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Category: Email list building

Marketing to Marketers

Marketing to other marketers to make it easier to make money is great but many of the buyers never use the products and just try to pawn them off on other marketers. So, you wind up with all these people selling scripts, programs, eBooks, and more to other online marketers and they profess how great they are without ever using them. They are just trying to make a buck as an affiliate of someone else’s idea.

I am all for new marketing ideas especially the ones that automate tedious tasks. I love submitting articles and use an auto submitter. RSS feeds provide news to my sites. Automatically creating links to Click Bank items based on keywords in my blogs is a godsend.

But, to me, if people don’t use these products and just pimp them to others, they are missing out on the long-term benefits for a quick buck.

I admit that I have done this in the past and may do it again in the future? but? I only sell products that I actually use and approve. That way I can actually vouch for them since I have used them and can speak from personal experience.

Personally, I prefer to market to the average Internet Joe. I market to people who are looking for a deal on a credit card (and I use a super script to keep my site current). I recommend hotels in Thailand and can speak from first-hand experience. I post links to hotels in Thailand forums and also have 6 Thai affiliate hotel sites.

I also write articles about Thailand and list my hotel affiliate links in the author’s resource box. These are pretty easy to write since I have been traveling to Thailand for over 30 years.

I also write the occasional marketing or credit article to get some traffic to those sites. I have about 10 article sites and advertise on those sites that others submit their articles to.

I would rather make a few bucks marketing a product to people who are actually going to use it instead of marketing to someone who is only going to try to sell it to someone else.

All of this is just my personal opinion. There is nothing morally wrong or illegal of marketing to marketers. I use many of the items that are up for sale, especially those that make my life a little bit easier.

The one thing that I do object to is the folks that market to others and make false or misleading statements indicating that they use the product and how wonderful it is when they have never used it and just want to make a buck.

Anyhow, keep coming up with all those great products that marketers can use to make our lives easier. Just market them honestly.

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How to Grow an Email List (2025) — 10 Top Tips

Growing an email list is one of the best ways to grow a business.

But how do you do it?

I’m Matt Walsh from Style Factory, one of the web’s leading sources of advice on digital marketing and ecommerce. And today I’m going to answer that question. Stay tuned to this video, and I’ll give you a list of the best ways to turbo-charge the growth of your mailing list.

But before I begin, please do click the like button, subscribe to our channel and hit the notifications bell. This helps us out and gives you access to all our essential marketing and ecommerce advice. OK, so let’s dive in. One — start offline. When people think about building a mailing list, they often assume that this is best done online — by adding ‘join our mailing list’ forms to websites, creating landing pages for online ad campaigns and so on.

However, a lot of businesses operate not just online but offline too, and there are plenty of ‘real world’ opportunities for capturing data that can be overlooked.

For example, you can invite people to join a mailing list via paper application forms, business card collection, competitions, phone calls and face to face encounters. So, make a list of any point of contact you have with potential subscribers in the real world, and ensure that each one provides people with an opportunity to join your mailing list offline. Two — incentivize data capture. A lot of business owners think that putting a ‘join our mailing list’ form on the side of a website is all they need to do to generate email subscribers.

This sort of call to action is boring though, and rarely results in a particularly good sign-up rate. Instead, it’s better to incentivize data capture, by spelling out the key benefits of joining your mailing list. These benefits can include access to exclusive content, a free trial of an app or receiving discount codes. Turn your call to action into a compelling offer, and you’ll end up with a lead magnet rather than an empty form. Three — audit your website for data capture opportunities.

A website is obviously a great place to add sign up forms for your mailing list, particularly if it gets a lot of traffic.

Now, a lot of website owners put a sign-up form on their home page and leave it at that.

But this ignores the fact that in a lot of cases, the most visited page on a website isn’t the home page. Blog posts or video pages regularly get more organic traffic than home pages, and if you don’t have a sign-up form beside your most popular content, you are missing a big trick — and lots of subscribers too. So, check your website statistics carefully to see what your most popular pages are, and make sure you have a sign up form on each one of them.

If in doubt, make a sign-up form visible on every page of your site — for example, you can add them to sidebars and at the bottom of blog posts, or link to them in your site navigation. Four — consider using popups on your website. Popups can be really effective for driving sign-ups to a mailing list — particularly when they’re tied to a great offer.

They are typically set up so that they appear a certain number of seconds after a user starts reading an article, after they’ve scrolled through a certain percentage of a page, or when they’re about to leave the site. The only thing to watch out for with popups is that search engines are not always keen on them and can penalize sites that use them too aggressively.

So, if you rely on organic search traffic as your main source of visitors, you may need to tread carefully here. Google has a resource about how to avoid using popups in a way that damages your search rankings — there’s a link to this in the video description. Five — create fantastic blog content. The more traffic you have on your website, the more potential there is for people to see your sign-up forms. And one of the best ways to generate traffic is through high-quality blogging about topics that are related to your business area.

We have a free resource on how to create really great blog content that generates a lot of traffic — you’ll find a link to this in the video description, or in the top right corner of the screen. Six — add sign-up opportunities to all your online assets (not just your website). So far, I’ve talked a lot about the ways you can generate email leads on your website. But it’s important not to neglect the data capture opportunities that your other online assets can offer you. Make sure that in addition to your website, you add a mailing list sign up link to your company’s email signatures, YouTube videos, webinars, social media profiles and any content you produce for other websites.

Seven — leverage other people’s lists to grow yours. If you have particularly good relationships with other business owners, you can use these to increase the size of your mailing list. If the price or the opportunity is right, a business associate may be willing to use their mailing list to encourage people to join yours.

They may also be willing to promote your mailing list sign-up link on their website. Eight — use online ads and squeeze pages.

Online ads are a great way to drive signups. However, it’s important to use them in the right way. A lot of people use online ads to push consumers to a product page or the home page of a website. But in a lot of cases, particularly when you’re dealing with a ‘cold’ audience, this is a very ineffective use of ad spend. It can be better to send people to what’s known as a ‘squeeze page.

’ A squeeze page only contains an offer and a form — there’s no navigation or other content to distract users from signing up to your list. Because of this, squeeze pages tend to be highly effective at capturing email addresses that can then be used to develop business relationships with.

Nine — use shorter forms. When building sign up-forms, it’s tempting to add lots of fields to them in a bid to get as much user data as possible. However, you’ll probably find that shorter forms convert better — a lot of the time, one-field forms that only capture email addresses work best.

The best way to judge what form length is right for your business is via A/B testing, which involves creating different versions of forms and monitoring the effectiveness of each. You can also use this process to see which aesthetics convert best too. Ten — send engaging content to your list. So far, we’ve looked at how you can grow your mailing list.

But it’s important to consider how you can stop it shrinking too, via unsubscribes (or messages being flagged as spam).

The best way to do this is by sending consistently great e-newsletters to your list. Strong content that is of interest to your subscribers will keep them engaged, reduce your unsubscribe rate and make visitors more receptive to your offers. Additionally, if your newsletters are really interesting, they are more likely to be forwarded to other people, who may then end up joining your list too. A great way to send out engaging content is via autoresponders — a series of emails that your subscribers automatically receive after signing up to your mailing list. Check out our video about autoresponders for more information about them — there’s a link to this in the video description and at the top right corner of the screen too.

And that’s it — our top tips on how to grow an email list! If you’d like to get more digital marketing advice from Style Factory, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notifications bell.

And if you have any questions about email marketing, do leave them in the comments section. We read them all and will do our best to help.

Build Your List & Get Free Traffic – It’s Easy

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The Email Segmentation That Every B2B Tech Startup Needs

The buyer’s journey tends to be more buyer-centric as actions that they’re specifically demonstrating and lifecycle stage tends to be more your way of looking at a prospect versus an opportunity versus a customer. The Email Segmentation That Every B2B Tech Startup Needs According to the Direct Marketing Association, segmented emails drive 58% of all revenue attributed email marketing. In other words, unless you prioritize email segmentation within your email marketing campaigns, your email results will only achieve about 42% of their true potential. So with this in mind, what kinds of segmentation should B2B tech startups be leveraging? But before we get into that, though, can I ask you to please take a moment and subscribe to this YouTube channel and ring the Bell so you can be notified when new content just like this becomes available?

First up, let’s talk about your buyer’s journey stage. Do you know where a particular contact is in their active research process between surfacing a goal or a challenge and committing to a purchase? If so, be sure to use the buyer persona contact property and buyer’s journey stage — awareness, consideration and decision — to create an email list that you can use in your email marketing campaigns.

This way, you’ll be able to send contextuall-relevant email messages to the right person at the right time. Another big segmentation that every B2B tech startup should be used using is industry.

How many different industries does your company sell to? Does each industry have different reasons for engaging with your company? Do you have separate email campaigns and goals for stakeholders from different kinds of industries or different industries as a whole? If so, create email lists or segments based on the contact’s industry property. Next up, make sure that you take into account the job role or job title in the email segmentation.
Different people within and in the company can have wildly different goals, challenges, and motivations for investing in your company’s product or service. Within the situation, you’d likely want to communicate quite differently with a CFO, a chief financial officer, than you would with an IT professional like a help desk manager.

To make this a reality, make sure that you have an easy way to segment based on contacts by job role, which means by definition, you’re going to likely need a drop down list as opposed to somebody writing in a free form job role or job title. From a practical standpoint, you’d likely need this as a custom contact property, so that way you can segment properly and get your personalization in gear to be able to use that more effectively. Another big email segmentation that every B2B tech startup should be thinking about is language.

This is a huge one, actually. Do all of your prospects speak English, or do they speak some other language? Now, suppose that your email messaging needs to be language- relevant for your recipient and you’re routinely sending messages in other languages besides English. If that’s the case, you will need a contact property that either explicitly or implicitly gathers this information, gathers information on language, and then uses that to auto- populate your email lists for language and your various segmentations along those lines. In addition to the buyer’s journey stages that we talked about earlier, make sure that you understand the lifecycle stage.

This is kind of the first cousin of the buyer’s journey stage. Lifecycle stage is another way of categorizing and segmenting contacts where they are based on the lifecycle with your company. And buyer’s journey tends to be more buyer-centric. It’s actions that they’re specifically demonstrating. And lifecycle stage tends to be more your way of looking at a prospect versus an opportunity versus a customer.

Location is another big segmentation that everyone really should be thinking about. If your prospects and customers are spread across multiple time zones, perhaps even multiple countries or continents, you should use location as another part of your email segmentation strategy. In addition, if your company has a brick and mortar presence where certain kinds of customers and prospects would be more likely to visit or do business with their closest location to yours, this would be another strong use case for keeping track of a location contact property to drive geographically-related email lists. And then finally, think about segmenting on recent behavior; like this is a foundational point of behavioral email marketing. Use marketing automation software that allows you to do double duty as your email service provider and perhaps even integrates with your contentt management system, your CMS, so you’ll have excellent visibility into recent behaviors of known contacts.

For example, you may want to create email segments on most recent email opens or click through or website visits, form submissions, or specific page views. I know with working with a lot of sales teams, they absolutely love to know at the exact moment when someone is viewing a pricing page or viewing a case study page — add them to a particular segment. You can track that from a list and a follow-up standpoint. And at the absolute minimum, you’re going to want to send out an email, an internal email notification, and or an internal SMS notification right away to let the contact owner, to let the salesperson is working with that prospect know that, “Hey, Bob, from ABC company that you talked with last week or what have you is looking at the pricing page right now.” Your sales people absolutely love you for that as long as they know what to do with those leads.

Those are some email segmentation strategies that I think everyone should be thinking about that’s in a B2B tech startup. What kind of email segmentation have you found most helpful for your company? Let me know in the comments section down below. If you’re looking to get some one-on-one assistance with your email segmentation, feel free to reach out. Send me a note on LinkedIn.

Let me know what kind of help you’re looking for, and we may be able to work together. I’m Joshua Feinberg from SP Home Run. And I wish you great success in using email segmentation to provide a better growth path for your prospects and customers in your B2B tech startup.

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5 Things You Should Know About Acne Treatment Product

1 Know What You Buy

When it comes to acne treatment product most people just simply buying based on advertising they watch. Each people is different as well as skin, so before you buy acne treatment product make sure you know anything about your skin.

2. Acne Demand Great Deal of Patience

?You want to get rid from acne right away? Then buy this ABC product.? Saw something familiar? How many times you?d been enticed by those kind of ads, and I can guarantee 100% only disappointment you?ve get so far.

3. Never Pop Pimples!

When you get acne and see your face in front of mirror, did you hear those little sound screaming to you ?Pop The Pimples!? Don?t hear that no matter how tempting it might be.

By doing so you just put yourself in long-term adversities. It will leave you scar and remove scar leaving by your ?pop the pimples? act could literally consume a lot of time and money.

4. Be Careful with The Side Effect of Acne Treatment Product

Be informed about your skin type and acne treatment product you use. Easiest way to do so is just visiting your doctor and ask him/her about possibility of acne treatment product you use could occur some side effect.

A few side effects that may occur are:

– allergic reaction
– respiratory tract irritation
– flaking of the skin
– redness
– inflammation of the skin

To avoid this you could natural acne treatment product that use herb as their main material. One ingredient you will consistently find in natural
acne treatment products is tea tree oil, because tea tree oil kills bacteria.

the point here is before you use anything do some research first

5. Want to Remove Your Acne Scar and Do it Quickly and Efficiently?

Then you should consider trying acne laser scar treatment. I?m not a doctor, so don?t ask me the procedure, you can just phone the free line number of close medical center and ask for more information.

What you should consider to use this option is because it is fast, no side effect (ask your physician for confirmation) and not much pain involved.

5 Tips For Getting Rid of Acne

By now, almost everybody has seen the late night and early morning acne infomercials with Jessica Simpson and Sean “Diddy” Combs. I guess they figure, if a celebrity trusts something, then so should you. The promises made for the product sound surreal, and yet for many people it may be just the cure they’re looking for. Even so, it may not be for everybody.

One of my daughters who had acquired a bad case of acne in recent years, tried the infomercial solution, and it didn’t work on her at all. Being a young teenager, she was beset by acne breakouts and needed a solution fast. But unable to find a quick solution, we ended up going to the local dermatologist for acne information and answers. The doctor gave her a prescription for a cream and an oral medication. After following his instructions for a couple weeks, her acne had virtually departed. This was the right solution for her, but it may not be for you – because we’re all different.

Here are some general tips that I’ve discovered over the years:

If you have oily skin – it’s best to take a medicated acne product or one in gel form.

If you have dry skin – you’ll probably do better with the acne cream form and medicated products with benzoyl peroxide or salycic acid.

If you have both oily AND dry skin (combined type) – you will probably need a combination of oily skin gels and dry skin acne creams to apply to different parts of your fact according to the skin condition there.

If you have sensitive skin – you will more than likely need less intense concentrations of either dry, oily, or combined-type treatments.

If you have skin pain because of acne – you should get personal attention from a dermatologist.

So many people struggle with skin afflictions on a regular basis. With the advances in science, you’d think that the acne problem would have been solved long ago and that acne would be a pale memory. Unfortunately the age-old confidence destroyer is still around and going strong.

Today, reaching middle age, I find myself in a new situation when it comes to unsightly blemishes. Now I find that my skin tends to be a bit oily and I have acne breakouts after moisturizing my face. One of the few things I look forward to as I get older is the absence of acne.

5 Tips on Getting Rid of Acne

There are many different causes for acne. The complication is not in knowing why acne occurs, it is identifying the ultimate cause for each person that has it and then figuring out the appropriate treatment for the condition. There is some good news in light of all of this. That is that there are some basic acne treatments that everyone can experiment with when it comes to getting rid of acne. Here, I will share with you the most common 5 tips on getting rid of acne.

One of the first ways that you can be successful in getting rid of acne is to engage in a diet that benefits the skin, as well as your health in general. Organic foods have recently started to gain in popularity and for a very good reason. These particular foods are not processed. Furthermore, when these foods are cultivated, harmful chemicals that can prove to be toxic to your overall health, as well as the health of your skin are not used.

Examples of these toxins include herbicides, pesticides, and similar items. If you want to recover from acne, you should ensure to eat plenty of foods that are labeled Organic. Naturally, consuming a lot of foods that are green and leafy in the vegetable category is appropriate. Furthermore, fruits and nuts are also beneficial. It is also important to consume items that contain a fair amount of water.

The second way that you can get rid of acne is by ensuring that you consume ten to twelve glasses of water a day. Each of these glasses should be at least eight ounces. I know this seems like quite a bit of water, but it is a key element when it comes to purifying the body on the whole. The more water that moves through your body, the more clean and pure the inside of the body will be.

When this happens, that purification will actually spread to the outside, or the skin. This means that when impurities invade the pores of the skin, it is highly likely that the water that you have consumed will play a vital role in quickly eliminating this obstruction. As a result, you will experience fewer blemishes.

Did you know that by increasing the amount of vitamins that you ingest, you can reduce the possibility of an acne outbreak? This is the next way that you can work on getting rid of acne. All you have to do is focus on eating foods that have high levels of vitamins A, B12, B, E, B5, & B6. If you find that it is difficult sorting through the ingredients on everything that you eat or drink in order to maximize your exposure to these vitamins, you can purchase supplements.

Many elect to simply take a multivitamin every single day. Then, there are some that purchase each of these vitamins and then rotate days on taking them. However, you decide to do it, it is important to just do it! You are sure to see immediate results when it comes to how clean and healthy your skin is!

When it comes to getting rid of acne, many individuals are turning towards natural herbs. There are a number of herbs that have been found to assist in acne complications. Red Clover is an especially popular herb because of the fact that it works to purify the blood and remove toxins from the body. Then, you have other herbal remedies such as Dandelion Root, and Alfalfa. There are even Chinese Herbs like Yang Ming and Lung Heat that can prove to be beneficial.

If you have a severe case of acne, and nothing else that you have tried is successful when getting rid of it, you should consider setting up an appointment with a dermatologist. These professionals will work closely with you to determine your triggers, skin type, and what will be the best treatment option for you as an individual.


Acne is a complex skin condition that has plagued millions and millions of people all throughout history. There are many different ways that you can approach this situation. While not all are successful for everyone, there are a few out there that can help you optimize the health of your skin. Here, you have been introduced to 5 tips on getting rid of acne give them a try!

5 Tips To Cure Your Acne

Here are 5 tips to help with acne prevention and treatment and skin maintenance. They are listed in no particular order of importance.

1. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine for vitamin D, ingredients for healthy skin. Not only will your skin appreciate the vitamin D, your body and mind will enjoy the oxygen and stress reducer of a daily jaunt outdoors. But don’t overdo it and get a sunburn! Remember to use sun protection / tanning lotions if you’ll be out long. You don’t want to get caught up in that cycle of burned, dead skin cells blocking pores, resulting in acne scenario.

2. Remember, even “good” stress can trigger internal chemical responses that result in acne, too. So plan ahead to deal with extra stress when planning a wedding, graduation, a move, a new job, a job transfer, a new baby, etc. Journal a little extra, focusing on the upcoming issue or issues and plan in some extra rest (use relaxation or meditation tools – cassettes, workshops, etc.) Get help around the house, take time off, exercise (yoga and T’ai Chi are highly recommended), have fun or whatever you need to do.

3. Drink an adequate amount of water daily. Many recommend three to four tall glasses and mineral or filtered water. Too little water can lead to dehydration, which can lead to dead skin cells not naturally falling off or sloughing properly; the end result can be blocked pores, acne.

4. Acne has nothing to do with dirt. Period. So don’t over-wash or over-scrub your face or the rest of your body. Keep in mind that too much can result in dry skin. And dry skin means your body will jump in and create more oil. Then what? Extra oil + extra dead skin cells = blocked pores, triggering acne flare-ups. Same old story.

5. – Add more fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts to your regular diet. (Note that deficiencies if selenium and zinc, found in Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds, have been associated with acne.) So add salads, dried fruit and nut snacks, juices and other healthy treats to your daily planning.

This report includes information based upon research about acne. It strives to help clear up myths from facts and present an overview of the issues surrounding acne along with possible solutions available to help with the prevention and treatment of acne, all based upon the most recent studies, reports, articles and findings available, so that you can learn more acne health care.

5 Tips Which Will Guarantee You Get the Best From Your Doctor in Relation to Your Acne Treatment

Doctors are extremely busy people that are often overworked, underpaid and sometimes harassed by patients that have little to complain about. However I believe they genuinely want to help their patients, and will take your acne condition seriously. There are a number of simple steps you can take to ensure you maximise the chance of getting the right help from your doctor in treating your acne

1. A key skill in getting the best out of any situation is clear communication. Your doctor can only act on the information you give him about your condition. Not providing the ?full story? is the primary reason for misdiagnosis or a lack of urgent attention. Make sure you tell your doctor, how long you?ve had the acne, what treatments you?ve tried, where does the acne occur and is it worsened by reaction to stress of sunlight.

2. Ask questions about any aspect of your acne that you want to clarify. A good tip is to write down the questions you want to ask, before you speak to your doctor, to ensure you cover everything. Don’t feel embarrassed by asking certain questions, remember there are ‘no dumb questions’

3. Understand that there are no miracle cures for acne, and that you may have to try a number of different treatments before you find one, which is effective, against your particular type.

4. Make sure you mention the emotional side of how your acne makes you feel, if this is of particular concern to you. This is a vital area that is often overlooked, and is clearly important particularly if your acne is resulting in depression, or resulting in a reduction in your social interactions with others.

5. If your doctor prescribes any medication, make sure you fully understand

1) how to apply the treatment,

2)how long will it be before you see any improvement,

3)any side-effects that you may experience,

4)when do you need to return for a follow up, and

5)how long the treatment will last. These key questions will ensure you are fully informed about the treatment programme you are embarking on.

Remember your doctor is there to help you overcome both the physical and emotional side of acne. If you don?t feel you can easily approach your doctor, find an alternative medical professional, such as a dermatologist. What ever you decide to do, ensure you seek help, and don?t let acne get the better of you.

Sneaky Cold Email List Building Mistakes Killing Your Outreach (Try These Strategies)

Today, we’re diving into a topic plaguing most entrepreneurs, salespeople and marketers, who reach out to me all the time they often say things like Patrick. My coal Outreach isn’t working. I’ve tried everything: it’s not bringing me 10 53 or even one new client every single month, and when I audit their outbound efforts, I find a slew of mistakes costing them time money and precious resources, and you know what the biggest culprit sabotaging their efforts is. If you guess their lead list, you’d be right and time and time again I see people drastically short changing the importance of building a good lead list.

Too often you all are just hastily putting together the biggest and cheapest lead list you can find, which is a fatal mistake, and then you go and blast thousands of your relevant cold emails to people who you you think is your ideal customer which not only burns Your sending reputation to the ground, but if you’re also doing a multi-channel outbound approach, it’s also adding to the losses by wasting your time, cold, calling unqualified, leads or sending irrelevant LinkedIn connection requests, which are already limited due to linkedin’s rules and think for yourself.

When you’re burning time and money on the wrong leads, what aren’t you doing?

You’re not spending time on leads meaning the opportunity cost is huge, and what many fail to understand is this: in cold outbound, whether it’s email, deliverability copyrighting, a multi-channel approach, outbound software follow-up strategies or building a lead list, every single little thing matters every component is crucial In any company’s sales process executed correctly, it’s going to bring you gold, but when mishandled, it’s going to bring you Fool’s goal, and this might seem trivial but believe me, after building a million-dollar, outbound sales agency and now running a sales software uptick, I’ve literally seen it All poor cold Outreach, stats are a common site and list building is frequently one of the major issues, if not the biggest issue, so today’s cold to Gold, Video is all about ensuring you’re reaching out to the right prospects and maximizing your conversions.

Now, let’s dive in to give you some actionable advice when it comes to list build building, one of the key steps is creating a detailed Persona if you’re not familiar with personas there, essentially a way to segment your lead list based on specific variables like location, job, Title company size, industry, company tags, that kind of stuff, but not just technographic and firmographic data for each Persona. You should work to understand their actual problems and desires what they want to solve and what they want to achieve, for instance, check out this 15 plus page Persona report. We generated it’s a line-by-line detailed listing of everything.

You’d need to ensure you’re targeting the right prospects, industry, company, size, job titles and yes, problems and desires all tailored for each Persona. The goal is to Target your ideal prospects, not just any random person and with the recent changes coming to Google and other email providers, we now have to be abundantly thorough about who we’re reaching out to and with what message that we’re actually reaching out to them. With to avoid issues with the email guides or the personas who have no interest in your product or service, so instead of blasting emails to thousands and thousands of people, we’re going to hyper Target our Outreach to get much better results.

But this means knowing who your ideal prospects are their job, title’s locations and other relevant details, as I mentioned, and you can do a lot of This research right in chat GPT as well.

It’s not that hard, so use Ai and Technology to your advantage. Just give chat, GPT your website URL and have it analyze it and start asking it questions about your personas or you could try using uptakes and our ideal customer profile report to get a comprehensive analysis of your ideal customer profiles and personas with sales Outreach campaign, ideas Which brings me to our video sponsor today, who is, of course none other than yours, truly uptick, and today I’ve got a special promo for all of you. You can get 20 % off our software for the first 3 months when you subscribe to a plan. Just use the code cold to Gold 1123, but, as you know, good things don’t last forever, and the offer is only good for the first five people who are redeem it within the next 7 Days.

Okay, so back to the content, once you have your personas figured out next, we need to separate the personas into subcategories a process known as cohosting. This isn’t that hard, but what you need to do is segment into as many audiences as possible. So, instead of lumping everything together, you have a list for, let’s just say: marketing and advertising industry at companies with say 1 to 10 employees who you’re targeting the founder and if there’s enough leads, you want to use keywords as well, because marketing and advertising is Broad.

So you might want to segment, for, let’s just say, maybe SEO design or paid ads Professionals in that audience, the more granular you can get the better, and once you have the list dialed in you want to test different copyrighting angles for each cohort and your messaging Should be very, very specific to that cohort, for example, let’s say we’re selling a cold email service, your target Persona might be CEOs of companies with fewer than 20 employees.

Let’s just say, with more than two sales reps based in the United States in the coaching Services industry, we’re going to export these leads load them into a system like upticks, launch, different campaigns to see where we get the most engagement. Because before we dive into the deep Waters and TR try fishing for insane number of customers, we want to see where we’re going to get the Nibbles from and again since Google is always changing their spamming policies.

We have to test with low volume anyway and ultimately, what we want to do is perfect our messaging, and we want to perfect our process that we’re using and essentially with the cohorts, what it’s going to give. You is feedback when you launch a cohort you’re going to learn some stuff when you launch another cohort you’re going to learn some more stuff and an every cohort, we Implement a few minor tweaks and changes and, as time goes on the fewer the changes we make, The better, of course, because we can isolate variables and figure out where we’re getting results or what’s really causing the results to improve.

So that’s a little bit about personas. So now the question is: where do you find the best leads? Well, data is abundant.

Nowadays, you can get it almost anywhere, there’s hundreds, maybe thousands of different companies providing data, but you got to make sure the data that you’re using is valid and make sure that you’re revalidating emails at least once before. You enroll people into your campaigns. But if you don’t want to handle this part of the process, you can use our sales up services where we’ll build your lead list, write your cold emails and do a whole bunch of other stuff for you, because, ultimately you don’t want to destroy your domains and Inboxes and have bad email deliverability, which, as you know, isn’t getting any easier and then deal with the aftermath of an empty pipeline.

Nobody wants that and you can apply these strategies to anything, cold, emailing, cold, calling LinkedIn Outreach or any other social platform, and it just works period and again this strategy might seem deceptively simple and that’s exactly where many people falter so don’t fall into the Trap. Remember it’s often the simple things that elevate us to new heights PS. Remember, no matter how compelling your copy is, how high your open rates are or how sophisticated your outbound tools are, if you’re not building the right list and reaching out to the right people.

It’s all in vain. The key to success and Outreach lies in this Precision. Targeting everything else hinges on list building now, that’s all I have for you in today’s video. If you have any questions, leave a comment below smash the like button.

If this was helpful and consider subscribing to the channel for more content on sales and Outreach, then join Over 4,000 sales Pros who use upticks to grow their sales.

And if you don’t want to do 90 % of the work, then you can check out our sales up services that I mentioned.

There’s links in the description to learn more and remember there’s nothing more sales can’t cure and money L speed.

So, let’s get some yeah.