

The natural extracts from these fruits and vegetables can help minimize the redness at the same time can clean the skin.

4. Oral Antibiotics

For severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. These medications are orally taken to reduce the number of bacteria inside and around skin follicles. They also decrease the exasperating chemicals that the white blood cells produce. Lastly, antibiotics diminish the concentration of the free fatty acids found in sebum, also creating an anti-inflammatory action. Consult your dermatologist for the right antibiotic and dosage.

Tetracycline is still the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for acne treatment. Most of this antibiotic should be taken on an empty stomach. Also, this shouldn’t be used by pregnant women and children under 9. Usually, the starting dose is initially 500 milligrams twice daily and is continuously taken until prescribed, or until a considerable dropping off of lesions is visible.

Erythromycin comes close second and can be prescribed to pregnant women. However, it can cause nausea and even upset stomach. Compared to tetracycline, which can only kill bacteria, Erythromycin has both anti-inflammatory and bacteria-killing properties. Also, this antibiotic needs to be taken in a food-filled tummy. You may discuss other possible antibiotics with your doctors regarding the effects and side-effects of each.

5. Topical Treatments
Externally applied creams are also proven effective for acne treatment. However, it results to drying and flaking but it is said to be the most effective treatment for severe acne. Benzoyl peroxide is one very common and effective topical acne treatment.

Sid Vicious | The Self-Destructive Life of the Sex Pistols Bassist

[PUNK ROCK PLAYING] Though his time on Earth was short, Sid Vicious’ life was full of blood, drugs, and everything punk. And it was with this vigor that his bright light went out in a spectacular blaze. Stories of Vicious, who played bass with the Sex Pistols, have percolated throughout culture as both an example of tragedy and the epitome of punk. As you’ll soon see, he truly lived without boundaries. In the late hours of October 12, 1978, at the famous New York Chelsea Hotel, Nancy Spungen made her way to the bathroom with a stab wound, leaving an eerie trail of blood behind her.
The night before, her boyfriend, Sid Vicious, had bought a large number of opioids from his drug dealer and bodyguard, which he shared with his guests, including Spungen. Sid downed a reported 30 tablets and then blacked out.

He was in such a deep state of unconsciousness that he didn’t wake up until the next day. It was then when he discovered Spungen’s lifeless body and called the front desk for help. When the police arrived, Sid was found wandering the halls in a state of misery, and muttering that he was responsible for her death.

Despite Nancy’s well-known status as a drug addict with plenty of enemies, Sid was arrested and charged with her death, though he later recanted his admission of guilt. With Sid’s consumption of drugs and the high foot traffic of unsavory individuals in and out of the hotel room that night, there was no clear indication on the report of what happened.

In the end, Nancy’s murder was never solved. Months after Nancy’s death, Vicious lashed out. In one incident, Sid broke a bottle and shoved it in the face of Todd Smith, the brother of singer Patti Smith.

Witnesses claim that the disagreement began when Vicious taunted Smith after he asked the Sex Pistols guitarist to be respectful of his girlfriend. While police hauled Vicious off to jail, Smith was taken to hospital and nearly lost an eye. Smith pressed charges, saying he thought that if Vicious isn’t put behind bars or in a hospital, he would kill himself. His stay wasn’t for long, as Sid’s mother bailed him out shortly after his arrest. That wasn’t the first or last known violent incident by Vicious.

Within the walls of the famous London punk venue, The 100 Club, Vicious beat music journalist Nick Kent with a bike chain. Prior to the incident, Kent published many disparaging remarks about the Sex Pistols lead singer, Johnny Rotten.

Naturally, this resulted in tension between Kent and the band. At some point in the night, Kent walked by Vicious, asking him to move over. Sid responded by pulling out his chains, saying he didn’t like the journalist’s trousers, and lashed him.

That wasn’t even the most gruesome act of violence. After his mother kicked him out of the house, it’s rumored that Sid would strangle cats. This type of violence and drama seemed to follow Vicious his whole life. He attended the Kingsway College for difficult and expelled kids. It was there where his friend, John Wardle, saw Sid’s dark side during a counseling session, in which Vicious admitted to suicidal tendencies.

In addition to thoughts of ending his own life, Vicious reportedly participated in self-mutilation. On a meal stop during one of the Sex Pistols’ American tours, a cowboy challenged Vicious to snuff out a cigarette on his hand. Vicious did him one better. He took out his knife and cut his finger, letting the blood trail down into his eggs, which he then ate to the dismay of everyone around him. Lesson learned– never challenge a punk rocker.

By the time the band reached Dallas, Vicious had carved “Gimme a Fix” into his chest with a piece of glass. Apparently, this self-destructive behavior began when he was a teenager. Sid’s father witnessed him cutting his hand just to get attention. This self-abusive behavior sadly also turned outward. Nancy’s mother accused Vicious of beating her daughter when he was depressed.

In Nancy’s final conversation with her mother, she claimed that Vicious had broken her nose and torn her ear, amongst other gruesome acts during their drug-fueled fights. Though it definitely doesn’t make his treatment of Nancy right, she was the one and only person Vicious ever loved. Even those who despised her admitted that he truly cared for her. With this sentiment in mind, Vicious penned a list of her best attributes in a sweet tribute.

This was months before she died.

It seems that no matter how punk one appears, the heart is still capable of romantic love. There’s romantic love, and then there’s the love of a mother. This, too, can be spoiled, especially when said mother is a junkie. Vicious’ mom, Anne Beverley, reportedly used Vicious, then a toddler, as a drug mule when they lived in Spain. Later on in his life, Beverley even gave Vicious a bag of heroin as a birthday gift.

And unbelievably, according to Sex Pistols manager, Malcolm McLaren, she even smuggled heroin in her body cavity for her son while he was in prison.

Though all of these stories of Vicious’ twisted life are shocking, nothing compares to the following infamous story. And it epitomizes what a punk rock legend he was. With company like Dee Ramone, founding member and songwriter of the Ramones, there was no shortage of punk-inspired debauchery. However, Sid topped even the hardest of rockers.

One such incident occurred in a bathroom that was coated with puke from the floor to the sink in the toilets. While Dee was in awe of the filth, Sid was unfazed.

He took out a syringe, loaded it with speed, then dipped it in the toilet and filled it with dirty puke water. And, if that wasn’t cringe-worthy enough, Vicious didn’t even bother to cook the mixture. He just jammed it in his arm.
When Vicious’ mother bailed him out of jail for his assault on Smith, his new girlfriend threw him a freedom party. Once the celebration died down, Peter Gravelle arrived with a present from Vicious’ mother– a stash of 98% pure heroin. Even though Gravelle warned him not to take too much, Vicious ignored him and overdosed. In a sad turn of events, his mother, the person who brought Sid into this world, most likely was the reason the Pistols bassist died.

It seems the stories that surround Sid Vicious’ life take front stage to his short-lived career in the Sex Pistols– even though he reportedly never really learned to play the bass.

In fact, some people say that he swung his guitar in fights better than he could play, which seems to align with the many stories of his confrontations. And, as a result of this behavior, he cost the band a record label deal with EMI in 1977.

They were quickly picked up by A&M’s label shortly after, but even that contract wouldn’t last. Sid Vicious simply never learned. He was a punk until the day he overdosed and died.

If you like this video, subscribe to our channel and watch more. We’re Weird History. [PUNK ROCK PLAYING].


15 Weird Facts About the Penis

What would you do if your disco stick came with porcupine spines? Does size really matter? Ever wonder if some guys are packing a backup? And what do Cornflakes have to do with your Robert Downey Jr.?

We answer all that and more on today’s episode of The Infographics Show: Weird Fact About the Penis! Number 15 – Penile Spines Alright, let’s kick it off with one of the weirdest ones-imagine your manhood came with  built-in spikes. Yeah, feeling the shivers yet? Well, it did have them once, but the DNA code for it disappeared before Neanderthals and modern humans diverged. The belief is that  having spines allowed your personal pogo stick to get erect faster and promoted more promiscuity.

with spines seem to be more prevalent in species that are more promiscuous,  like cats. These spines don’t look like the spine in your back,  though. They’re little keratin speed bumps. Makes you wince just thinking about it, doesn’t it? So, what’s the deal with these strange, vestigial growths?

Around six million years ago, these  spines existed in a common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.

Over the centuries, minor genetic changes have made human pleasure poles smoother and simpler. Scientists don’t completely know why certain deletions happen, but one theory is that it’s because humans generally form monogamous relationships. Sorry to all the swingers out there who missed out on all that spiney goodness. Human guys don’t really have to play the “who gets there first” game.

But hey,  if they did, Netflix would have a whole new dating show. However,  the research on this is tenuous, and it has yet to be proven definitively that monogamy  is fully responsible for the change. The mystery of the wiener barbs continues! In chimpanzees, these small barbs are designed to make it painful for the female to remove them. This makes it so she’s less likely to mate with other chimps after partnering with one chimpanzee.

Okay, this is getting a little depraved – Let’s  move on to something less cringe-inducing in the world of peculiar genital facts. Number 14 – Size Does Matter… Sometimes When it comes to discussing the merits of your Little Richard, people often debate if bigger is better or if technique matters more than the size of the tools.

Statistically, size does matter for some women. Sorry, fellas. These women have found that they’re more likely to have a vaginal orgasm if they’re with a man with a longer rod, thanks to deeper stimulation of the vagina and cervix.

A 2013 study reported that women believed the ideal dangling size was based on a man’s height. Men who were taller looked better with a larger schlong to match. But if you’re feeling insecure about the size of your equipment right now,  fret not! Why debate size when you can just dazzle them with moves from the Kama Sutra? Speaking of size, the smallest natural penis ever recorded is a man from Miami with a hog  that measures 1/16th of an inch.

He has no interest in surgery and seems to have embraced  his size. On the other side of that spectrum is a Mexican man with the largest sexual anaconda at 48 centimeters long, 900 grams in weight, and 25 centimeters in glans circumference. Perhaps  together, they can form some kind of bizarre superhero team – instead of X-Men,  maybe X-Rated Men. I don’t know, we’re just spit balling here. And let’s talk about shoe size for a second.

According to old wives’ tales,  you can tell a man’s size based on how big his shoe is. You might not be surprised to learn that,  like most old wives’ tales, it isn’t even a little bit true.

In 2002, the BJU International published  a study that confirmed there is no correlation between shoe size and the size of your dingus.  So, let’s take our completely non-penis-related shoes and kick that myth to the curb, shall we? But if you’re a man about town, you’re probably wondering: What factors really do affect the size of your favorite body part?

Don’t worry, we’ve got some data on that for you, too! Number 13 – Permanent Shrinkage One thing studies have taught us is that smoking can impact just how long your Donkey Kong ends up being.

That’s right – It can shorten it by as much as 1 centimeter. What causes the shrinkage?  The calcified blood vessels that appear in smokers can reduce erectile circulation.
So put down the cigs, or your Tubesock might end up looking like it’s shrunk in the wash. Weight gain can also make your manhood appear to shrink even when it hasn’t.  Because your Woody Harrelson is attached to the abdominal wall, as the belly expands,  it pulls the pocket rocket inward. This causes it to look smaller than it is. But don’t worry, if you lose weight, your Nimbus 2000 will return to its original shape and size.

Actually, any penis might be longer than you think it is. It’s attached to your public bone, and a lot of it is tucked up inside the pelvis. So, while it’s inaccessible, it’s there! Just maybe don’t try using this as a pickup line at a bar – It probably won’t help you.

You might also have been told your Jean Claude Hot Damn is a muscle, but it actually isn’t!
It’s made up of erectile tissue and not muscle. When you flex your kielbasa, what you’re actually flexing is the muscles in your pelvic floor. That was a fun little fact – But we’re warning you, the next fact isn’t fun, it’s absolutely horrifying.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Number 12 – Handle With Care You should be careful with your one-eyed monster because you can break it.

No,  it doesn’t have any bones to break. What you’re actually damaging is the phallus itself. It’s known as a penile fracture. Handle your meat saber with care, or you might hear a snap that’ll haunt your dreams forever. Your disco stick is made up of two columns or cylinders that are like sponges.

They fill with blood to make the penis hard when you’re aroused. One column is a corpus cavernosum, and the other is corpora cavernosa.

They’re covered  in tunica albuginea, which is a protective layer. When you break your small soldier,  what’s actually happening is that you’ve torn the tunica albuginea. It often comes with a loud  popping or cracking noise, and the possibility of extreme pain.

You’ll notice bruising and  swelling from blood buildup under the skin, and you might notice blood in your urine.

It’s  probably one of the most horrifying things a person with a wood rocket can experience. So be careful with your little guy. You can break it during sexual activity, energetic masturbation, or even just by falling on it, rolling on it, or hitting it. Oh, we’re not done with the horrifying parts yet.

Stick around to the end and we might give you something to feel less existentially terrified about. There are other ways to damage your Peter. Peronei’s disease is when scar tissue known as plaque forms under the skin of your willy.

As men get older, they’re more likely to suffer from it.

Bending your pork sword too much in a certain way during sex can cause small tears in the tissue.

Over time, this gives your skin flute a curved shape. It can cause pain and erectile dysfunction and is more likely to happen to people with vigorous sexual and nonsexual activities that might injure your third leg. It also happens to people with certain autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction or who have a history of prostate cancer treatment with surgery.  If you have a family history of Peronei’s disease, be sure to check in with your doctor.

Let’s take a break from the horrors for now and get weird and downright crazy instead.

Number 11 – Double Trouble Did you know it’s possible for people to have two trouser snakes from birth?

The condition is known as diphallias, and it happens around every 5 to 6 million live births. It’s not always two fully formed penises, though. It can appear in different ways, but it almost always requires some kind of phalloplasty, a type of surgery that focuses on Saving your Private Ryan. The book Double Header: My Life with Two Penises by a man known only as Diphallia Dude discusses what it’s like to have two little Elvises in the building.

The author opens up about his life while refusing to reveal his real name or identity.

However, it’s difficult to prove if Diphallia Dude is real since he chooses to shroud himself in such secrecy. His story seems fantastical, but according to researchers, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. If it is all true, Diphallia Dude can expect an invitation to the X-Rated Men superhero team – He’s even already got a superhero name! And, if you’re wondering, yes, there is a female version of diphallias.

Some women are born with two uteri or two vaginas. But enough about strange medical anomalies – How do the penis and the brain, two body parts often considered to be mortal enemies, actually interact? Number 10 – Night Moves

Your saber can become erect 3 to 4 times a night as part of your REM sleep.

If you ever wake up  with a hard-on, that’s why! You probably woke up at that moment during your REM sleep cycle.

It’s not a sign that you’ve been having wet dreams, either. It’s a completely average thing your body does. It’s not completely clear why the human body does this, we only know that it’s totally safe and normal. In fact, if you stop experiencing them, you might be dealing with erectile dysfunction.

Your spine has more say in when you ejaculate than your brain.
It’s known as the spinal ejaculation generator. Your brain does, of course, play a role in all of this, but it’s why you can’t just ejaculate on demand. And  if you could, you may be able to become the fourth member of the X-Rated Men! Sorry, we’ll stop that running gag now. Thank you for your understanding.

Number 9 – Blue Ball Blues Speaking of myths, we’ve heard men complain about blue balls before, but is it real? In a way, yes.

It’s known as prostatic congestion. It happens when the prostate becomes swollen by excess fluid, like blood. It can be relieved by an orgasm, but it can also be fixed with a simple aspirin or a warm shower.

But what about semen, one of your Jack Nicholson’s two main products? What’s the deal with that? Semen is made up of more than just your sperm. It consists of around 96 percent water,  2 percent sperm, fructose, vitamin C, sodium bicarbonate, various proteins and enzymes,  and minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Fructose nourishes sperm, while the vitamin C helps keep sperm healthy.
The sodium bicarbonate is what protects the sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina. Bet you never knew it had that much gone on.

We’re aware that this video has given you certain things to worry about – from broken penises to blue balls – so let’s see if we can dispel a few common groin rifles worries to make you feel better. Number 8 – The Crooked Man Sometimes people worry about the direction their weathervane is pointing in, but an erection can point in any direction and be perfectly normal. It can point straight ahead, left, right, up,  or down.

One study collected data on just how much it varies. Based on this study,  if your wiener pointed up, they would measure it as 0 degrees. If it was pointing forward (or horizontally), they would count that as 90 degrees.

Around 5% of participants were 0 to 30 degrees, almost 30% were 30 to 60 degrees, another 30% were 60 to 85 degrees, just under 10% were 85 to 95 degrees, roughly 20% were 95 to 120 degrees and 5% percent were 120 to 180 degrees. In fact, very few penises are completely straight.

They can curve in any direction,  and a curve of up to 30 degrees is considered normal and healthy. But what about penises that have boldly gone where no penis has ever  gone before? That’s right: What about erections… in outer space? Number 7 – Out Of This World From what research tells us, it’s more like a “taffy pull” than a traditional erection.  Scientists are actually worried that sex in space might not be viable.

In order to keep up blood flow to the lower parts of the body, you need gravity. In space, it rises to your head and chest.

Due to the lack of gravitational force, it’s difficult to get erect in space. Currently, there isn’t a lot of research funding being dedicated to space sex.

However, NASA is interested in learning more about it, especially as humans grow more inclined towards space travel.

It’s not even clear if space sex would be a pleasant experience. As of right now, we know it’s difficult to get aroused in space, but it’s not impossible. As to conception, pregnancy, and birth, it’s unclear what that might even be like – And

it’s not exactly easy to find volunteers for this kind of experiment. Speaking of fertilization… Number 6 – Sperm Olympics Your King Charles sends out a lot of sperm when it ejaculates,  somewhere between 80 and 300 million sperm. They have to cover at least 6 to 7 inches in  order to reach an egg to fertilize.

When they are first ejaculated, they travel at a speed of  around 28 miles per hour, but eventually slow down to a speed of 5mm per minute. By the end of the whole ordeal, only around 200 sperm will ever be able to come close to  the egg. Starting from ejaculation, it’ll take them about 15 to 45 minutes to get there. This may sound slow to us, especially if you compare it to when you’re driving in your car. But by sperm standards, that’s incredibly fast.

If you were to scale up sperm to 6 feet, they would be four times faster than an Olympic gold medalist. If there is no egg, the sperm can wait inside the body for up to five days. Number 5 – Not What It Seams POP QUIZ! Have you ever noticed the seam on your donger? This is called the “penile  raphe,” and it’s a sign your Captain Corrigan was once a labia.

Remember, all humans begin life in utero with female anatomy until 7 weeks. When you notice a seam  on your scrotum, that’s a scrotal raphe. The raphe is present in female bodies.

It  extends from the anus to the labia majora, and it becomes the inner lips of the vagina. Speaking of the physical makeup of the penis, let’s talk about foreskin – and its surprisingly controversial removal procedure.

Number 4 – Off With His Head Circumcision, the removal of the foreskin of the penis, isn’t an uncommon practice. It’s often connected to religious or cultural beliefs. For our weird  facts list, we’d like to talk about the surprising advantages and disadvantages,  and you’re free to argue about which you prefer in the comments. People who have been circumcised  are less likely to develop penile cancer, and it can prevent foreskin infections or phimosis,  a condition where the skin is tight and cannot retract behind the head of your underwear  warrior. Circumcised people are less likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease.

The downside to circumcision is that removing it also removes thousands  of sensitive nerve endings in your Lex Luthor. This can reduce how much sexual  pleasure someone experiences. It can also lead to a rare condition known as meatal stenosis,  where the opening at the end of the phallus narrows and becomes too  small. It’s often fixed with surgery. While complications from circumcisions are rare, it does happen.

They can cause infections or injury to the penis or urethra. And if, for some reason, that made you hungry, we’ve got a weird fact about wieners and a certain famous food for you! Aren’t we just so thoughtful like that? Number 3 – Corn Hub If you’ve ever enjoyed a nice bowl of cornflakes in the morning,  you might be surprised to learn they have a dark history.

One that has a lot to do with  your self-pleasure habits!

Cornflakes first came into being in the 1890s and  were created by the Kellogg company, which was founded by Keith Kellogg. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, Keith’s brother, was raised in the Seventh-day Adventists Church, a Christian denomination that observes Saturday instead of Sunday as the Sabbath. His medical research was heavily influenced by his religious upbringing, and he even became the head of a church-founded health institute. He believed that the blandness of cornflakes would help make the minds of those eating them stay pious and pure.

Yeah, he was a really weird dude. Sadly, this isn’t just a silly tale of a weird guy who thought cereal should be bland to keep your thoughts pure. J.H. Kellogg actually promoted painful and punishing procedures.

In order to curb young people’s masturbatory urges, he would have circumcisions performed, or he’d put pure carbolic acid on them.

This was not a man who we should have been letting near breakfast cereal or anyone’s privates. It’s unclear who is actually responsible for cornflakes, but it was meant to be a boring meal that would lead to abstinence and less masturbation. J.H. Kellogg believed that avoiding sugar, alcohol, and other indulges was the key to remaining abstinent. If anything, his bland cereal was at least a step up from his barbaric practices.

It  also doesn’t actually accomplish what he hoped it would. Otherwise,  it would probably be a lot less popular. Now, let’s get morbid: Number 2 – Deadwood Did you know you can get an erection when you die?

This is known by several names, like terminal erection, death erection, Rigor Erectus, and angel lust. It’s not uncommon at all, and it’s particularly prevalent in people who have died from hanging. It’s believed it’s due to the pressure on the cerebellum from the noose.

And we’ve got one more utterly crazy story for you. Number 1 – Napoleon Boner-part You might have heard of the tale of Napoleon Bonaparte’s amputated Le Petit Caporal.

It was supposedly taken off shortly after his death in 1821. As the story goes, his tiny emperor was cut off by his doctor, and then, in 1977, it was sold to a New Jersey urologist at an auction for $3,000. The urologist kept it for 30 years for reasons we can’t really explain. But was it really Napoleon’s musket? While it’s not impossible it could be, it’s hard not to have our doubts.
The New York Times’s Judith Pascoe described the object as “barely recognizable as a human body part.” Channel 4, a British television channel, aired a documentary called Dead Famous DNA. They described the dingus as “very small,” and it only measured out at a 1 inch. It’s likely that its small size is due to how old it is, and it’s not an indication of how big Napoleon would have been while he was alive. The current owner has only allowed ten people to see the coveted imperial dong.

It’s never  been recorded on camera, adding to the doubt some people feel that it may not be real. It  was supposedly put up for display back in 1927. A writer from TIME noted that it looked like  a “maltreated strip of buckskin shoelace.” It has been compared to leather, a shriveled eel, and beef jerky over the years. Now you really can’t say we never teach you anything!

For more videos like this one, be sure to check out How an Erection Works and Weird Facts About Male Foreskin.

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