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Category: Entrepreneurs

The Power Of Storytelling: How To Move People

The ability to tell a story well can literally transform your life. It can land you a job in a crowded applicant pool, make you stand out on a first date, or be the difference between your business succeeding and failing. Today, I have a very special breakdown on storytelling not just because storytelling is so important to charisma into life but because I am actually in the breakdown as the interviewer and the person that I’m interviewing is, without exaggeration, one of the people that I most admire on this planet. His name is Scott Harrison and as the founder of Charity: Water, he’s helped raise over 100 million dollars by telling stories for a good cause.

In his own words… We can’t imagine 660 million anything or quantity of anything let alone people without clean water. There’s no connection so what we’ve been intentionally doing, over 11 years now, is telling stories of individual people — one of the 663 million names, faces, hopes, dreams— So in this video, you are going to learn three of the most important principles that will help you to tell more engaging stories in any environment. And I need to warn you beforehand, these stories that are told in this video are heavy and they contain really sad but important messages which is necessary when you’re talking about the truth of why Charity: Water exists.

I’m also going to let the clips run a bit longer so that you can hear a bigger part of the story uninterrupted and then I’ll comment later.

Here we go. As things had it, I happened to be in a five-dollar-a-night hotel room in Ethiopia, I was with a few donors — a small group — I was sitting in the kitchen of this hotel and the hotel owner walks out recognizes me because we’ve been doing work in this region for a while and just sits down and, unprompted, starts telling me a story about a woman who lived in his village in a remote area of about 3,000 people and he said all the women used to walk for water for eight hours a day and they would have these heavy clay pots that they would carry on their back and he said, “One day, one of the women in my village named Letuc Eris,” he had her named, “walks back into the village and she slips and falls and she breaks her clay pots and all the water spills out into the dust,” and he said, “she hung herself and she didn’t go back for more water.” He said, “We found her body swinging from this tree in our village.” And then I remember he kind of paused to watch the story’s effect on us and he said, “The work you’re doing is important.

Keep it up,” and he just disappeared back into the kitchen. So obviously, this story is heartbreaking but there’s more going on here than just that. An important principle of storytelling is that when telling a story in the first person — meaning you’re talking about yourself — you want to take the listener on the same emotional journey that you experienced. So Scott tells the story with this pause from the innkeeper at this moment because that is what you need to absorb what he just said just as he did in the moment when he heard it.

As he continues, he also talks about his emotional response and mentioned that he doubted the truth of this story just as the listener might.

There’s a temptation though to jump ahead when you’re telling stories — to tell the listener what you learned by the end of the story as you’re telling it; do not do that. If you slow down and you take people on the same winding journey that you went on, stories connect much more. Just watch. And I remember sitting there with a group of five people like, “What?” You feel like you got hit with a ton of bricks and then you start doubting it, “Is that story really true?
Just tell the international donors a sad story; make us feel great about the work that we’re doing?” But I just couldn’t really shake the idea, like, that picture of a woman who had slipped and fallen like all of us have done and was in such despair in her living conditions that she tied a noose around her neck, climbed a tree, and then jumped.

So I sent our partners out to the village and I said, “Can you go to this village and tell me first of all if anyone named Letuc has actually lived there and if it’s true.” And, I don’t know, a couple weeks later, I got an email from one of our partners saying, “Yeah, we went to the village and sadly, it’s a true story. We saw a grave.

We met the family.” So then I asked my wife, “Well, I want to go and live there for a week and—” I want to pause here because there’s another big storytelling point going on which is that — every story needs a near-constant element of mystery to keep the listener engaged. You need to constantly raise questions in the listeners mind and every time you answer one, a new one needs to pop up if you’re going to keep their attention. Scott hits on a bit of mystery right before this by asking, “Was this story of Letuc Eris even true?” And we just found out that it was solving that mystery but he immediately raises another question in the listeners’ mind, specifically — what happens when Scott goes to Ethiopia himself?

So let’s see how it unfolds.

Long story short, I went to the village, I lived there for a week, I wound up meeting the priest that gave her funeral, I saw the pile of rocks behind the church that was her grave, I met her mom, I met her friend that walked with her that day, I wound up writing about it on Medium about the experience, and seeing the tree. It’s kind of this frail tree and I didn’t know before I went into the village that she was 13 so that was a huge shock for me. I was expecting an old lady, and I was kind of imagining this hunched 60-year-old woman who had walked for water her entire life; it’s a 13-year-old girl — a teenager.

And I remember — all these through translators — asking her best friend why she thought she actually did it and hang herself and her best friend said, “She would have been overcome with shame because she broken the clay pot, and she spilled the water.” So that is the main action of the story but it doesn’t end here because the best stories have lessons at the end. Kind of like Aesop’s fables, there’s an overarching point which is shared explicitly in the last portion so you need to know your purpose when sharing a story when you get to this point — what is the audience supposed to take away from your story? Here’s what Scott thinks that we should learn from Letuc Eris’ story. It says that this is an emergency like, “Not not on my watch,” right? Something has to be done where 13-year-oldgirls are not hanging themselves on trees because they didn’t have water and because they broke the clay pot.

The first time I heard Scott tell this story, the lessons stuck with me. It inspired me to donate to Charity: Water and it’s how I got connected with Scott in the first place. Point being, at the end of your stories, don’t just leave people hanging; tell them why they just went on that journey with you and if there is some action that they might want to take, tell them. Anyways, this last story is both emotionally moving and a fantastic model for how to tell the story of a product or a business idea; is the storyof how Charity: Water came up with the idea of donating birthdays. Just listen.
We just stumbled upon this idea of asking people to donate their birthdays and birthdays have become very commercial; a lot of companies profit when a guy like you turns 30.

There’s probably a big dollar sign. And now it’s digital like iTunes and Amazon but before, it’s wallets, ties, socks…
You still may just get a bunch of crap that you don’t want or don’t need, really. Scott begins by setting the frame of the problem and if you’re telling stories for your business or for your product, this is where you must start. Most people, when they’re pitching, want to rush right into what their product does; this is wrong because if there isn’t a problem, we don’t need a solution. So start with the problem that your product solves and how the listener can relate to it; in this case, that people waste so much money on birthdays.

With the problem established, Scott will now continue on to his idea for the solution.

We said, “Look. Today, 660 million people don’t have clean water. What if we could start a movement of birthdays and instead of asking for gifts — when you’re 30 or accepting and you’re throwing a big party for yourself — you would turn your birthday into a giving moment and your friends and your family would give your age in dollars?” Now we have the solution — instead of getting a bunch of stuff you don’t need for your birthday, give.

It sounds awesome but it is still missing something and that is the story of one person because our brains are not wired to process numbers or abstract ideas with the same emotional intensity that we process a single person’s story.
This is where people are moved and I’m going to go at this next bit run on uninterrupted to give the full effect of the story. So I was in Seattle, another long crazy story, but there was a church who had thrown a keg party for us; a young hipster pastor who was like, “I want to show my town that we’re not religious…” so he threw a big keg party one of which raising $500,000 from the town.

I went out to thank the church and speak on a Sunday and at the end, I asked everybody, maybe a thousand people there, to donate their next birthday and just say, “Look, guys. Skip it.

Donate your next birthday to Charity: Water.” An eight-year-old girl, Rachel Beckwith, was in the audience and she donates her ninth birthday which was just a few weeks later, skips the gifts, skips the party, and asks for $9 from everyone she knew. She only raises $220.

Now, her goal was $300 so she was bummed. She told her mom that she was upset that she hadn’t reached her goal and that she would try harder next year. I was in the Central African Republic at the time deep in the jungle. Basically, while I was there, she’s killed in a terrible car crash.

There’s a 20-car pileup on the interstate and a tractor-trailer had lost control; she was the only fatality.

So she was in the back of a car, her mom was in the front, her sister was in the front as well and the tractor-trailer just came into the back of the car and crushed her so I remember landing in New York, turning on my phone, getting serviced again and getting a text from her pastor and her mom talking about this tragedy and the family wanted to reopen the campaign. And just give people a chance to honor Rachael’s last wish and donate nine dollars. So you can imagine a story like this begins to spread through the church community and people begin to give nine dollars then it starts spreading around the Seattle community, starts spreading across the country, across Europe, down into Africa, people in Africa started donating nine dollars hearing about a little girl in Seattle who wanted people in Africa to have clean water more than whatever birthday gifts that she should be expected.

Long story short, about 60,000 complete strangers give $9 or more and Rachel, after passing, winds up going from $220 that she saw to 1.3 million dollars impacting over 35,000 people’s lives.

My wife and I got to take Rachel’s family — her mom, her grandparents, and her pastor — on the one-year anniversary of her death. So exactly a year later to Ethiopia to go village to village to village to village to see all the people that had actually gotten in clean water, so this went from just the intangible to the real and I’ll never forget that trip. Cool thing is now — this happened five years ago — so many of the people that donated nine dollars to Rachael’s campaign not only gave money but were inspired to donate their own birthday; they have now raised over two million dollars so Rachel went from a $200-campaign to now she’s raised over three million dollars impacting over a hundred thousand lives. So, from eight people with clean water to a hundred thousand lives— And then of course, Scott ends with the lesson — how do we make sense of this? What do we take from it?

And I think that’s the power of just the story; her story which, again, speaks to values.

Values of it being the purity of heart of a nine-year-old girl to consider others more important to not succumb to the apathy that so many adults… It’s easy, right?

We see the water crisis like, “What can we do about that?” People don’t have water. I mean, a nine-year-old girl— That’s not okay. Why are kids drinking from swamps if I can do something about it with my birthday? So, remember those three points when you tell stories because like I mentioned, these stories told in this way had a huge impact on me personally and they’ve literally shaped where I’ve spent a good portion of my time, energy, and money.
Now, I happen to have a very special day coming up personally and I have one more message for you about that. …special day that is coming up for me is my birthday and it’s in just a few days on Thursday and I’m turning 30 which, yes, I know I’m extremely old and I’m dealing with that internally but I’m actually also very excited for this birthday because it’s a special one because I get to donate it to Charity: Water.

It’s the first time I’ve ever done this, I’ve been excited about it for months and months, and I feel like it is the perfect one to do it because $30 happens to be the amount of money that gets one person clean water for years and years. So I’m trying to raise $30,000; that would get 1,000 people clean water which would be like the greatest birthday present for me ever but also just something really awesome to do so if you want to donate, there’s a link in the description below for my birthday. Ben’s birthday was in August; we both turned 30 and it’s all coming together but would really, really appreciate it and just be so quite frankly humbled and honored if you guys would join us in this fundraiser — any amount that you can give is super appreciated not just by us but by the people who are actually receiving the clean water who don’t have it. Also something that I should share with you which is awesome is that we have a link below if you want to donate your birthday.

This is super cool because even if your birthday isn’t coming up in the next week or so, you can go to that link below, drop your name, drop your email and your birthday which might be, say, next June and they will send you an email them being Charity: Water so that you can do the same thing and the average person raises $1,000 from 15 of their closest friends and family which is incredible and the feeling that I have even before starting this campaign is better than any birthday that I’ve had so I hope that you guys decide to join us in this fundraiser.

Regardless, I’m so appreciative of the fact that I’m turning 30 and I have this platform, and my life is sharing the things that I’m learning, the ways in which I am growing, and it’s just kind of evolving with you guys. It’s amazing and I’m at a loss for words which is not something that is normal for me especially when I’m on camera, so I just want to say thank you guys so much for watching the channel.

I hope that you decide to join us in the fundraiser and of course I will see you in the next video and I’ll be 30.

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5 Storytelling Tips: How to Tell Great Stories When Speaking To An Audience

This is the channel that helps you build extraordinary relationships, ask the questions that create breakthrough moments and become a captivating storyteller that connects on every stage. Now. How many times have you caught yourself telling what you believe to be the greatest story ever only to realize that your audience tuned you out, 10 minutes earlier awkward storytelling is one of the most important skills for leading a successful life.

You can teach a lesson, inspire commitment and even ace that job interview for your dream, gig, our storytelling ability is the difference between simply communicating and establishing powerful human connection and any speech, presentation or pivotal conversation. If you want to capture your audience’s attention start with story, I will see this all the time interviewing experts, leaders, athletes and celebrities.

The big challenge, though, how can you successfully reveal a part of yourself and draw people closer to you at the exact same time? We’Ll follow these five ideas before you even begin. Ask yourself: what is the purpose of your story? Is it to inform, persuade and lighten, maybe even entertain, every good story starts with framing a problem that needs solving and consider this?

What is your audience care about? Right now, clarify your purpose with a narrative that speaks to their priorities and when you’re doing this keep in mind. Emotion is everything in memorable interviews that consistently see that the most impactful stories were not only fueled by emotion, but they also had four key ingredients. Hope help heart and humor john maxwell outlines these four and one of my favorite books of all time. Everyone communicates few connect.

If you could deliver on one of these, you’ll make an impression if you deliver on all four your audience will never forget.

Your number two great stories tell the truth in interesting ways: opening with an unexpected truth or a secret is a great hook off the top, as it creates a sense of intrigue for your audience secrets, provide motivation and plot twists that may need to be protected or Defended and let’s be honest, everybody is captivated by a powerful personal reveal, it’s important to read the room though, and make sure your audience is ready to receive this degree of personal information as a bonus tip.

It’s also beneficial to choose a secret with a silver lining, because it sets up a change or transformation. Now, if I were to say and start my story by saying last month, I received an email. I was never supposed to see. Chances are you’re, gon na start wondering well, what did it say and are you okay begin with the truth or best secret from your story, and you will have your audience asking the most important question: what happened next number three speak to their senses, our brains, absorb Stories as if we are experiencing them ourselves and an effective way to tap into this idea is yeah speak to the audience’s senses. When you walked into the room, what did you see hear smell touch? Taste, you want the audience to experience your words, and these details draw them right into the scene.

With you, the more detail you can give the more invested, they will become in your plot number.

Four share your transformation. The best stories deliver a transformational truth. You’Ve probably heard of the story structure to have a beginning middle and end, which is essentially a hook, development and climax. This is a valuable baseline to start with. Yet if you want to capture and keep their attention, consider following this framework struggle, conflict and then resolution struggle. If people are goon and cheer for your success, they need to relate to your struggle.

First, so tell them. What did your life look like when you were losing the river?

You can be here the better when you couldn’t pay your bills when your relationship fell apart or when you lost your job, everyone loves to root for an underdog, so describe that range of emotion. You experience behind the struggle and then draw them in the conflict. What was the roadblock you encountered and really dive into the challenge you were up against. This? Is your chance to build suspense and set up a cliffhanger? Was it physical conflict and emotional dilemma tell them what was at stake and then finally, resolution?

Until now, your buildup may have created mystery and unpredictability your resolution or moment of transformation.

That’s the big reveal.

Maybe you saved a life saved your company or reconciled with the loved one describe the moment where you overcame adversity and explained how this changed you.

The key to this point is delivering a tangible takeaway as the entire time your audience will be asking what’s in it for them, and your job is to articulate the lesson learned and give them the meaning behind it. Final point: getting personal with your storytelling, can be an effective way to connect with someone, but consider this convey credibility before vulnerability. If you’re going to present something raw and personal, you need to make sure you’ve proven your worth.

First in psychology there’s a concept known as the pratfall effect.

This is important because how your audience responds to your openness really depends on how they perceive you beforehand. So if you have conveyed credibility and strength and then show your vulnerability, you will draw people closer. However, on the flip side, if people are already questioning your competence well, your personal reveal might actually fall flat and they may just perceive you as a big hot mess, earn their respect before anything else, and your storytelling skills will help you to connect with everyone.

You meet now it’s your turn in the comments section below share your best storytelling tip would love to learn how you captivate others for more ideas on building human connection. You can download the free guide, the 5 secrets to making every conversation count, and that link is in the description below thanks for watching this video for more ideas on how you can have better conversations and become a better listener check out these videos. If you liked this one hit the like button subscribe to this channel and feel free to share the content, we’ll see you in the next video.

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T-Shirt Ruler Guide for Perfect Vinyl & Sublimation Placement | Free Rulers + Directions!

Hello everybody. It’s a beautiful day to show you how to get your designs perfectly aligned on your shirts with T-shirt rulers! If you’ve ever struggled with design alignment on a T-shirt, you won’t after today’s tutorial, because I’m going to show you how to make your own T-shirt ruler guides, and then, how to actually use them for beautiful shirts. (gasps) So it’s all really easy, and it will save you tons of time and material. So let’s head on over to my craft table and I will show you how it all works.

So first, why would you even want a T-shirt ruler? I mean, it’s just a T-shirt, right? Well, it turns out that the placement of your design on a T-shirt matters. If you put it smack dab in the middle of a shirt, as I did here, which is what makes logical sense, right? The design will appear too low when you put the shirt on, just because of the way our bodies are shaped.

We actually want to get the design up higher for the best effect, and the simplest way to do that, especially for either a beginner, or someone who is making a lot of shirts, is to use a T-shirt ruler. These rulers work by lining up the top edge of the ruler with the top seam on the shirt, and they have different shapes to line up with different neck seams on many different types of shirts, V-necks, all different sizes. And I added a vertical center mark to note the middle of the shirt, a horizontal ruler to check the placement left to right, and a vertical ruler to help you place it on a top of the design.

And don’t worry, in this video, not only am I going to show you how to use a T-shirt ruler, but I’m also going to show you how to make your own T-shirt rulers! That’s right.

So you can print out a T-shirt ruler, this one is printed out, and cut it by hand, sure, but, you can also use a cutting machine like a Cricut to cut, draw, and/or engrave them for a sturdier ruler. In fact, we can use a Cricut cutting machine to make these T-shirt guides in both 110-pound cardstock and from these plastic chopping mats that you can get either from the Dollar Tree or Amazon. I used my Cricut Maker 3 to cut and engrave these plastic rulers, but you can use any Maker or Explore machine for this. Yes, really. And to demonstrate how to use the T-shirt rulers, I’ll show you how to decorate T-shirts, and a hoodie, using some new designs that we made.

We’ll use a variety of shirts and iron-on vinyls, but you can pick your own combinations when you’re ready to do this.

And I’m going to use a Cricut EasyPress 2 with a pressing mat for this project, but you can also use a home iron, or a Cricut Autopress, or a traditional heat press, whatever you have. Our usual tools for weeding the decals will also help of course. Now, are you ready to make some helpful tools and perfect shirts? Let’s get started.

Step one, get my free T-shirt ruler files. Go to, and look for “Libraries” in the red bar at the top. Then either click “Get a password” if you don’t yet have one, or click “Enter the library.” You can find the designs on the page by searching for number 433, and then click it to download the zip file.

The download contains a folder of shirt rulers, and a second one with the shirt designs that we’ll use today so I can show you exactly how the T-shirt rulers work. I thought you might like these shirt designs too, so I included them, and the rulers and designs are totally free for you.

I’ve included T-shirt rulers for adult shirts with various neck styles, one to place a design on the back of a shirt or hoodie, and smaller versions for youth, toddler, and infants. You can print these T-shirt rulers with their printable PDFs and cut them out by hand with scissors, of course. Just cut on the black lines.

But you can make much sturdier versions of these T-shirt rulers using a Cricut cutting machine and the SVG cut files I made, as you can cut much heavier weight materials on a Cricut than it’s possible to print on a home printer. I’ll show you how. Today we’ll make T-shirt rulers in both cardstock and plastic to compare the results. I’m going to use the adult crew neck ruler guide, but you can follow these steps for the other T-shirt rulers as well. Upload the SVG ruler file of your choice to your design software.

If you’re not sure how to do this, go to to learn how to unzip and upload files. I’m going to start with the cardstock version. Step two, prepare and cut the ruler designs.

First, let’s do a heavyweight cardstock version.

Here’s what my adult crew neck T-shirt cardstock ruler looks like on my canvas. The rulers are already sized correctly, so don’t resize them, or they won’t work properly. Each ruler design has two layers, the solid white ruler shape and the top markings. For the cardstock version, the markings will be drawn on, so we need to set the markings layer to “Draw,” and then attach it to the base ruler shape. To do this, select that red marking layer in the layers panel.

Then click the dropdown menu under “Operation,” and select “Pen.” Next, click the color box beside the dropdown to select your pen size and color. I’m using my Cricut 0.4 fine point pen in black, so my settings are correct as they are now, but feel free to adjust yours if you want.

The solid ruler shape layer should stay set to “Basic Cut.” Now click, hold, and drag a box over the whole ruler, and then click “Attach” below the layers panel to keep everything together during drawing and cutting. Your cardstock ruler is now ready to go! Make sure you select the right machine, and then click “Make It.” On the “Prepare” screen, change the material size to 8 1/2 by 11 if you’re using the same cardstock as I am, then click “Continue.” I’m using yellow heavyweight cardstock because the contrast works well on all colors of T-shirts, but you can use any color cardstock you’d like.

Just make sure it’s as heavyweight as you can find so it’s sturdy enough for lots of use. I use the heavy cardstock setting for all my mats. To find it, click “Browse All Materials,” and type “cardstock” in the search bar.

Then select the results and click “Done.” Leave the pressure at default.

Place your cardstock on a green standard grip machine mat, and use a brayer to make sure it’s fully adhered. Check that your fine point blade is clean and in clamp B, and your fine tip pen is loaded in clamp A. Then load the machine mat into your Cricut and press the flashing button to begin.

Your Cricut will draw the markings with the pen first, and then make two cut passes. That’s totally normal, so don’t be surprised by that.

If you run into any issues with your cardstock, check out my Cricut tips and tricks for cleaner cuts at When the cut is finished, unload your mat, flip it over, and roll the mat back to release the cardstock. This helps prevent the material from curling and ripping. Here’s how a completed cardstock T-shirt ruler looks.

Now let’s make a plastic ruler from a chopping mat. To make the ruler out of something more durable, like plastic chopping mats, I’ll start with the same SVG file. Now remember, each ruler is separated into two layers, the solid white ruler shape and the top markings. This time we don’t need to change any operations, because we can use the fine point blade to both engrave the markings into the plastic and cut the ruler shape at the same time.

One pass with the blade scratches the surface, and then two cuts will cut through the material, and I’ve already set it up this way for you, so there’s nothing for you to do other than select both layers and attach them together.

And your plastic ruler is ready to cut! Make sure you select the right machine, and click “Make It.” The plastic chopping mats are 11 by 14 inches, but I’m going to place one on a 12 by 12 mat with the extra just hanging off the edge. So on the “Prepare” screen, leave the material size at 12 by 12, but, make sure the ruler shape doesn’t go past the 11 inch mark on the right, since there won’t be any plastic there to cut. Then click “Mirror” so the engraved texture will be on the underside of the ruler, and legible when it’s on the shirt.

Click “continue.” Under “Set Base Material,” click on “Browse All Materials,” and type “acetate” into the search window.

Then choose the result and click “Done.” Leave the pressure at default. Now it’s a bit hard to tell, but there is a smooth side and a rough side to the plastic chopping mats.

Feel for the smooth side and place that down on a purple StrongGrip machine mat with the top left edges aligned. The excess will hang off the end, but that won’t hurt anything. Use a brayer to make sure everything is fully adhered. Check that your fine point blade is clean and in clamp B, then load the mat into the machine and press the flashing button to begin. When the cut is finished, don’t remove the machine mat yet.

First gently lift up a corner to make sure the ruler shape is completely cut out. If not, press the middle button again to repeat the cut process.

It should go all the way through now. When it looks good, unload the mat, flip it over, and roll it back to release the chopping mat. Here’s how the completed plastic T-shirt ruler looks.

Now while we’re here in Cricut Design Space, let’s cut some designs for our T-shirts together so we can test out our rulers. Here are my T-shirt designs on my canvas.

Use the eye icon to hide the second option. The “Dream Big” design is already sized appropriately for a woman’s size medium crew neck T-shirt, so I’m not going to adjust it. If you’re working with a different shirt, I have convenient reference graphics with the maximum recommended design sizes over at

Remember, if you need to resize, keep the lock icon closed to maintain the design’s proportions. When you’re ready, make sure the correct machine is listed at the top, and then click “Make It.” On the “Prepare” screen, leave the material size at 12 by 12, and remember to click “Mirror,” like usual for iron-on vinyl. Click “Continue.” Cut the vinyl using the holographic iron-on setting with more pressure. Remember to place the vinyl shiny side down on a green standard grip machine mat. Then cut your holographic iron-on vinyl on your Cricut. Remove the vinyl from the mat, then trim the excess material, and weed the areas around the design.

Step three, use your T-shirt ruler.

To test out my rulers, I made my “Dream Big” design from the download in cobalt holographic iron-on vinyl. Here’s how it looks cut and weeded with the adult crew neck T-shirt that I’m going to decorate. I’ll show you how both plastic and the cardstock T-shirt rulers look in use. But first, let’s prep our shirt for a decal. You’ll need your heat press for this.

If you’re using a Cricut heat press, go to to access the heat guide.

Enter your tools and materials to get the best settings right from Cricut. This takes the guesswork out of the process. Now your process might be different than mine, but you can follow my steps with a Cricut Easy Press 2 as a guideline.

If you’re using a household iron on a cotton T-shirt, you can set your iron to the cotton setting. If your shirt is something other than cotton, you may need a different heat setting, usually a lower one. Preheat your EasyPress or iron to the proper temperature. For holographic vinyl on a cotton shirt with my press and my mat, the guide says to set my EasyPress 2 to 330 degrees Fahrenheit. Now place your T-shirt face up on a pressing mat or folded towel to protect your work surface.

Use a lint roller to clean any stray lint or fuzz from where you want to add your design. Next, find the vertical center of your shirt by matching up the sleeves and sides and folding it in half precisely.

Use your EasyPress or iron to put a crease on the center fold. This also counts as preheating your shirt. Got to love time savers!

You’ll always want to preheat before you press, as it removes moisture, which can affect pretty much anything you want to put on your shirt. Now when you open your shirt, you’ll know exactly where to find the center thanks to that crease you pressed into it. Place your T-shirt ruler up against the collar seam of your T-shirt. You don’t want it on the edge of the collar, but rather just below the seam, like this. The T-shirt ruler helps you find just the right spot for your design.

If we measure with a tape measure, you’ll see that it’s exactly in the center of the shirt. Now don’t worry if the curve of your T-shirt ruler does not exactly match the curve of your seam.

There may be a little extra space on the sides. So long as it’s centered, it does not matter. Looking good so far!

Now we’re ready to place the decal on the shirt. To find the center of the design, fold the sides of your decal in half vertically against each other, matching up the sides of the vinyl. Once it’s folded, make center creases at the top and bottom of the liner.

This won’t hurt your design, I promise. Now open up the liner and lay it vinyl side down so the creases in the liner match those on your T-shirt.

Position the design so it begins immediately under the ruler’s bottom edge. Your liner is likely taller than your design, so make sure the edge of the design meets the ruler’s edge like this. Then also makes sure your design is centered, using those creases you put in the liner. You want the top of your moon to just kiss the ruler’s bottom edge. And you can see how using a T-shirt ruler with a design like this is so helpful.

This design has no straight edge at the top, so it would be really easy to accidentally put it on crooked without the creases that we added to both our shirt and the liner. Now remove the T-shirt ruler, being careful not to shift the design. Your T-shirt and decal are now perfectly aligned. I also step back and look at the design, just to make sure it looks good to me.

It’s fine to adjust it if you want, especially if you’re working with an irregularly shaped design that might look more balanced slightly off-center.

Remember, crafting is an art, and you have my permission to get creative. Once you’re happy with the placement, press down on the liner so it sticks to the shirt and stays put. Now make sure your heat press is at 330 degrees Fahrenheit, and then press the design for 30 seconds with firm pressure. That means to keep both hands on the press, and lean a bit of your weight into it. Note that there’s no need to use a Teflon sheet or parchment paper when you’re using Cricut holographic vinyl.

The liner is strong enough to withstand the heat on its own. You should be able to cover this entire decal at one time with the large 12 by 10-inch Easy Press. If you’re using a home iron or a smaller heat source, you may need to press it in sections to get the entire decal. Just make sure all parts of the decal get pressed for 30 seconds total.

Then, flip your shirt over, and press the back for another 15 seconds.

Wait until the vinyl is cool to the touch before removing the plastic. Mine took about five minutes. And it’s done! Now let’s see how well our T-shirt ruler did by measuring the space above and beside. Looks like just three inches below the seam which is precisely what we wanted, and there is the same number of inches, about six, on either side of the design too.
Yay, it worked! I also cut out more decals to fit different kinds of shirts using the rest of the T-shirt rulers, so I can show you how those work. Here’s the adult crew neck T-shirt with the plastic guide in comparison to the cardstock one. Here’s the adult V-neck shirt, which has a totally different top edge shape.

For V-necks, the design should start about an inch from the seam, so a lot closer to the seam.

Feel free to adjust the T-shirt ruler placement to suit your shirt and design, however, as some V-necks have a deeper V than others. Here’s the adult scoop neck shirt, which has a wider curve than the crew neck version. Here’s a youth crew neck T-shirt with a youth T-shirt ruler. Here’s a toddler crew neck T-shirt with a toddler T-shirt ruler. Here’s a baby bodysuit with the infant ruler.

And I also made you a special ruler to place decals on the backs of adult shirts. Now, hoodie placements are tricky because there really isn’t a standard for aligning designs on them. So, I don’t have a hoodie ruler, but, the guide for the back of an adult shirt works with the sweatshirt on the materials list.

So let me show you how I did that. First, I resized my “Remember the Lesson” design to 9.3 by 11 inches, because I wanted it to be fairly large. Then I cut and weeded it like normal and made the central crease. Generally, the top of a design should be about where the tip of the hood lays, so that none, or very little, of the design is hidden When the hood is worn down. With the hoodie flat and face down with the hood up, align the adult back ruler under the neck seam. We’ll line the top of the design with the bottom of the ruler, so bring the hoodie down to see if it will cover too much.

If so, gently bring the ruler down to a better position, but keep it centered and straight. Then you just follow the steps to press the design onto your hoodie, just like your shirts. Didn’t that turn out great? Won’t these T-shirt rulers be so helpful next time you make shirts? I sure hope so.

I know I find them really useful. Now, which version do you think you should make? Honestly, it really depends on your materials, tools, and preferences. If you think you’ll use a specific ruler guide a lot, cutting it out of plastic is definitely worth a trip to the Dollar Tree or an order from Amazon for some chopping mats. These plastic mats are amazing, and they hold up really, really well.

But if you just need a ruler for a shirt or two, the cardstock version is surprisingly sturdy. Just keep the guide dry and store it safely so it doesn’t warp or get creased. Now if you have any questions about making or using T-shirt rulers, please let me know. I love to help. Leave question below this video or ask over in our awesome Cricut crafters group at We have many, many T-shirt makers from beginners to advanced here, and we are always happy to help and answer questions. And that’s it for today. Until next time, this is Jennifer Maker, reminding you to craft a life you love.

Create Better Content FASTER: The Best AI Tools for Content Creation!

Hi guys and welcome back to the channel today we’re going to be talking about four AI tools that can really help you with your content creation all right. So, these tools are actually very beneficial. I use them every single day okay, whether it is for AI voices, whether it’s for presentations videos, picture Generations. Okay, Aian basically does anything online now and that’s going to help you with your online businesses okay, so without further Ado, be sure to like the video and let’s just jump straight into it. The first tool here is called Haen now. Haen is Anai powered video creation platform that enables users to produce and translate videos in over175 different languages without the need for a camera or crew. So, this essentially allows you to create videos generate your own twin Avatar and.

Have that lip sync with AI audio uh based on what, you input to it, you can even clone your own voice, which we will get into in a minute another feature. Here is translating so. If you do have a video where you have been talking in English and you have a Spanish audience that you want to appeal to, then you could essentially use this tool to translate your voice into that language and it will still appear as if it’s your tonality and your voice. But what we want to get into first here is the AI voice feature thesis, a really cool feature where we can essentially clone our own voice here by just pressing these buttons uploading, an audio file. Let me just drag mine over here and then from that point we.

Just press create voice and then in no time it will have created your own voice here and we can actually play this voice. It’s going to say hello this is how I sound.

I hope you like it and really listen to it when I say that, because it’s actually going to replicate that perfectly with AI just look at this hello. This is how I sound hope; you like it. That is incredibly close to how I actually sound.

So that’s pretty incredible as a tool. In itself and then what you would do guys you would essentially go over and when you are making your projects here, you can actually have that inpatient. This. Have it lip synced up to your avatar and then, if you would like to in the future, youkan actually translates into any language that you want okay. So next on Haen we’re actually going to upload a video here and translate it into Spanish it’s only a 9-second clip.

But I do just want to show you guys how powerful this tool is.

So, if we drag in here, we can see the clip, is there and then we’re just going to click, create new translation choose a language here, let’s go for Spanish, all right, okay and then from that point, we’re just going to click submit, and now we can see this is done. So, we’re just going to click on this and see. What it sounds like, let’s just press play here, that is insane.

I’M super impressed with thatlet’s move move on to the next tool. Next toolis called gravity right gravity right is an aiddriven content generation tool designed to assistusers. In creating high quality written material efficiently, it provides over 250 templates for blogs social media posts, advertisements along with SEO optimization and AI generated images and much more.

This streamlines content, creation for marketers’ bloggers and businesses, so here’s gravity right.

What we’re going to do here is just create a blog using AI super simple. All you Gotto do is type in a title, so we’re going to downy AI is changing the world quickly and then we’re, going to select English as the language but you can choose from many. Many other languages and then, obviously we’re just going to press create outline from this point.

It’s basically going tout everything in different categories: uh it’s going to really structure your blog here and then you can just press continue and it will essentially generate all of these sections. Foryou for your blog. Have you noticed how drastically different your life is from just a few years, ago from Smart assistance, managing our homes to AI powered apps, blah blah blah.

This thing has just written an entire intro for me and that’s just one section of these blogs. Okay, we have another six or seven here that we could use to actually create an entire blog upload it to a Blog website, or your website and then from that point, essentially use SEO to gather traffic and gather potential leads for your business, the next tool – is Adobe Firefly. Now this is one of the most Cutting-edge tools out there and its essentially part of Adobe suite of generative AI tools, integrated into their creative applications. So, you could use this in Photoshop, but you can also use it on their website as well. It allows users to generate images text effects and other creative elements.

Through simple Text prompts enhancing the creative workflow for designers, artists and content creators by providing innovative ways to bring ideas to life. So, if we’re on this right now and we want to generate something, let’s just do something super simple here, a cute cat sat on a mat we’re going to press generate and what it’s going todo is generate. Four potential photos for us: that we can pick from okay, so you can see here it’s just going to give us a nice tutorial here if you do want to get started, and you can actually learn this very quickly with the help of these guys.

Quite like this first one here, so we’re going to click on that, and then we can actually upscale this if we want to uh whatever resolution that we want.

This is going to help us put this into any content that we want, whether it’s a blog post or whether.

It is something a bit bigger like a poster okay.

You can keep upscaling this, so the quality isn’t affected, no matter what size you have the picture. If we scroll down here on the left, we can actually change this photo to suit our needs. Soif, you have a brand that has a particular style then. You could essentially use this to change it to the style that you want. So, if we wanted aswarm tone here, okay, we wanted lighting, we’re just going to press random buttons here, okay and we’re going to press generate okay.

Let’s just see what this comes back with boom, so we’ve got a little bit more of a cyberpunk aspect here. Design and this could really help us if we had more of like techy Cat brand.

If that’s a thing, but we can see here that yeah. It has changed this perfectly Andreah.

It hasn’t really affected the image at alliin too many ways and the final tool here that’s going to help you with your video Creations, is the YouTube summary with chat GPT by vid rapid okays. Essentially, what this extension does is supersimple, okay, it appears next to your videos as youkan see here. So, we got a video on the screen, it’s just going to appear here and you’re, just going to click summarized video: why is this useful though well?

This is useful. If you are a YouTube Creator okay, if I was a Creator uh that made videos about aquariums right, then I could summarize this videoland the structure of the video to essentially replicate that structure and have the same formula that can generate similar amounts of views to this video itself. So, if I wanted 1 million views hereon an aquarium video, then I would press summarize here.

It’s going to give me a summary of everything in this video and then I can just copy that formator my own content creation. This is something that’s groundbreaking and definitely check viroid out in the description, so in summary, here guys in conclusion definitely check all of these out in the description but uh we have these four AI tools, code and there, going to help you with your content creation on any level. Okay, so we got Heen for potential presentations and AI avatars where. You can clone yourself as an avatar and youkan create your own AI voices, as we showed youkan, also translate your own voice as we showed to different languages depending on the demographic that.

You want to appeal to then: we’ve got the gravity WR tool, okay, this essentially allows you to write blogs. It allows you to write YouTube scripts and basically any form of writing. Online this is going to help you with very simple prompts and then we have Adobe fires. We showed you can essentially create any image here in any style to suit the brand that you are using and then finally, we have vid rapid definitely check this out in the description okay. This is going to help you create your own YouTube scripts, your own YouTube formula based another people that have had successful formulas.

Out there, that’s going to be it for me! Guys check all these out in the description be sure to like the video, and I will see you in the next video cheers.

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This is why online marketing isn’t working for you

Building an online business can be very frustrating when we start out as entrepreneurs, we’re usually hopefully optimistic, and we have an important message that we want to get out to the world. We have a great product or service, and we feel like. Surely, if we build it, they will come this thing that I have is so great and so valuable.

Surely, if I put it out there, people will find me and then reality sets in because the response to your new website, your latest piece of content, your new product or service, is generally always the same crickets, no matter how much work you put into it.

No matter how much you care about your message and your product, no matter how much you want to help, you are not seeing more traffic, a growing subscriber number, more followers or really anything at all.

So then we realize ok, indeed build it and they will come. Does not work and what’s the solution that we have to learn marketing, we have to get into all the marketing stuff and we start learning all this stuff about what we’re supposed to do differently, how to write headlines how to make better content? How to present our products and so on, but unfortunately, even there, the frustration usually doesn’t end. Instead, you find yourself doing more and more work and being overwhelmed. There’S all these different tips and all these different things you’re supposed to do in order to grow an audience online and grow your business online and even though you’re doing so much more work and instead of working on your business. As you imagined, you would you’re basically sitting there staring at a screen all day, trying to write better headlines and trying to use social media the right way and so on.

You’Re doing all this work you’re putting in all this work and the results are just still disappointing now. The good news is, there is a reason why the stuff you’re doing is not bringing you the results you hope for, and there is a better way of doing it. I have been building online businesses for over 10 years and I’ve been doing things very differently from what you’d imagine. If you read online marketing blogs and follow general online marketing advice, I think countless entrepreneurs could greatly benefit from a completely different approach to building an online business. But there is a problem here and it is greatly summarized in a Chinese proverb about filling a cup. This is the first problem we have to solve right now. Your cup is already full of all the wrong ideas of all the ideas that have kept you stuck where you are so. The very first thing we have to do is empty the cup and that’s what this video is for right here. I want to help you unlearn two of the biggest mistakes that are keeping you stuck.

The two things we have to unlearn are what I call the old paradigm and the great gap.

So, let’s start with the old paradigm. Tell me if this sounds at all familiar for online marketing advice. You have to post more, you have to post. More often, you have to post on a regular schedule and you have to post everywhere on every possible channel and on every possible social media platform. And if that doesn’t work, then the problem is that you’re, not posting enough and the solution is post even more. Do even more of the stuff that isn’t working, and even that is not enough, because we also have to do this social selling, where we have to reply to every single comment. Reply to every single email we get and whenever people comment on your stuff, send them a direct message, get into a chat conversation with people and try to sell them your stuff.

There there’s no shortage of so-called marketing experts, who relentlessly beat the drum of posting. More posting everywhere and doing more and more and more, but this just doesn’t work well as a way to grow an online business and the sheer number of entrepreneurs were doing their very best to follow this advice and getting basically zero results should be proof enough. What’S happening here is that this is an attempt to take an old strategy from the physical world, specifically door-to-door sales and transpose it onto the Internet.

If you’re a door-to-door sales person, what you can do is you can go out and knock on the door and then ask the person who opens the door if they want to buy your insurance or your kitchen knife set or whatever it is that you are selling And if they say no, you go to the next door. You knock on that door and so on, and if you do this enough and if you try hard enough, then eventually you have made a good number of sales. Now, in the old paradigm, with door-to-door sales, you can do this. You can do this kind of work to essentially cover an entire area, but if we try to take this strategy and bring it to the Internet, it simply doesn’t work. The Internet is an ocean of messages and trying to blanket the Internet with your message is just not going to work, even if you bring a big bucket of messages to the ocean, that is the Internet, you’re never going to make a significant difference now. Look, I could tell you a simple story.

It just says all of this kind of stuff simply doesn’t work. Any kind of door-to-door sales stuff applied online doesn’t work and you should never do it, but I’m not one for simple answers. So let me give you the actual truth reaching out to people trying to engage people one on one can work, but it’s something for an early-stage business where the goal is to validate a business idea. Maybe get your first customer your first 10 customers, and for that it is fine, but this is not a strategy that you can use to build the kind of online business that I bet you wanted to build. I bet you didn’t dream of being an online sales person who has to work 24/7 forever and ever in order to keep income going instead, what we want with an online business is, we want something that can work independently in the virtual space without us always having To trade time for money and for this goal, the door-to-door salesmen approach simply does not work.

Smart entrepreneurs and highly successful online businesses know this and don’t follow the old paradigm. The old paradigm on the Internet has been replaced with a new paradigm called inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is basically a reversal of the door-to-door sales approach where, instead of going out to where people are interrupting them, knocking on the door and hoping they’ll say yes, we do. The opposite: the goal of inbound marketing is to get P, who want what I have to offer to come to me, and that is our first key takeaway right.

There start unlearning all this door-to-door sales.

Whenever you see any kind of advice about online marketing, any kind of new marketing strategy or online marketing tip, ask yourself: does this fit the old paradigm, or will this help me build an inbound marketing based online business that can work independently of my input? The second problem – that’s keeping entrepreneurs stuck – is the great gap.

Now when it comes to the old paradigm, there’s a bunch of information, it’s just bad information, it doesn’t fit the purpose and it’s best if we ignore it and forget about it with the great gap.

The problem is a bit more complicated because there’s a lot of information.

That is not wrong, but it’s the wrong kind of information. Here’s the kind of thing I mean the length of the average blog post is 1142 words, however, posts with 3,000 words or more yet, three times more traffic, four times more shares and 3.5 times more backlinks than the average blog post on YouTube. The ideal video length through click-through and engagement is between six and eight minutes.

However, for monetization the ideal length is 10 to 11 minutes. Content that has a separate social sharing.

Thumbnail is 316 percent more likely to get shared on Facebook and content without an image.

The ideal image dimensions for Facebook are thousand two hundred by 628 pixels and the ideal image dimensions for a range of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, reddit and so on is a square image of 1200 by 1200 pixels all posts with a title length of 6 to 12 words get more traffic than articles with longer or shorter titles on YouTube. Titles between 42 to 60 characters get the most clicks and titles, with over 70 characters performed 37 % worse than shorter titles, least post and infographics get up to 90 % more shares than regular article and for least post. The ideal number of items on the list is 10. A top 10 list gets more shares than lists of any other non-maximize email, open rates sent on a Tuesday at 3 p.m.

With a subject line of between 6 and 10 words, the best time of the week to post a Facebook for maximum engagement is Wednesday between 11 a.m.

And 2 p.m. the restaurant post on Instagram is Wednesday and Friday between 10 and 11 a.m. and for Twitter, it’s Wednesday and Friday at 9, a M. thing in that list is factually true: everything you just saw is based on research and data, and it is all factually true, but it’s the wrong kind of information, and, if you think about it, can you see how this kind of thing is just never going To really move the needle it’s bit like we’re looking at a map that has a huge chunk in the middle missing and everybody’s, just focusing on all this stuff on the periphery, which is correct and interesting, but nobody’s going hold on what about this bit? In the middle, for example, you can easily tell that if you write 2,000 or 3,000, words of just inane meaningless nonsense and you create a catchy headline for it. Following all the rules with all the right word, count, that’s not actually going to work.

Is it the actual substance of the text of the email of the video of the tweet will always make a far bigger difference than all these technical low impact details? Why, then, is the Internet full of this low impact information? Well, it’s because this is the easy stuff you can easily quantify things like word count and video length and so on and come up with these stats that also make for a catchy headline. You can put them in a shareable infographic, and that is the way information spreads the most easily the stuff at the edge of the map is shareable goes viral is easy to write about and easy to measure and quantify the stuff at the center of the map.

That is more complex, and you can’t make a neat little infographic.

That sums up the step-by-step success, recipe for creating a piece of content that people will actually engage with and actually long and there’s also a nasty little hidden truth. In all these facts, which is to say that, yes, long blog posts get more shares. But most people are not going to read your 3,000 words. So, if you have 3,000 interesting words, but you can’t sum it up in a catchy headline or in an infographic, then you don’t have that nice situation where people can see something kind of skim through it and go oh wow. This is very substantive. I’M goon an read it later.

We’re goon and share it now, which is how most online sharing happens. So, the entire system is signal boo, all of the wrong stuff. If we really pay attention not just to averages, but especially to successful outliers, we can see that there are plenty of brands, businesses and content creators who break all of these rules and do extremely well for themselves.

For example, YouTube creators like bacon or Toska, whose posts very rarely very irregularly and super short videos, but gets hundreds of thousands of views or creators like contra points who also posts very rarely but extremely long, very in-depth, complex videos and gets millions of views or Matt Dia Bella, who seems to break all the rules about how you have to have a click, baby, spectacular, exciting titles, on YouTube in order to be successful or what about the Joe Rogan podcast in an age where everyone’s always talking about how everyone’s attention spans are diminishing? The most successful podcast in the world often posts three-hour long conversations and we can look to websites and blogs to find even more rule-breakers.

We have James’s clear who is a highly successful blogger, one of the most successful ones in his space who posts. Quite rarely almost never uses catchy titles or images often writes short, but to the point posts and has massive success.

Doing so for Cal Newport, who also doesn’t have a publishing schedule, often publishes very short posts, but is a highly sought after right war. Wait but why one of the most successful blogs on the internet posts completely regularly quite rarely hosts the kind of stuff you would never get to by following a bunch of internet marketing tips and is hugely successful.

And the list of these exceptions goes on and on and on the reason these creators are successful is because they focus on the stuff in the center of the map that you simply won’t find by following the latest top 10 internet marketing tips blog post.

So, what can we learn from these creators?

And what can we do to get this kind of success that doesn’t follow the mainstream advice now that we’ve emptied your cup of two of the worst problems that are keeping you stuck in the next video we’ll start, exploring that important centerpiece of the and make sure You subscribe below if you want to get notified in the next, video is released.