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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us.

Stage 1 Identify Desired Results

Slide One: In this mini lecture, we will be discussing stage 1 in the Understanding by Design model of instructional design. Slide Two: As a quick refresher of what you have already learned, backward design has three stages: first you identify your learning outcomes (the subject of this video), then you determine evidence of learning (assessments), and finally you plan the curriculum and instruction Slide Three: In sum, backward design centers the ultimate learning goals the North Star.

By following the North Star, students expand their knowledge and skillset for success in and outside the classroom. Skills and knowledge must extend beyond the classroom (or semester) for true growth and learning.

Backward design enables learners to transfer what they have learned to other contexts. Slide four: Remember- we are designing backward, so we are going to start with the ultimate learning goals and objectives for the course. Basically, you want to ask the following three questions, which build from lowest to highest priority or from the smallest to biggest picture: What should students hear, see, or read? What knowledge and skills should students demonstrate? What big ideas and core understandings should students retain? These big ideas are called essential questions in Understanding by Design, and they are what I am calling your North Star.

Slide five: Step one: What type of knowledge is low-to-medium priority for learners?

You will always have some content that it of the lowest priority to be mentioned in lectures, units, or modules?

Think about what these are because, if need be, they can be moved around, maybe you will find they could be eliminated entirely to focus more on the essential questions.

Slide six: Step two: expanding our scope, the knowledge and skills that students demonstrate are medium-to-high priority items. These can include facts, dates, people, concepts, theories, principles, equations, or whatever else is important in your discipline.

Slide seven Finally, what about our big ideas (your North Star or essential questions) that engender enduring understanding?

These are the core ideas that professors want their students to remember after the course is done.

These are the highest-priority learning items.

Slide Eight Let s take a little deep dive: What are essential questions Understanding by Design emphasizes essential questions and core understandings. The essential questions and core understandings are the so what part of learning- the North Star that you guide your students toward throughout the course.

To determine your North Star, ask yourself: What do I want my students to carry with them beyond the class?

By using essential questions and core understandings you can be intentional in your pedagogy, academically rigorous (because you know the purpose of everything and what is high, medium, or low priority and what mastery or proficiency looks like) and connect assessments and learning activities to your over-arching goals and objectives.

Essential questions are provocative, challenging, big picture questions that you want your learners to engage with.

They do not have a simple yes or no answer, they require learners to use evidence and/or logic to answer and require learners to use higher-level skills (like analysis or application as opposed to memorization or recall alone).

They often occur over and over (across settings and academic disciplines) and can be used to make connections inside and outside the course.
This extension beyond the course is often called transfer or your transfer goals in backward design.

Think of it this way: what core understandings, skills, or ideas will your learners be able to apply in future courses, in other educational settings, or the real world? By building transfer goals into your course, you ensure that learners leave with knowledge and skills that are transferable to multiple contexts.

Slide Nine: By developing courses around core understandings and essential questions, professors answer the element of learning that perplexes many students in a traditional, forward designed course: Why are we doing this, again? Slide

Ten: So, you might be asking: What are essential questions or core understandings?

Here are some examples. Examples of essential questions might include: Why should we engage with the big ideas that philosophers, historians, chemists, social scientists (insert your subject here) have debated for centuries? What is their value? How can we create a multicultural democracy? How do people learn?

What does it mean to live a good life? Examples of core understandings might include Students will understand why reading comprehension is foundational for other high-level tasks like critical thinking or academic writing.

Students will trace (insert your discipline here) thinking on (major idea in your field or subject) from (date-to-date).

Students will describe the research process and how to collect and analyze data.

Slide 11: Generally, a course will have only a select few core understandings and essential questions this is what makes them your North Star.

Once you have determined the essential questions and over-arching learning goals, you can create more specific learning objectives for each week, module or unit. Hopefully this lecture was helpful in clarifying step one of backwards design and the importance of essential questions and core understandings in your class. See you in the course!

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33 Life-Changing Books Summarized in 20 Minutes

I’ve read over 1,000 non-fiction books in my life, and these 33 are the most powerful life-changing of them all, and they’re all summarized in less than one minute each. So let’s fucking go! This might be the most practical book ever written on simple behavioral change. “Atomic Habits” has three big takeaways. The first is that small lifestyle changes, compound over a long period of time.

So you don’t wanna try to be a completely different person tomorrow, you wanna be 1% better 100 days in a row. The second big takeaway can be summarized with the line, “We don’t rise to the level of our goals, but we fall to the level of our systems.” The idea here is that it’s not about ambition or effort, it’s about creating an environment that makes behavioral change inevitable. And finally, the third takeaway is that habits don’t stick unless we alter our identities.

That means it’s not sufficient to simply change our behavior, but we also have to change how we see ourselves and how we relate to others.”The Expectation Effect” by David Robson. Science shows our expectations can drastically affect how we perceive reality. People who believe they’re capable of doing something are far more likely to do it. People who believe they will heal from an injury or illness do so quicker and more consistently. People who expect medication or therapy to work have a greater chance of that medication or therapy working.

Basically, the mind is a really fucking powerful thing and it affects our bodies and relationships in ways that we don’t fully understand. So you might as well adopt mindsets and beliefs that are most likely to help you. That’s leveraging the expectation effect. What if I told you that stress isn’t always a bad thing, that it could even be a good thing? Well, that’s the argument that Kelly McGonigal makes in this important book.

Stress has a bad reputation. We’re told, “It will kill us, it will traumatize us, it will make us miserable and sad and cry into our ice cream cone.” Well, it depends specifically on what exactly is stressing us.

Is it a meaningful and important challenge that is stressful? Is the stress creating value for you in the world?
After all, stress exists for a reason. It mobilizes us, both physically and mentally. It gets us paying attention, and when directed in a meaningful pursuit, it can help us feel a sense of accomplishment. – [All] Goal! – So you shouldn’t necessarily avoid stress, you should pick the stress that you’re happy to have.

Conventional wisdom tells us to follow our passion. Pick a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life, right? “Wrong,” says Cal Newport. The research says that, “We get it backwards.” We don’t do great work at things we love, we tend to love things that we become very good at.

So instead of trying to follow your passion all the time, which let’s be honest, it’s a wishy-washy concept that many people struggle to even define, Newport argues that we should instead be focusing on developing our skills, because you can become passionate about anything, you just need to be good at it first. Did you know this was Steve Jobs favorite book? “The Innovator’s Dilemma” is a phenomenon that occurs in business when the biggest and most successful companies, miss the most obvious opportunities because they’re so invested in older technologies, they can’t justify moving on.

The perfect example of this is Kodak. Did you know that Kodak actually experimented with digital cameras back in 1975?

But they never pursued the technology because they had built up billions of dollars around analog film. 30 years later, Kodak went out of business, why? Digital cameras. “The Innovator’s Dilemma” shows up not only in business, but also in life. Generally, when we miss huge opportunities, it’s not because we weren’t looking for them or weren’t aware of them, it’s because we are benefiting so much from our old tendencies that we let the life-changing opportunity pass us by.

It turns out that the human mind has a number of triggers that cause us to be easily influenced by others and their ideas. Robert Cialdini boils these triggers down into eight categories, and in his seminal book, “Influence,” explains how they’re often used in sales and marketing, but also used by people around us to get what they want from you.

Drawing from examples from religious cults, professors and colleges, teachers, marketing experts and advertisements, this book will change how you see your own decision-making. It’s a must read for anyone interested in psychology, but especially, if you’re in sales and marketing. “4-Hour Workweek,” a book that changed a generation of entrepreneurs.

Ferriss’ big insight is in the nature of how one defines wealth. Instead of becoming wealthy by accumulating expensive possessions, Ferriss defines wealth in terms of freedom and time and the ability to have enriching experiences. With this new definition, the classic arrangement of working for 40 years and then retiring, doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

By leveraging technology, automation and working anywhere in the world, Ferriss describes how you can become part of the new rich or live a wealthy life at a young age on a modest amount of money. Get rich, bitch.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that allows us to feel a sense of reward or accomplishment. It’s crucial in motivation and feelings of life satisfaction, but like anything, too much dopamine could be a bad thing. In her book, “Dopamine Nation,” Anne Lembke makes the argument that modern society is overstimulating us and flooding our brains with more dopamine than we were meant to handle. The result is a glut of addictive, compulsive overindulgent behaviors, across the developed world. Basically, we’re all getting fat and sassy.

So how do we combat this? Through abstention intentional challenge and being more mindful of our environments, if you feel like your dopamine levels are through the fucking roof, which you’re on YouTube, so they probably are, then this book is probably useful. Ernest Becker was an obscure academic who wrote this book on his deathbed as he was dying of cancer. Bringing together influences from existential philosophy, Freudian psychology, and Zen Buddhism, Becker argued that death is life’s ultimate motivator, that what gives us a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives is an attempt to create something that will outlive us when we die.

Becker called these our immortality projects and argued that they were the root of not only everything good in our lives, but also everything evil.

Simple piece of science, massive implications. “The Paradox of Choice” tells us that, “When offered more options, we tend to be less satisfied with whatever we choose.” So if I offer you to choose between two candy bars, you’ll pick your favorite and be satisfied. But if I ask you to choose between 10 candy bars, you’ll have more options, but research finds, you’ll be less satisfied with whatever you choose.

In a world that is constantly unlocking more options and abundance for us all, this has wide implications from dating to career choices, to hobbies, to even choosing where to live.

Beware of the paradox of choice. This is a simple book that sums up the most fundamental mindset between people who get rich and people who stay poor. Poor people see money as something to be spent. They try to find and get as much as possible and then use it up until it’s gone. Rich people, on the other hand, see money as something to invest.
Once it’s spent, they look for a good return. This simple difference in mindset can explain all sorts of behavior from what kind of car people drive to, what kind of clothes they wear, to how much they save for retirement, how many credit cards they use. A small book that can be read in an afternoon, but a simple idea that should be internalized by everyone. Fun fact, this dude is broke. Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who was captured by the Nazis and sent to Auschwitz.

Spending the next three years in concentration camps, he somehow managed to survive. And while there, he made an observation, both simple and profound, that the prisoners who had a reason to survive the concentration camps, tended to be the ones who did. He said that, “He got to the point where he could predict which prisoner would die next based on which ones had stopped having hope for the future.” Frankl summed up his conclusion with Nietzsche’s famous maxim, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” Victor’s incredible realization is that while suffering may often be inevitable, as long as we have some higher purpose to grant our suffering, meaning we can not only survive it but grow from it.

I’m not going to throw this one, feels inappropriate.”How to Win Friends & Influence People,” a self-help classic that teaches the completely counterintuitive truth that when you focus on other people, shocking, they will like you more. Unfortunately, our default approach to most relationships is to speak instead of listen, to try to feel seen instead of trying to see the other person.

Carnegie’s book is a simple yet profound explanation that the way to connect with others is to simply open yourself up to being connected with them, and then shut the fuck up and listen better. To be honest, I feel like this should be required reading for every high schooler in the world, but fuck, nobody asked me for these things.

They ask you how you are, you just have to say that you’re fine, and you’re not really fine. – “Start With Why” makes a simple but important point, when choosing what to pursue, start by asking why. That is, ask yourself, what are you optimizing for and what is the primary motivation or purpose? When we align our actions with some higher purpose, we become more motivated and more effective and more resilient to setbacks. This is particularly important within organizations.

Sinek argues that it’s ultimately our why that keeps everyone aligned and on the same page when shit goes South.

Are people mentally weaker than they used to be? Have we become more emotionally fragile? Well, the authors of this incredible book argue yes, and they back it up with a shitload of data. Unfortunately, it seems in the last 15 years, the public has become more emotionally fragile, and particularly, young people are less tolerant of any sort of discomfort or inconvenience that comes their way.

Now, the authors have a number of data-driven explanations for this.

The first one is the rise of helicopter parenting. The assumption that parents need to watch their kids and protect them at all costs. The second one is the philosophy of safetyism. The belief that anything that can cause pain or suffering is ultimately harmful in the long run and can even be traumatic.

The third explanation is lack of play. The past few generations of kids have been so overloaded with schoolwork and extracurricular activities trying to get into a good college that they haven’t had time to be kids, and it turns out that most mental and emotional development and children happens while they’re playing. And finally, there’s everybody’s favorite culprit, social media. I shouldn’t have to explain that one. ”

The Revolt of the Public.” Martin Gurri was an analyst at the CAA when he noticed something was wrong in 2011. It started with wide scale pro-democracy demonstrations in the Middle East, but soon, it spread the populist uprisings across the world with demonstrations in Europe and the Americas. The advent of social media and mobile phones, had made performative political activism possible in a way that had never existed previously.

Before, organizing a protest required a ton of resources, a giant network, marketing and publicity. But today, with the help of a smartphone and a viral post, ad hoc political protests could be started at the drop of a hat.

Now, these new performative protests were markedly different from previous ones. They were unorganized, and while they all advocated for the downfall of the current establishment, they didn’t really propose anything in its place. Gurri calls this new orientation, the periphery versus the center. It’s no longer about right versus left. It’s about establishment versus anti-establishment.

And unfortunately, we’re all caught in the middle. Do you winna throw that one? It’s a nice book. – It is a nice book. Well, we’ll let that one go.

Our parents, no matter how good and well-intentioned, fuck something up. They make mistakes, they have their own issues and quirks. These issues, quirks and mistakes, then imprint themselves on our brains as our love map. Basically, the way we unconsciously understand affection and intimacy. Then as adults, we unconsciously seek out partners that fit into our love maps, thus recreating the failures of mistakes made by our parents.

These failures and mistakes, re-trigger old psychological wounds and make our relationships incredibly emotionally turbulent. The way out of this mess is then to find a partner who is also aware of this process, and you can work together to change both of your behaviors, and essentially correct for the fuck ups made by each other’s parents. In this sense, the power of relationships is that they can literally heal your emotional wounds. This, in a nutshell, is the purpose of romantic love that bongo-bongo time. Do be will.

The most important truths about money are also the most counterintuitive.

This is why “The Psychology of Money,” by Morgan Housel is such an important book. Nobody spends their money rationally. We’re terrible at assessing risk. Financial security only exists if you have more, and being rich and being wealthier, complete contradictions of one another.

Do any of these things make sense, ¿no? Well, read the book and they fucking will. These are just a few of the mind-bending ideas that “The Psychology of Money,” will Un pretzel your brain for. The book is a fascinating ROM through all the fucked-up ways our minds mishandle money, both literally and figuratively. And the highest form of wealth is what you can’t measure.

You don’t winna own the Ferrari, you winna own the feeling of owning a Ferrari. It’s a must read for anyone who wants to get rich and or die trying. Are you one of those people who wishes that you sat down and read like 500 books but never actually did? Well, then you’ll appreciate this sponsor of this video.

Shortform is a book summary app that specializes in personal development and business books.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Mark, I can’t read book summaries, that’s cheating.” Well, I thought the same thing, but then I signed up for Shortform, and I was like, “Okay, shit, this is actually really useful.” I personally love using Shortform for a few different reasons. One is, sometimes I check Shortform first to see if the book is actually worth buying.

You get a nice summary of the ideas in the book, you quick breakdown of the major points, and if they’re good, and they seem interesting, then I go buy the book. Other times I love using Shortform simply for research. Like, if I know there’s a book that I really only wanna read like 10 pages of, but I don’t wanna buy the whole book, well, I can just pull up Shortform, find the relevant section. Shortform is great for refreshing your memory of books that you read years ago, but you kind of forgot what was in them.

And yeah, of course, if you winna pretend like you read 500 books without actually reading 500 books, you can do that too.
I won’t judge. Note, I will completely judge.

So, sign up with the link below, and you’ll get 20% off your first-year membership. And of course, if you hate it, you can cancel anytime. Now, enough about book summaries, let’s get back to book summaries.”Outlive,” by Peter Attia. If you’re watching this, it’s very likely you’re going to die of one of four things, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, or diabetes. Also, it just happens that all four of these chronic illnesses, are developed very slowly over a long period of time. Now, Peter Attia makes the argument that these four horsemen are so deadly because our current medical system is not designed to manage or prevent chronic diseases, but rather to treat acute diseases, after they’ve already happened.”Outlive” is basically a guide to that prevention, and this book will probably be the gift that I give every single person on their 40th birthday for a long, long time.

This is my personal favorite book about happiness, and trust me, I’ve read pretty much every book on happiness. Dan Gilbert is a psychologist from Harvard, and in his book, he argues that happiness doesn’t function the way we assume it does. Happiness isn’t something you gain or lose based on external events in your life. Rather, your mind will alter how it perceives external events to maintain a consistent modest level of happiness. Put simply, everyone is slightly delusional about the past and future, and this delusion exists to maintain some degree of satisfaction in our lives.

Gilbert calls this the psychological immune system, and argues that people who are miserable, it’s because their psychological immune systems, are failing due to some sort of dysfunctional belief or extreme negative event.

Check it out. Professional poker player, Annie Duke, utilizes her background in poker as a way to teach effective decision-making. And that is, don’t think of it in terms of all or nothing, yes or no, success or failure, but think of decisions in terms of probabilities. Basically, envision your decisions in life as a bunch of bets.

Bets are like little mini experiments designed to see how much you get back for what you invest.

I’ve personally found thinking in terms of probability and making decisions based on expected returns to be one of the most practical and useful skills I’ve ever developed in my life, and not just at the poker table. “Mindset” by Carol Dweck. Dweck is a psychologist at Stanford, and she found that people who believe they can change and get better are the ones who tend to change and get better. And people who believe that they can never change, and that they’re just screwed, well, surprise, surprise, they don’t change, and they spend their lives feeling screwed.

Dweck called these two dispositions a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. And guess what, motherfucker? You wanna have a growth mindset. Daniel Kahneman won a Nobel Prize for his life’s work, and this book summarizes all of it.

Basically, our mind has two systems, system one and system two.

System one is extremely fast, intuitive, and unconscious. System two is slow, methodical, and highly aware. System one is great to generate quick responses in complex situations. It’s what we often think of as our gut instinct.

System one tends to do well in social or emotional situations or predicting outcomes of highly complex circumstances.
System two is great when you need thoroughness and accuracy. You wouldn’t wanna build a rocket or a nuclear plant based on your gut instinct. You build it based on slow methodical system two thinking. Kahneman argues that many of our personal and social problems arise when we misuse our two systems and mistakenly use one instead of the other.

Sometimes we try to overanalyze our emotional problems or feel our way through difficult analytical problems.

Being aware of our systems and what they are good for can help us approach life in a more harmonious way. Nietzsche said, “There are two conflicting moral impulses within us all.” The first is meritocratic. The spoil should go to the victor. If you’re smarter, stronger, faster, more clever, more powerful, you deserve the rewards of your effort and ingenuity.
Nietzsche called this master morality. The second belief system is that we should care for the weak, alleviate people suffering, help the unfortunate, and give special attention and care to those who need it most.

Nietzsche called this slave morality. Master and slaved morality have been in an eternal struggle, both between societies but also within societies for most of human history. Wars have been fought over it, religions have been founded and destroyed because of it, and the modern-day political left and right are the legacies of the impulses towards master and slave morality within us all.

Each has its benefits to society, and each is necessary, but when unchecked by the other, both have the seeds of tyranny and downfall.”Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” by Shunya Suzuki is, in my opinion, the best introduction to Buddhist practice and serious meditation that you can come across as a Westerner. Through a series of bite-sized chapters, based on his old lectures, Suzuki takes you step by step through each of the profound realizations that Buddhist thought can lead you to. For instance, that there’s a separation, between the thinking mind and the observing mind. Sure, you have thoughts, but who is it in your mind that is aware that you have thoughts?

Or non-dual awareness, the idea that the separations between anything, is completely subjective and self-invented.

Or the acceptance of the present moment as the only means to alleviate suffering. If you are one of the many Westerners who is booed curious, see what I did there? If you’re Buddhist curious, booed curious, this is an excellent starting point to begin your practice. Yeah.”And Better Angels of Our Nature,” Pinker has painstakingly mapped through both data and anecdotal accounts of the rapid decline in violence across the world the past few centuries. The level of barbarism that we find appalling today, was not only commonplace a few 100 years ago, but in many ways, it was even celebrated.

After clubbing us over the head with data for 500 pages, Pinker then spends the rest of the book theorizing why the world is becoming more peaceful and nonviolent. His ideas range from literacy, increasing people’s capacity for empathy, to technology making people more comfortable and secure, to a more interconnected society requiring more people to rely on one another. It’s a fascinating read from start to finish.

It absolutely changed my view of the world. “Fear and Trembling” by Soren Kierkegaard. The Danish philosopher uses a biblical story of Abraham and Isaac to illustrate a deep psychological truth. And that is that, ultimately, to give our lives any sense of meaning and psychological stability, we must choose to believe certain things matter more than ourselves. And this choice requires what he called a leap of faith. Whether it’s a religion, a family, a relationship, or a career mission, we all must choose, at some point, to give our lives over to something.

And the terrifying thing is that we must do this without knowing if it’s the right thing or not. This is where faith comes in. It’s not that this is a secular book with a religious example, it’s more that this book shows you that nothing is really secular, and all commitments are ultimately religious to some degree or another. “Deep Work” by Cal Newport.
Some work can survive distraction and task-switching, but some work, particularly, creative work or really hard problem-solving, is greatly harmed by distraction and task-switching. Now, the problem Newport argues is that in the modern world of the internet and social media, we are increasingly being swamped in distraction and task-switching. Now, Newport says that, “People who are able to protect their attention and engage what he calls deep work, will have a huge leg up in the 21st century.” He then gives you strategies to deep work into your life. The self-help classic from 20 years ago, “The Power of Now,” argues that most of our suffering occurs because we are fixated on the past or worrying about imaginary futures.

Tolle teaches us to become present in a classic meditative sense, and it turns out once we become good at remaining present, most of our worries, anxieties, and concerns melt away, because we recognize them for what they always were.

Fucking imaginary. “The Blank Slate” by Stephen Pinker. There’s a persistent idea throughout history that people are born perfect and innocent, and that any dysfunction they exhibit later in life is caused by some sort of trauma or injustice. This theory of the blank slate is seductive and has converted many of history’s greatest thinkers, from John Locke to Karl Marx.

But unfortunately, today, we know conclusively that it is simply not true. A great amount of people’s personalities, dispositions, beliefs, and dysfunctions are genetically-driven.

Pinker breaks down the research showing this is true, but he also shows the dramatic, political implications of this. This is an important book for understanding human nature and coming to terms with our prejudices. The world is a chaotic mess and we are surrounded by randomness and unpredictability, yet we don’t like admitting that to ourselves.
So we find patterns and randomness and tell ourselves stories that justify our actions and behaviors. And inevitably, these stories make us look, like a brilliant hero.

The book is full of amusing anecdotes and stories, both fictional and real, of people who were fooled by randomness and managed to convince themselves they knew what they were doing in a completely chaotic and fucked up world. John Gottman is the preeminent relationship researcher in the world on what makes relationships work, and what makes them fail catastrophically. And in his book, “Seven Principles for Making a Marriage Work,” he has uncovered a number of counterintuitive findings.

For example, did you know the happiest couples, don’t resolve all their problems or that compromise isn’t always the answer, or that fighting is sometimes kind of healthy, or that the most predictive part of your relationship isn’t what you communicate, but rather how it’s communicated? Yeah, I didn’t know that shit either till I read this book. Clearly written by a self-absorbed jackass. This juvenile piece of pseudophilosophy argues that, “In the age of information abundance, we all face an existential crisis of choosing what matters.” He goes on to argue that sacrifice is a necessary component of happiness, and that failure and embarrassment, are actually healthy experiences that we should all embrace.

It’s sold like 15 million copies, so clearly, people give way too many fucks. But the author is extremely handsome, so I have to recommend you buy it.

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ReMarkable Paper Pro vs Remarkable 2 | Comparison and Recommendation

Thinking about getting into in inking spaceband you’re, looking at the remarkable and you’re determining, should you get the remarkable paper Pro, which is the new released device or should you look at the remarkable 2, which has been out for a number of years today, we’re going to uncover which device is best For you one thing I do want to highlight one thing that remarkable does offer isa 100 day return guarantee. So, if you’re unsure which device to get, you could go ahead and pick up both of them. Try them all for 100 days and return them risk-free now, as we dive into these Wiant you to understand that device on my left, isa remarkable two and it’s priced at just about $ 400 versus the new released remarkable paper, Pruis priced at $ 579.

This does include the marker but. It doesn’t include any additional portfolios or type portfolio cases, just the device and the standard marker alone. If you want to upgrade the marker as well, there’s additional cost for that first and foremost. Let’s talk about the actual form factor of the device.

When I look at the original R2 you’re going to see the device itself is very thin, very lightweight and is traditionally smaller than the new release paper Pro now when look at this device compared to the new design paper Pro just top- down feature alone, you’re going to notice that there’s a Little bit more thickness now at first I thought this would add some weight, but due to the increased size, when its in my lap definitely doesn’t notice it it’s very distributed across the weight of the device and when it comes to utilizing the overall tablet itself the bezel lines between rm2 and The payer Pro are almost identical matter of fact.

The large bezel on the bottom is almost exactly the same size now one thing we did lose a lot of people used to think that this two tone was part of the casing itself.

That’s actually part of the device and. You can see in the paper Pro we no longer have that beveling there and we just have the actual white screen space and the screen itself. So, you do pick up a little bit more screen to size, ratio with the paper Pro, but with the R2 you still Havea very comparable size space. Now some of the big features that came with this. Obviously the Promodel. This paper PE model is going to have some newer features because it is the new flagship device. A couple of those features Beyond just the size of the screen is.

This is offered in color weave the ability to use highlighting tools and even see color PDF files.

So, if you’re marking up say a PowerPoint presentation or a graph that has color, you’re going to be able to see that easier on your paper, Pro you’re still able to see the grayscale shades on the rm2. But the paper Pein.

That color adds a big feature and for digital planners being able to use the paper PE and have color highlighting is huge, especially those that benefit from color blocking. For me, I like to use yellow as a means of scheduling personal time for, myself orange is dedicated meetings. Versus pink is things that are related to my family. Nowa still has that ability to use the highlighter but you. The contrast that you see is not near the contrast that comes in color now on both devices what’s really cool about remarkable and the new updates that they’ve made that I can now pair multiple remarkable devices to my same accounts.

If I make an annotation here, I can allow that to sync over to here and if it’s highlighted in color here, it’ll still highlight here, but on the cloud version or the app version of the device can see those highlights. So that is really awesome that we can do that and if you are someone, that is currently using remarkable one or remarkable two and you’re thinking about getting the paper Pro or you have it on order.

Wellik’ll tells you it’s seamless to go ahead pair this device and then all your notes and annotations will come down to it from the cloud awesome experience there there’s not a lot of work that has to be done to bring this device online.

So, the first thing is to consider in this. Is the actualize and some of the hardware benefits obviously size is Big.

Color is another big thing and the last Hardware device that comes to this device, is the ability to have that back, lit screen now that is huge. If you were going to be someone that’s going to be taking notes in low lit spaces, but if you’re at your desk or taking them in a well-lit lecture hall, the rm2 is going to be perfect for doing that the contrast is great. There isn’t a lot of glares across either of these devices.

Especially when you have a top-down light.

You can kind of see from what we’re doing here. As we increase the intensity of the light.

We still have a pretty good form factor of color, that’s present and it doesn’t get washed out, but in low light situations, as we’ve Illustrated with other ink devices.

Havenga back display is huge, and this upgrade to the paper Pro is an awesome feature and one you may want to consider. But what about the actual writing experience itself when they came out with the paper Pro, they had it? Introduce a new technology to bring color to life, and they did that and probably, the biggest and notable thing that I’ve seen is the actual pens themselves they look traditionally about the same, and this is the plus version of this pen. It’s not the standard marker version, but the one thing you’ll notice. When you put this one on the device, it’ll, actually charge the pen itself has to be charged to be able to use versus. This stylist can be easily written, just by utilizing the device. Now I go ahead, and I write on either one of these devices. I feel there’s a little bit more.

Friction on the paper Pro than there is on the rm2, but I feel like the ink on the rm2 is a little softer.

It seems a little smoother, but I also notice the responsiveness is a lot faster on the paper Pro.

It seems like there’s almost no leg and just a little bit of leg here now. The refresh screen overall is a lot faster, and that could help illustrate that so when it comes to being able to navigate throughout the system of using a paper planner you’re going to find that the paper PE is going to bring a little bit faster navigation process than what you would see on Rm2, but for the most part, it’s not a huge not noticeable difference. If you haven’t seen seethe speed increases of the paper Pro, so don’t let that be a real factor to deter you away from therm2. I believe both of these devices do a really good job at navigating PDFs and even navigating throughout the system.

One thing that I will tell you is big is the actual type. When I pull up the type here, I can go ahead and type on this.

Screen can hit the type of tool, and I can go to type on the screen now with the device. If you did not get the keyboard portfolio, you can still go ahead. And type on the screen and you’re going to see that that. You have this keyboard that comes up and I’m, going to pull up the same one here, just so weave that edit text now I’m going to go ahead and write first, I’m going to do the same thing over here.

I personally feel the responsiveness on the paper Pro when it comes to using an onboard keyboard is just a hair faster when I zoom in on both of these devices the quality and texture of the device. I feel like there’s a little bit more pixelation ingrained in the R2, but the Pro itself seems very sharp you’re, going to notice that there’s a little bit of a color Hue. With that Beckwith display on or off.

I feel that neither one really takes away from the device itself.

Sometimes this has to refresh a little more frequently to keep the device up to date than what you would see on the paper Pro, but for the most part the quality of the screen displays and how much grainer, how much pixelation really isn’t noticeable so. Once again, that’s not something that would deter me from using one device versus the other device. The true intention of these devices is to be a distraction, free notetaking device, and they made that very clear.

Even whether release the paper Pro as they did whether originally released rm2 and they still have that feature it’s still a quality of the remarkable, and that is what the remarkable is all about having a digital presence where you can take handwritten notes and be able to synchronize save those notes without Having stacks and notebooks and either device, if that’s what you’re looking to accomplish, is going to fit your needs and when you embrace the qualities the remarkable and the distraction free device that, it is and incorporate a paper like planner like.

The key to success. Planner you’re going to have that distraction, free environment, but now.

You have a planner, that’s going to help you. Take your vision, your thoughts and ideas and bring them down on paper so that you can develop action steps to really help enhance your plans to reach those goals that you want.

Now, if you’re looking at our planner you, want to learn more about that, go ahead, and check out the link in the description, we have four different additions, everything from a personal, Professional, business and executive Edition the additions are designed to fit where you are in life. If it be someone that is in retirement or have work in family that you want to balance the personal addition is going to help you achieve that, if you’re growing your profession and you’re tracking meetings and projects the professionalism to best suit you.

But if you’re, someone that is organizing a business starting from the ground, upon expanding a department or bringing new products and services to life, our business planner has our business.

Organizational operating system is really going to help you home in on not only the goals you have this year but help you develop a plan over the next 2 to three years. Ianthe executive planner includes a 30-minute session with me, so we can talk about your objectives. But more importantly, it has that team Builder, when you start to build your bench in your organization, and bring people into the folds you’re, going to find great results and when you take that alongside our business organization system and help, others build on the principles that you have for the goals.

Of your team you’re going to see monumental results and when we look at this on the remarkable being able to have that all in front of us and being able to take those notes and really focus on those plans in a distraction, free environment.

It really allows us to focus on what’s important.

Take away from this when you look at these two devices, if you are looking for a larger screen, color and backlit.

The paper Pro is probably best for you but if those things really don’t attract you to that device.

The rm2 is still a very high quality. Device it still has all the same: great writing, features and software, that you’re going to see in the paper Pro, I’m Brandon boner Creator and founder of the key SS planner. If you want to learn more about that, go ahead and follow this channel got be.

The American Revolution | What You Need to Know

This video is brought to you by captivating history. The American revolution refers to a seismic moment in history. First because of the fact it led to the formation of the United States, a country whose economic and military power has been felt across the world. The massachusetts minutemen, who fired the shots heard around the world at lexington and concord likely had little idea of the eventual influence that their rebellion against british taxation would have.

Secondly, the causes that the revolution came to represent liberty, representation, freedom and independence laid the foundations for social democracies for the following centuries. Famous figures, such as George, Washington, Thomas Jefferson and john Adams could not have foreseen the almost holy reverence with which their words have been treated since, while the effects of the revolution may not have been immediately revolutionary, it’s clear that the 13 colonies struggle for independence from British rule has had a significant and lasting impact as with any revolutionary moment, it’s vital to take a step back and examine the causes and progression leading up to the eventual British surrender in 1783. Most studies of the American revolution trace its beginnings to the seven years: war 1756-1763, a conflict with the French over territory that ended with a British victory, the seven years’ war solidified Britain’s stance as the most dominant European country in the world, as it gained vast tracts Of land in the process, however, as Britain tried to increase control of its American colonies in a variety of ways, colonists began rebelling the expense of conflict had led to new and unpopular taxes.

The British government attempted to raise revenue by taxing the colonies first with the stamp act of 1765 and then with the Townsend acts of 1767 and the t act of 1773. This led to increasing resentment. The colonists felt that these taxes were unfair since they were being taxed without any representation in parliament. The growing protests posed a simple question: why didn’t the colonists have the same rights as british subjects? Two events in boston in the early 1770s fanned the flames of resentment. Further first in 1770, colonial resistance was met with violence at the boston massacre in which british soldiers killed five men after opening fire at a protesting mob. Second, in 1773, in response to the tea act, a group of bostonians boarded british ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into boston harbor.

These acts were catalysts for more resentment as a vicious circle of retaliatory punitive measures from the British government only served to further enrage the colonists Massachusetts and the new England area was now seen as a hotbed of rebellion, and the stage was set for an escalation into War, a group of delegates decided to meet in September 1774 to see what could be done about the situation. The first continental congress included the likes of George Washington from virginia as well as john and samuel Adams from Massachusetts. They did not demand independence at this first meeting, but they did issue a declaration of the rights due to every citizen, including life, liberty, property assembly and trial by jury, a forerunner for what would come later.

They were frustrated by taxation, but also at the continued British military presence in the colonies, an issue that would rear its head very soon. They agreed to meet for a second congress. In the convening time between congresses war broke out. On april 18, 1775 british soldiers marched to concord to seize an arms cache that had been stockpiled by colonial militiamen. The two sides clashed at the battle of Lexington and concord, marking the first formal battle of the revolutionary war. It was from this night that we also get one of the great tales and heroic figures of the revolution, that of Paul revere and the other men riding through the night to sound the alarm and prepare the Massachusetts militia by the time. The second congress met in the summer of 1775 with new additions such as Benjamin franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Anti-British views were entrenched.

They voted to raise a continental army with Washington, as commander-in-chief thus began a series of battles throughout the fall and winter, starting with the battle of bunker hill in Boston, though it was a victory for the British.

These early skirmishes actually supplied encouragement for the lowly colonial forces, giving them inspiration for the fight ahead with more trouble brewing as early battles didn’t bring any conclusive victories on either side.

The colonists cemented their position on July 4th, 1776, when they voted to adopt the declaration of independence.

This momentous document was the first time a nation’s people formally asserted their right to choose their own government.

It was drafted by a five-man committee, but the primary author was Thomas Jefferson, his famous words in the preamble read. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights that, among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights. Governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Herein lies the essence of the lasting impact of the American revolution. These words, influenced by enlightenment ideas, were a far cry from the European model of absolute monarchy. Though, of course, we know that this statement in fact referred to a small fraction of the population of the colonies. Women, men without property and slaves were all not considered to share these inalienable rights. Nevertheless, this was the revolutionary beginning of what would be a long, imperfect process toward the democratic republic.

We know today, as the colonists were declaring independence, the British were sending a huge fleet with 34 000 soldiers across the Atlantic to crush the rebellion.

After this point, the revolutionary war settled into a pattern of winds losses and stalemates for the next several years. Military history enthusiasts can enjoy the tales of Washington, retreating across the delaware river, before launching a surprise attack on christmas night in the early stages of the war. What can reflect on the turning point through 1777-78 at saratoga? The american victory at saratoga was crucial as it paved the way for france, sensing british weakness to enter the war on the colonists side. What had been a civil war now became an international conflict with the help of the training provided by a professional army, notably from the french aristocrat marquis de lafayette. Washington’S forces rallied in the north in the south. The colonists suffered many setbacks with the famous betrayal of benedict Arnold’s defection to the British, being the most famous of several other mutinies in the continental army, the British occupied Georgia by early 1779 and captured Charleston south carolina in May 1780 under general Cornwallis.

However, a change of leadership in the American ranks led to Nathaniel Greene coming to the fore. His forces managed to push the British back to the Yorktown peninsula with Washington also converging on the British. They were trapped and forced to surrender, though contemporaries didn’t necessarily see it. That way, this surrender effectively marked the end of the revolutionary war, with no further decisive action taking place before the British signed the treaty of Paris in 1783. In signing the treaty of Paris, Britain formally recognized the independence of the United States, and the colonists were free to go about building their free and independent country. We know that the story of the United States from here is not quite the legendary march of progress towards freedom and liberty, the shortcomings of the founding fathers and the damages done by subsequent us.

Governments are well known, nevertheless, from a weak confederation of 13 colonies.

In the 18th century, in less than 200 years, the u’s had become the most powerful nation in the world. Some of the reasons for American success can be found in the rights enshrined in the declaration of independence and the u’s constitution. The American victory was a kind of miracle, not only in the logistical nature of the ragtag bunch of farmers, overcoming an imperial army, but also in the triumph of new ideas over entrenched monarchical systems.

A new kind of politics and new ways of thinking have been born in history’s greatest experiment.

The United States to learn more about the American revolution then check out our book. The American revolution, a captivating guide to the American revolutionary war and the United States of America’s struggle for independence from Great Britain.

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B2B Marketing Strategy: How To Get More Leads For B2B Businesses

Leads, it’s the one thing every single SaaS founder, SaaS leader, SaaS business could use more of. And not just leads, but quality leads. But here’s the big question, it’s a very, very noisy world out there. For example, should you be on TikTok to generate leads and pipeline for your B2B SaaS business? Or should you be do out by outbound, or should you be doing ads?

There’s so many different channels out there it can be very overwhelming on what are the channels should you actually focus on? And here’s the thing, if you don’t have channel mastery if you don’t really know how to master one channel, you’ll be neither here nor there, trying to do everything everywhere and end up nowhere.

So, on this episode, I’m going to dig into the three key SaaS go-to-market channels that you need to be focusing on that you can use to generate more leads and that you need to master. And when you do this, you will be able to accelerate the growth of your SaaS business, intro. (TK clapping) What’s up everybody welcome to “Unstoppable” I’m TK and on this channel, I help SaaS founders like you grow your SA businesses faster with an unstoppable strategy.

Now, if you are new to this channel, welcome, be sure to hit that subscribe button and that bell icon because I drop an episode every single Sunday with actionable strategies on how to your SaaS business faster. So hit that subscribe button and that bell icon and that way you will get notified every single time I drop an episode with the TK energy. Now, if you’re already part of this community, if you’re part of this channel, if you’re a subscriber already if you’re a part of my SaaS go-to market coaching programs my people, welcome back, it’s really awesome to see you over here.

Over the past year and a half as part of my SaaS go-to market coaching programs I’ve worked with countless SaaS founders on how to actually grow their SaaS businesses.

And as I’ve worked with different companies I’ve started to get the value of pattern matching.

I’ve started to see which channels work in the early stage which channels don’t, which channels seen promising but generate garbage quality leads. And how do you actually go about focusing on the right channels to drive growth for your SaaS business? So in this episode I’m gonna walk you through the three key principles, the three channels that have come out at the top out of all the companies I’ve helped scale in the past year and a half.

Once you get through these three channels and understand exactly why I’m prioritizing them you too will be able to leverage these channels and accelerate the growth of your SaaS business. So if you’re excited to dig in, go and on smash that like button for the YouTube algorithm it really likes when you do that and let’s go to principle number one.

Okay, so before I go into all of the channels the first thing you wanna understand is what is the science behind generating more leads? So the core principle here is that here is your ICP, this is your ideal customer profile. This is kind of the tenant to everything that we do here at “Unstoppable.” And these are your customers that maybe don’t know about you yet, that you wanna generate as leads, you wanna get their attention.

And when it comes to marketing my most favorite definition of marketing is more people know about you today than they did yesterday.

That’s it, that’s the core definition of marketing that I just really love, it’s super simple because people are overcomplicate these things. And what you’re doing is you’re trying to find a way to get to your ICP by actually getting through these channels. So this is your SaaS company, your offering and your product, right? Whatever it is that you’re selling. And if this is what you’re selling every single day you want more and more people to actually discover you.

That’s it, that’s what we’re trying to do with a proper go-to-market strategy. And when the marketing of that is working then as part of your sales process over here, this could be actual sales people, it could be a product led growth process, you will be able to convert them to actual revenues. So ultimately what you’re trying to do is get revenues.

Now this may seem really obvious or simple but I wanted to start with that baseline because I feel that people overcomplicate these things. And this is literally it, you have your ideal customers, they don’t know about you yet, you have your product.

And what you’re trying to do is marketing to get their attention, to get more people to know about you. And then you’re getting them into a sales process whether it’s your product led growth process or actual sales people to get them into the product and converting them to revenue so you can serve them, you can give them value and you can solve their problem. Now here’s a big question, what are the channels that actually work? So having worked with countless companies I’m gonna walk you through the three channels that have performed the best for all the companies that I’ve worked with.

Number one, the first place that you can actually generate a ton of leads in a really quality way, you can really target your ICP, you can go after quality people that you know will have budget and you can internet leads and get more people to know about you and get them into your sales process or your product is Linkedin.

And while a lot of people believe especially in the early stages, they’re like, oh I’m gonna build in public, I’m gonna be on Twitter. Here’s the thing, for most practical for most B2B SaaS companies, your audience, your ideal customers are not in Twitter to actually buy. Are there exceptions? Absolutely, but for actual core B2B platforms and SaaS companies, your buyers are business buyers and your business buyers are all on LinkedIn.

And the most important thing about LinkedIn is LinkedIn still gives you organic reach. What that means is if you post on Facebook today and you might have a million followers, unless you pay Mark Zuckerberg a bunch of money, your page followers won’t actually see that content, Facebook doesn’t have much organic reach. You actually have to pay to get that content distributed. Whereas on LinkedIn, if you actually go and do a post every single week if you actually direct message people if you actually connection request people, based on certain parameters in your ICP you will actually get them to know more about you and build that trust.

This is why LinkedIn has been one of the most effective ways I’ve seen B2B SaaS companies grow in the past year and a half that I’ve been coaching founders and helping founders grow. So, LinkedIn has two different ways you can actually plug in. One is you can do a post every single week and I recommend that, and the other is you can literally connect with people and direct message them. And these two things actually compound on each other because if you’re connecting with people and you’re posting every week the connections you make will see your content and then they’ll actually engage with you, plus you can also direct message them.

Any one of these strategies can help you actually break through to your ideal customer profile and every single day get more people to know about you and your product and your message. So that’s principle number one, channel number one. Channel number two is actually one of my favorites.

When I do a YouTube video every single week, I bring you on and you watch this and you hopefully get a ton of value and really the reason I do it, this is completely free, we don’t even have monetization turned on in this, we don’t run ads. This YouTube channel is essentially a little mini webinar I run every single week. But what you can do you don’t have to start a YouTube channel unless you really want to. It is a lot of work, so I’ll be upfront about that. However, if you wanna do that the other way you can do it is run webinars and events.

And the power in this is as people know more about you the biggest thing you’re trying to do, the first thing is they need to know you.

The second thing is they need to trust you. And the reason this marketing game is so so hard these days is because there’s noise out there. So first you have to cut through with the right channels and the right mastery. And the second thing you need to do is you need to actually put out content and put out things out there and they need to spend time with you so they start to trust you.

And the more they trust you, the easier the sales process and the conversion is going to be. And so this is why webinars are super powerful because as people get to know you, then you can actually host webinars and host events where people come to you and you can actually say, “hey, I’m gonna spend 45 minutes teaching you about our software.” And maybe you don’t talk specifically about the software but you talk about the thing about the thing which is what is the bigger movement that you’re creating? What is your manifesto? And you can actually walk them through that.

And the beautiful part about this is when you are hosting a webinar, let’s just say you’re hosting a webinar every single week. The power in this is you can actually share that webinar on your LinkedIn or on your Twitter, you can go to your customers and tell them to share the webinar. It ends up being a reason to generate more leads, it becomes a thing that you can offer to your ICP as a point of value. And that’s why webinars are the second most way where I’ve seen companies scale and do really well. Because what they do is they take their message, they take some of their best performing posts and they turn them into webinars and go in depth into them.

And from that, they get them into the product or they get them into a sales process. All right, so those are the first two things. If you’re doing anything else you might be wasting your time because we’ve tried so many different channels so many different avenues, and these, by an order of magnitude across multiple companies they do better than the rest.

And the best of all, these are relatively free. Meaning you’re not paying anyone to be on LinkedIn.

Maybe you pay a LinkedIn premium, but that’s it, you’re not paying anyone. Maybe you just pay for Zoom, but that’s it, there’s no per click payment here, this is all organic which is super powerful for generating leads.

So before I go to the third one, the third most powerful B2B SaaS channel, before I do that let me just pause here for a second. Are you starting to see the power in this? Are you starting to see the power of if you start to focus on one of these key channels and really get great at them, not only will you be able to reduce your customer acquisition cost you’ll be able to make it where you can get more people in your ICP to know about you, trust you and then buy from you.

Are you starting to see the power on this? If you’re starting to see the power of this, can I just get a yes in the comments below. Also smash that like button for the YouTube algorithm, it really likes it when you do that. Now, one other thing you might also be wondering, well how do I do this? What do I do on LinkedIn?

What is my manifesto? What is my message? How do I structure a webinar? How do I talk for 45 minutes about what we’re building without just giving a demo of the product? This is exactly why I created my SaaS go-to-market coaching program.

This is also how I know so much about scaling SaaS companies, because I literally am in the trenches with founders like you helping you grow with a scalable go-to-market strategy. And that’s exactly what we do inside of the program. Now I’ll tell you more about it at the end of this episode, I’ll also link to it below. Let’s go to principle number three, channel number three because I’m sure you’re sticking for that right now.

So let’s go into that and then I’ll cover the go-to market program all the way to the end, if you stick around.

So channel number three that just wins every single time is outbound. And granted, I am a little biased, I did start ToutApp, ToutApp was one of the pioneers in the sales engagement space. We were one of the first companies that started the whole outbound game at scale. Truth is even 11 years later, since starting ToutApp, outbound is still king, sales engagement is over a $5 billion category right now, why? Because outbound still works.

And again, it doesn’t cost any money. Yeah, you have to pay for the mail server, you have to pay for the software, but beyond that, there’s no pay per click. What this means is you can actually identify your ICP and you can send them emails at scale, you can cold email them. And by the way, this does not have to just be digital which is why I put outbound instead of just saying email.

You can do email, you can do cold calling, and you can even send a FedEx envelope.

Why a FedEx envelope? Well, a FedEx envelope has a 99% open rate. If there’s a FedEx envelope delivered to you will open it and you will read whatever is inside and you’ll maybe take action on it if it’s any good, that’s the power of a FedEx envelope. What that means is if your deal sizes are big enough and your marketing budget is big enough you can cut the email, cut the calling and just FedEx them, that’s the power of outbound. And so many companies I’ve seen in the go to market program, once they really homed in on their message and their manifesto, they’re like you know what?

The LinkedIn posts are doing pretty well, we need more. The webinars are doing pretty well, we need more.

That’s when they’re turned on outbound. And the beauty of this is this is not a either or thing, if you do these three things if you combine these things, it actually compounds. Meaning, let’s just say you have this ICP, and you have a hundred customers that you really winna target.

If you start connecting with them on LinkedIn if you then invite them to webinars and you send them outbound emails and you’re consistently providing value that is the best form of marketing. And the biggest thing here is it doesn’t matter whether you’re sales driven or product led what matters is you’re doing the marketing for them to discover your sales process, whichever it may be.

And when you are actually getting great at all three of these channels and operating in these three channels and ignoring the noise and everything else, you are able to create an unstoppable go-to-market machine and that’s the power in this. This is why I wanted to do this video because after working with so many companies, we’re over a hundred now, in the go-to market program. What I’ve seen is, man, LinkedIn webinars and events, outbound, like it just crushes, it just crushes.

And the founders that are deliberate about scaling their team and bringing on the people to run these three after they go beyond the founder-led sales and marketing stage, they crush it even more. And this is why I wanted to do this video, I wanted to walk you through listen don’t waste time experimenting with stuff that are unproven or too early, just focus on these three, LinkedIn, webinars and events and outbound. You do these three things you will be able to actually get more leads and generate more pipeline that is quality and close more deals. Now you know exactly what the three channels are but what you may not know is how do you operate these three channels? How do you get to channel mastery?

Meaning how do you get good at LinkedIn? How do you get good at webinars and events? How do you do outbound? What do you put inside of the LinkedIn post? What do you put inside the webinar?

How do you talk for 45 minutes about your manifesto? What should you put in an outbound email and who should you target? What is your ICP? Their devil is in the details.

And the analogy I always use is these are giant machine guns, right?

And you can point them anywhere. If you don’t have an ICP then you don’t have a clear target on where you’re pointing. If you don’t have a clear message and you don’t know how to operate these channels, then you’re firing blanks.

You need all three, you need the targeting, you need the machine, and you’ll also need quality bullets to actually fire at them, that’s the messaging. And you need all three, and this is exactly why I created my SaaS go-to market coaching program.

Inside of my coaching program, I actually help you go from an undefined go-to-market strategy to a well-defined and scalable go-to market strategy that you can actually execute on, get going, and then as you start to get momentum, you can hire people in to actually go beyond founder-led sales and marketing and actually have your whole team plug into the training and execute on this strategy and this machine.

And inside of this program it’s been an amazing program we’ve had amazing founders in it. I’ve featured case study videos for founders that have gotten so much out of it and so much growth and their follow on rounds and gotten profitability so we are accepting more people into this program, more founders, just like you. If you’re B2B SaaS, then this program is perfect for you. So if you’re interested just go to, Over there you’ll get all the details about the program exactly how it works, how you get to work with me, how we actually build a scalable go-to market machine. And the process is very simple, you just fill a little form, we make sure you’re a good fit.

And if you are, we are off to the races, we start working together.

So just go to, and that way you can get into the go-to market program and work with me to actually implement these things and make sure you have a proper go-to-market strategy. Also, if you got value from this video if you’re still watching, that means you probably did, then please smash that like button for the YouTube algorithm, it really likes it when you do that.

Also I drop an episode like this with actionable strategies on how to grow your SaaS business faster. This is from my 15 years of experience in actually operating SaaS and then now working with over 250 across all my programs.

I have three coaching programs for different stages, this is for the go to market program. 250 founders, I’m in the trenches with the founders, so all the stuff I bring you is from the trenches. So be sure to hit the subscribe button and that bell icon, if you haven’t already. That way you’ll get notified every single time I drop an episode, it’s every single Sunday. Also, if you got value from this and if you have a fellow founder if you have a fellow team member that will get value from this, please share this video with them.

Truly Strange Things Caught on Camera

How are you doing? You’re about to see some of the scariest video clips that are trending on socials right now. So hit that Subscribe button and get ready for more creepy content just like this. Guys, this girl keeps repeating the same thing over and over.

She’s going to get out of her car. Watch her. Take a look. Guys, this girl keeps repeating the same thing over and over.

She’s going to get out of her car, watch her. She’s done this three times. She’s going to get out of her car, she’s going to walk around the front. She’s going to go get in. the woman seems to be repeating her movements over and over again.

This is super creepy. I don’t know if it’s like a glitch or what. Now she’s going to get out and she’s going to walk around the back of the car, okay? She’s going to walk around the back of the car and then she’s going to get in. She’s done this three times.

However, the strangeness doesn’t end there. The woman leaves the parking lot, heads over to the freeway and returns about five minutes later. The first two times, I’m like, “What is going on?” Now she’s going to go, and she’s going to go to the highway over there.

This is a pattern the cameraman says he’s witnessed over three times already.

She does it every 10 minutes. I’m just sitting in the parking lot.

Now she’s going to look to the right and then she’s going to go. In the second video, the cameraman now seems to be recording from inside of the store. However, just like before, the woman repeats the exact same process over and over again. Here the girl is again. Just to prove to you guys that I wasn’t crazy. Watch, she’s going to get out. She’s going to walk around the car, sit in the other side. She’s stuck in the same pattern. She’s done these five or six times.

While the uploader suggested that the woman might have been stuck in the matrix, many viewers thought she was exhibiting behavior indicative of obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD. OCD is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors or mental acts.

These obsessions and compulsions can significantly interfere with daily functioning and cause distress to the sufferer. If the woman is indeed suffering from OCD, the repetitive nature of her actions as captured in this video, highlight just how deeply OCD can impact a person’s life.

This glimpse into her routine serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by those living with this condition.

In a bizarre picture uploaded to the TikTok account GlitchInth3m4trix, we see a rather creepy image captured by a Ring security camera. At a little over 8:30 PM, the camera took this image, which at first seems rather mundane.

However, the camera’s owner notes that the two people in the picture are actually him.

Some commenters were quick to suggest that the camera might be showing a glitch in the matrix.

Others thought it might have captured this man’s doppelganger.

While the image is probably just a glitch, the man was likely spooked when he initially checked the footage. I’m not sure what’s creepier, checking your security camera and noticing two of yourself, or seeing a person standing just behind you that you don’t recognize. Recently, a spate of videos have appeared online that purportedly show faces near the moon.

Some leave a lot to the imagination and most likely can be dismissed as pareidolia.

However, there is one that’s gone viral for its eerie clarity. There he is. It’s a huge face looking right down on us. Let’s see if I can zoom in a little bit brighter. There he iste clip, posted to TikTok by Incognito Gaming TV was supposedly captured on the 29th of Feb 2024, at 11 pasts one in the morning. The camera holder notes he’s been seeing this thing for a while and now finally has a better camera to capture it.

He zooms in, and sure enough, there appears to be a large ominous face right next to the moon. It’s very ominous.

There he is, there he is. There he is. There he is.

Many people who have seen the clip believe it could be a sign of Project Blue Beam; a conspiracy theory that suggests NASA and the United Nations are planning to implement a new world order through advanced technology and psychological manipulation.

Proponents of this theory claim that a staged alien invasion, or a simulated second coming of Christ will be projected into the sky using holographic technology to unify all nations under a single global government. Despite its popularity among conspiracy theorists, there’s no credible evidence to support the existence or feasibility of Project Blue Beam.

However, the theory continues to spark debate and curiosity across various online communities. While the video has received millions of views, many people think it’s nothing but a hoax. In this video by its baiza mocking, we see how one might be able to create the same illusion.

The video proposes that the moon might simply be a car’s headlight illuminating the head of some sort of statue.

So, what do you think? Does this video really show an eerie, oversized face by the moon?

Or is it just a use of perspective and deception? Watch the clip one more time and let me know where you land on this curious story down below.

This next piece of bizarre footage was supposedly captured on a surveillance camera. It shows a woman walking with her daughter down the street. There’s a cat following closely behind. But watch what happens next. It’s almost as if the cat was pushed by some sort of unseen force. Luckily, the cat, using its agility, manages to land back on its feet without harm. However, for a split second, the animal’s perplexed look suggests it’s unsure about what just happened.

The woman must hear the cat just behind her because she turns to look, but unfortunately misses the strange flip. The animal’s behavior has been explained as everything from a glitch in the matrix to a push by a ghost. However, some believe the cat was just startled by the car that’s approaching behind them. So, what do you think caused this cat’s sudden and strange movement? Was it something supernatural?

Or did the cat just get a fright? Let me know your take on this one down below.

Trail and game cameras commonly used by hunters and wildlife enthusiasts often capture more than just the routine movements of deer and other forest creatures. Among the strange captures are unidentifiable animal-like figures, bizarre moving shapes, or what some claim to be apparitions of people. This next unnerving image captured on a game camera was posted by Bully Mac to the Chilling Scary Facebook page.

To make the picture even more eerie, the poster notes, it was captured late at night and in the middle of winter. The image shows what appears to be a humanoid figure standing side on.

One viewer, who brightened the picture for clarity, thought it looked like an apparition wearing a poncho or cape.

Unfortunately, there’s no information on where this image was actually captured. So, what do you think it’s showing?

Could it be a wandering spirit? Or is there another explanation for what we’re seeing here? In this spine-chilling video shared to our Slapped Ham subreddit by user SaturdayS84, viewers see what might be paranormal activity captured by a security camera.

The footage initially showing what looks like innocuous dust or smoke takes a mysterious turn at the 35-second mark.

There’s a ghostly-looking shape moving across the screen from right to left.

The poster, from Pangasinan, Philippines, hints at a possibly supernatural explanation, mentioning local lore about a girl in a white dress seen wandering the area. Many locals believe she wanders near old fortune trees, one that used to stand right near where this camera’s placed. These trees, perceived by some as a portal, have since been replaced by smaller plants. Yet the eerie sighting seem to continue.

This video not only captures what could be a ghostly apparition, but also ties into the local folklore, adding a layer of intrigue and mystery to the viewer’s experience.

Before we take a look at a chilling sighting in the skies of Ukraine, remember to hit that Subscribe button, then tickle that little bell icon there, and turn on all channel notifications. That way you’ll be in the loop every time we drop our scary and creepy videos.

In a video posted to Facebook by Luis Andres Jaspersen Revila, we see a mysterious ring hovering in the skies over Ukraine back in 2020. This phenomenon stirred considerable discussion and speculation about its origins, with some questioning if it could be extraterrestrial. In recent years, sightings of these mysterious rings have appeared all over the world.

In October 2021, a similar event over the Hudson River in New York caused unease among onlookers.

However, our initial guesses on social media, including speculations of birds were quickly debunked as the formation persisted longer than what would be typical for bird movements.

The true explanation for the Hudson River phenomenon, as later clarified, was linked to a local air show at the old Rhinebeck Aerodrome.  Three! ¡Oh!

During the show, a theatrical explosion designed to simulate a World War I scene produced a smoke ring.

Ideal weather conditions allowed this smoke ring to linger unusually long, creating the striking visual observed by many. In August 2023, a similar black smoke ring was seen floating over Tanjong Beach in Sentosa, Singapore. The phenomenon captured by Nuruddin Selamat and shared on TikTok, quickly went viral, amassing over 17,000 views.

Initially puzzled, many speculated about its origins.

However, the source of the smoke ring was soon clarified by spokesman from the Mount Faber Leisure Group, who explained that it was a result of a routine testing of the flame generators used in the Wings of Time show. This popular Sentosa attraction is known for its spectacular combination of laser, fire and water effects. And the testing was conducted a safe distance from public areas, adhering to all safety procedures. Weather and climate scientist, Dr. Koh Tieh Yong provided further insight by explaining that the smoke ring was what was known as a vortex ring.

This type of phenomenon occurs when a pulse of hot air shoots upwards into a stable atmosphere, forming a circular edge as it rises upward. The smoke particles injected into the air during the testing become trapped within the vortex, making the ring visible until it eventually dissipates due to dilution and higher level of wind disrupting its structure.

So does this explain the mysterious rings seen over Ukraine back in 2020? These events highlight how natural and human made phenomena can often appear mysterious or other-worldly, fueling speculation and wonder. Now, in case you haven’t heard the awesome news, we’ve launched a brand-new second channel.

If you winna see the latest episode, check out that link on the top there. Otherwise, there’s a spooky playlist there you can binge on. Now, leave us a comment down below, which one of these clips you thought was the scariest or weirdest.

We love hearing your feedback. And that’s it for me.

I’ll see you all next time. Pooh!

Simple Click Track



15 Weird Facts About the Penis

What would you do if your disco stick came with porcupine spines? Does size really matter? Ever wonder if some guys are packing a backup? And what do Cornflakes have to do with your Robert Downey Jr.?

We answer all that and more on today’s episode of The Infographics Show: Weird Fact About the Penis! Number 15 – Penile Spines Alright, let’s kick it off with one of the weirdest ones-imagine your manhood came with  built-in spikes. Yeah, feeling the shivers yet? Well, it did have them once, but the DNA code for it disappeared before Neanderthals and modern humans diverged. The belief is that  having spines allowed your personal pogo stick to get erect faster and promoted more promiscuity.

with spines seem to be more prevalent in species that are more promiscuous,  like cats. These spines don’t look like the spine in your back,  though. They’re little keratin speed bumps. Makes you wince just thinking about it, doesn’t it? So, what’s the deal with these strange, vestigial growths?

Around six million years ago, these  spines existed in a common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.

Over the centuries, minor genetic changes have made human pleasure poles smoother and simpler. Scientists don’t completely know why certain deletions happen, but one theory is that it’s because humans generally form monogamous relationships. Sorry to all the swingers out there who missed out on all that spiney goodness. Human guys don’t really have to play the “who gets there first” game.

But hey,  if they did, Netflix would have a whole new dating show. However,  the research on this is tenuous, and it has yet to be proven definitively that monogamy  is fully responsible for the change. The mystery of the wiener barbs continues! In chimpanzees, these small barbs are designed to make it painful for the female to remove them. This makes it so she’s less likely to mate with other chimps after partnering with one chimpanzee.

Okay, this is getting a little depraved – Let’s  move on to something less cringe-inducing in the world of peculiar genital facts. Number 14 – Size Does Matter… Sometimes When it comes to discussing the merits of your Little Richard, people often debate if bigger is better or if technique matters more than the size of the tools.

Statistically, size does matter for some women. Sorry, fellas. These women have found that they’re more likely to have a vaginal orgasm if they’re with a man with a longer rod, thanks to deeper stimulation of the vagina and cervix.

A 2013 study reported that women believed the ideal dangling size was based on a man’s height. Men who were taller looked better with a larger schlong to match. But if you’re feeling insecure about the size of your equipment right now,  fret not! Why debate size when you can just dazzle them with moves from the Kama Sutra? Speaking of size, the smallest natural penis ever recorded is a man from Miami with a hog  that measures 1/16th of an inch.

He has no interest in surgery and seems to have embraced  his size. On the other side of that spectrum is a Mexican man with the largest sexual anaconda at 48 centimeters long, 900 grams in weight, and 25 centimeters in glans circumference. Perhaps  together, they can form some kind of bizarre superhero team – instead of X-Men,  maybe X-Rated Men. I don’t know, we’re just spit balling here. And let’s talk about shoe size for a second.

According to old wives’ tales,  you can tell a man’s size based on how big his shoe is. You might not be surprised to learn that,  like most old wives’ tales, it isn’t even a little bit true.

In 2002, the BJU International published  a study that confirmed there is no correlation between shoe size and the size of your dingus.  So, let’s take our completely non-penis-related shoes and kick that myth to the curb, shall we? But if you’re a man about town, you’re probably wondering: What factors really do affect the size of your favorite body part?

Don’t worry, we’ve got some data on that for you, too! Number 13 – Permanent Shrinkage One thing studies have taught us is that smoking can impact just how long your Donkey Kong ends up being.

That’s right – It can shorten it by as much as 1 centimeter. What causes the shrinkage?  The calcified blood vessels that appear in smokers can reduce erectile circulation.
So put down the cigs, or your Tubesock might end up looking like it’s shrunk in the wash. Weight gain can also make your manhood appear to shrink even when it hasn’t.  Because your Woody Harrelson is attached to the abdominal wall, as the belly expands,  it pulls the pocket rocket inward. This causes it to look smaller than it is. But don’t worry, if you lose weight, your Nimbus 2000 will return to its original shape and size.

Actually, any penis might be longer than you think it is. It’s attached to your public bone, and a lot of it is tucked up inside the pelvis. So, while it’s inaccessible, it’s there! Just maybe don’t try using this as a pickup line at a bar – It probably won’t help you.

You might also have been told your Jean Claude Hot Damn is a muscle, but it actually isn’t!
It’s made up of erectile tissue and not muscle. When you flex your kielbasa, what you’re actually flexing is the muscles in your pelvic floor. That was a fun little fact – But we’re warning you, the next fact isn’t fun, it’s absolutely horrifying.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Number 12 – Handle With Care You should be careful with your one-eyed monster because you can break it.

No,  it doesn’t have any bones to break. What you’re actually damaging is the phallus itself. It’s known as a penile fracture. Handle your meat saber with care, or you might hear a snap that’ll haunt your dreams forever. Your disco stick is made up of two columns or cylinders that are like sponges.

They fill with blood to make the penis hard when you’re aroused. One column is a corpus cavernosum, and the other is corpora cavernosa.

They’re covered  in tunica albuginea, which is a protective layer. When you break your small soldier,  what’s actually happening is that you’ve torn the tunica albuginea. It often comes with a loud  popping or cracking noise, and the possibility of extreme pain.

You’ll notice bruising and  swelling from blood buildup under the skin, and you might notice blood in your urine.

It’s  probably one of the most horrifying things a person with a wood rocket can experience. So be careful with your little guy. You can break it during sexual activity, energetic masturbation, or even just by falling on it, rolling on it, or hitting it. Oh, we’re not done with the horrifying parts yet.

Stick around to the end and we might give you something to feel less existentially terrified about. There are other ways to damage your Peter. Peronei’s disease is when scar tissue known as plaque forms under the skin of your willy.

As men get older, they’re more likely to suffer from it.

Bending your pork sword too much in a certain way during sex can cause small tears in the tissue.

Over time, this gives your skin flute a curved shape. It can cause pain and erectile dysfunction and is more likely to happen to people with vigorous sexual and nonsexual activities that might injure your third leg. It also happens to people with certain autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction or who have a history of prostate cancer treatment with surgery.  If you have a family history of Peronei’s disease, be sure to check in with your doctor.

Let’s take a break from the horrors for now and get weird and downright crazy instead.

Number 11 – Double Trouble Did you know it’s possible for people to have two trouser snakes from birth?

The condition is known as diphallias, and it happens around every 5 to 6 million live births. It’s not always two fully formed penises, though. It can appear in different ways, but it almost always requires some kind of phalloplasty, a type of surgery that focuses on Saving your Private Ryan. The book Double Header: My Life with Two Penises by a man known only as Diphallia Dude discusses what it’s like to have two little Elvises in the building.

The author opens up about his life while refusing to reveal his real name or identity.

However, it’s difficult to prove if Diphallia Dude is real since he chooses to shroud himself in such secrecy. His story seems fantastical, but according to researchers, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. If it is all true, Diphallia Dude can expect an invitation to the X-Rated Men superhero team – He’s even already got a superhero name! And, if you’re wondering, yes, there is a female version of diphallias.

Some women are born with two uteri or two vaginas. But enough about strange medical anomalies – How do the penis and the brain, two body parts often considered to be mortal enemies, actually interact? Number 10 – Night Moves

Your saber can become erect 3 to 4 times a night as part of your REM sleep.

If you ever wake up  with a hard-on, that’s why! You probably woke up at that moment during your REM sleep cycle.

It’s not a sign that you’ve been having wet dreams, either. It’s a completely average thing your body does. It’s not completely clear why the human body does this, we only know that it’s totally safe and normal. In fact, if you stop experiencing them, you might be dealing with erectile dysfunction.

Your spine has more say in when you ejaculate than your brain.
It’s known as the spinal ejaculation generator. Your brain does, of course, play a role in all of this, but it’s why you can’t just ejaculate on demand. And  if you could, you may be able to become the fourth member of the X-Rated Men! Sorry, we’ll stop that running gag now. Thank you for your understanding.

Number 9 – Blue Ball Blues Speaking of myths, we’ve heard men complain about blue balls before, but is it real? In a way, yes.

It’s known as prostatic congestion. It happens when the prostate becomes swollen by excess fluid, like blood. It can be relieved by an orgasm, but it can also be fixed with a simple aspirin or a warm shower.

But what about semen, one of your Jack Nicholson’s two main products? What’s the deal with that? Semen is made up of more than just your sperm. It consists of around 96 percent water,  2 percent sperm, fructose, vitamin C, sodium bicarbonate, various proteins and enzymes,  and minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Fructose nourishes sperm, while the vitamin C helps keep sperm healthy.
The sodium bicarbonate is what protects the sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina. Bet you never knew it had that much gone on.

We’re aware that this video has given you certain things to worry about – from broken penises to blue balls – so let’s see if we can dispel a few common groin rifles worries to make you feel better. Number 8 – The Crooked Man Sometimes people worry about the direction their weathervane is pointing in, but an erection can point in any direction and be perfectly normal. It can point straight ahead, left, right, up,  or down.

One study collected data on just how much it varies. Based on this study,  if your wiener pointed up, they would measure it as 0 degrees. If it was pointing forward (or horizontally), they would count that as 90 degrees.

Around 5% of participants were 0 to 30 degrees, almost 30% were 30 to 60 degrees, another 30% were 60 to 85 degrees, just under 10% were 85 to 95 degrees, roughly 20% were 95 to 120 degrees and 5% percent were 120 to 180 degrees. In fact, very few penises are completely straight.

They can curve in any direction,  and a curve of up to 30 degrees is considered normal and healthy. But what about penises that have boldly gone where no penis has ever  gone before? That’s right: What about erections… in outer space? Number 7 – Out Of This World From what research tells us, it’s more like a “taffy pull” than a traditional erection.  Scientists are actually worried that sex in space might not be viable.

In order to keep up blood flow to the lower parts of the body, you need gravity. In space, it rises to your head and chest.

Due to the lack of gravitational force, it’s difficult to get erect in space. Currently, there isn’t a lot of research funding being dedicated to space sex.

However, NASA is interested in learning more about it, especially as humans grow more inclined towards space travel.

It’s not even clear if space sex would be a pleasant experience. As of right now, we know it’s difficult to get aroused in space, but it’s not impossible. As to conception, pregnancy, and birth, it’s unclear what that might even be like – And

it’s not exactly easy to find volunteers for this kind of experiment. Speaking of fertilization… Number 6 – Sperm Olympics Your King Charles sends out a lot of sperm when it ejaculates,  somewhere between 80 and 300 million sperm. They have to cover at least 6 to 7 inches in  order to reach an egg to fertilize.

When they are first ejaculated, they travel at a speed of  around 28 miles per hour, but eventually slow down to a speed of 5mm per minute. By the end of the whole ordeal, only around 200 sperm will ever be able to come close to  the egg. Starting from ejaculation, it’ll take them about 15 to 45 minutes to get there. This may sound slow to us, especially if you compare it to when you’re driving in your car. But by sperm standards, that’s incredibly fast.

If you were to scale up sperm to 6 feet, they would be four times faster than an Olympic gold medalist. If there is no egg, the sperm can wait inside the body for up to five days. Number 5 – Not What It Seams POP QUIZ! Have you ever noticed the seam on your donger? This is called the “penile  raphe,” and it’s a sign your Captain Corrigan was once a labia.

Remember, all humans begin life in utero with female anatomy until 7 weeks. When you notice a seam  on your scrotum, that’s a scrotal raphe. The raphe is present in female bodies.

It  extends from the anus to the labia majora, and it becomes the inner lips of the vagina. Speaking of the physical makeup of the penis, let’s talk about foreskin – and its surprisingly controversial removal procedure.

Number 4 – Off With His Head Circumcision, the removal of the foreskin of the penis, isn’t an uncommon practice. It’s often connected to religious or cultural beliefs. For our weird  facts list, we’d like to talk about the surprising advantages and disadvantages,  and you’re free to argue about which you prefer in the comments. People who have been circumcised  are less likely to develop penile cancer, and it can prevent foreskin infections or phimosis,  a condition where the skin is tight and cannot retract behind the head of your underwear  warrior. Circumcised people are less likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease.

The downside to circumcision is that removing it also removes thousands  of sensitive nerve endings in your Lex Luthor. This can reduce how much sexual  pleasure someone experiences. It can also lead to a rare condition known as meatal stenosis,  where the opening at the end of the phallus narrows and becomes too  small. It’s often fixed with surgery. While complications from circumcisions are rare, it does happen.

They can cause infections or injury to the penis or urethra. And if, for some reason, that made you hungry, we’ve got a weird fact about wieners and a certain famous food for you! Aren’t we just so thoughtful like that? Number 3 – Corn Hub If you’ve ever enjoyed a nice bowl of cornflakes in the morning,  you might be surprised to learn they have a dark history.

One that has a lot to do with  your self-pleasure habits!

Cornflakes first came into being in the 1890s and  were created by the Kellogg company, which was founded by Keith Kellogg. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, Keith’s brother, was raised in the Seventh-day Adventists Church, a Christian denomination that observes Saturday instead of Sunday as the Sabbath. His medical research was heavily influenced by his religious upbringing, and he even became the head of a church-founded health institute. He believed that the blandness of cornflakes would help make the minds of those eating them stay pious and pure.

Yeah, he was a really weird dude. Sadly, this isn’t just a silly tale of a weird guy who thought cereal should be bland to keep your thoughts pure. J.H. Kellogg actually promoted painful and punishing procedures.

In order to curb young people’s masturbatory urges, he would have circumcisions performed, or he’d put pure carbolic acid on them.

This was not a man who we should have been letting near breakfast cereal or anyone’s privates. It’s unclear who is actually responsible for cornflakes, but it was meant to be a boring meal that would lead to abstinence and less masturbation. J.H. Kellogg believed that avoiding sugar, alcohol, and other indulges was the key to remaining abstinent. If anything, his bland cereal was at least a step up from his barbaric practices.

It  also doesn’t actually accomplish what he hoped it would. Otherwise,  it would probably be a lot less popular. Now, let’s get morbid: Number 2 – Deadwood Did you know you can get an erection when you die?

This is known by several names, like terminal erection, death erection, Rigor Erectus, and angel lust. It’s not uncommon at all, and it’s particularly prevalent in people who have died from hanging. It’s believed it’s due to the pressure on the cerebellum from the noose.

And we’ve got one more utterly crazy story for you. Number 1 – Napoleon Boner-part You might have heard of the tale of Napoleon Bonaparte’s amputated Le Petit Caporal.

It was supposedly taken off shortly after his death in 1821. As the story goes, his tiny emperor was cut off by his doctor, and then, in 1977, it was sold to a New Jersey urologist at an auction for $3,000. The urologist kept it for 30 years for reasons we can’t really explain. But was it really Napoleon’s musket? While it’s not impossible it could be, it’s hard not to have our doubts.
The New York Times’s Judith Pascoe described the object as “barely recognizable as a human body part.” Channel 4, a British television channel, aired a documentary called Dead Famous DNA. They described the dingus as “very small,” and it only measured out at a 1 inch. It’s likely that its small size is due to how old it is, and it’s not an indication of how big Napoleon would have been while he was alive. The current owner has only allowed ten people to see the coveted imperial dong.

It’s never  been recorded on camera, adding to the doubt some people feel that it may not be real. It  was supposedly put up for display back in 1927. A writer from TIME noted that it looked like  a “maltreated strip of buckskin shoelace.” It has been compared to leather, a shriveled eel, and beef jerky over the years. Now you really can’t say we never teach you anything!

For more videos like this one, be sure to check out How an Erection Works and Weird Facts About Male Foreskin.

Making Money from Hobbies


Construction Marketing: 12 Construction marketing strategies

Welcome to today’s video about 12 ways to market your building business that can help it grow in today’s tough market. Since there are so many people in the construction business, it can be hard to stand out and get the attention of possible clients. So, we put together this list of tried-and-true marketing strategies that can help you reach your target audience, create leads, and ultimately grow your business. Whether you’re a small contractor or a big construction company, these strategies can help you raise brand knowledge, build credibility, and make more sales.

So, if you’re ready to take your marketing for your building business to the next level, let’s get started!

1. Websites A website that looks good and is easy to use is a good way to advertise building services and give potential clients the information they need. A 327 professional website can help construction companies of all kinds build trust and brand recognition.  Most of the time, popular websites have pages that are easy to find and have short,  useful information for the reader.

On these pages, you might find: About page: An about page usually  gives a brief overview of how a company works now, its history, and any related experience.
Services page: A services page is a good way to tell people about the services a company offers.

Testimonials page:

Testimonials page often has good customer reviews and is a great way to build trust with a target audience. Gallery page: A gallery page is a great way for companies to show off their best pictures and videos of their work. Contact page: A contact page usually has all the information a possible client needs to get in touch with the right company department or person.

2.Social media for a lot of businesses, social media is quickly becoming one of the best ways to sell online.

These popular platforms can help construction companies connect directly with homeowners and give them a great chance to build trust with their fans. Social media can also be a great way to spread the word about a construction company. Followers can quickly share the company’s pages and posts with their own digital network. 328 Professional networking sites are a great way for larger construction companies to connect with businesses looking for project proposals and an online community of possible vendors.

3. Video content Making professional videos to present a company or its services is a great way to market that can be used on a website, social media, or newsletter, among other places. Videos may be a better way to show off a portfolio of amazing work than a collection of photos or a video tour of a finished building project.

People may also feel more connected to video messages, which could help build trust with a target group.

Related: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing

4.Email marketing Email campaigns are a great way for a construction business to build and keep a relationship with the people they want to work with. Email campaigns can be used by construction companies to send  regular messages to people who have signed up for them.

You can use newsletters to:  Bring in new projects Tell people about company changes Talk about prices and deals. Reach out to the neighborhood. 329 share what your company has done.

5.Things about an employee Clients often ask building companies to build and keep up projects that are safe, useful, and nice to look at. Because these projects usually take a lot of time and money, clients may want to know that they can trust the company to do a good job. To get people to believe them, construction companies may use pictures of their employees in their marketing to make them seem more friendly.

By putting their hardworking employees in a marketing effort, clients may feel more connected to the company and be more likely to give them important building projects.

6. Reviews and quotes from customers Companies may use customer reviews and recommendations in their marketing, which is another great way to build trust.

They might put reviews from happy customers on their websites, social media pages, or email campaigns to show how good their work is and how happy their customers are.

Potential clients may use these reviews to help them decide which construction company to hire, and good reviews that are easy to see could sway their decision.

7. Co-marketing schemes Co-marketing and cross-promotion can help building businesses reach new customers.

By teaming up with other similar businesses to do 330 neighborhood events, marketing campaigns, and ads, construction companies may be able to reach customers they might not have otherwise.

Most of the time, construction companies work with brands that offer similar services but aren’t direct rivals, have a large audience, and can both benefit from working together.

8. Blogs are a great way for construction businesses to learn more about their industry, build their reputation, and get more people to visit their website.  If a construction company’s website has a blog page, they may have more chances to use keywords and search engine optimization techniques to their benefit.

Most of the time, clients do a lot of study before choosing a construction company. A construction company’s blog could help them  look more professional and knowledgeable in their field, which could lead to more jobs.

9.Webinars:  A webinar is a free educational event where professionals in a field talk about important topics through a video conference tool.

Webinars are a great way for building companies to get the word out about their services and work with other leaders in the field to reach more people.  Webinars are a good way for construction companies to connect with potential vendors, customers, and employees.

Many people who work in construction or related fields can attend webinars to learn more about their industry and build their professional networks. 331

10. Referral schemes for customers Customer feedback programs are a way for construction companies to get the word out about their services and get more customers. Referral programs often give customers free or cheap services when they tell a friend, family member, or acquaintance about a business.

This incentive is a powerful way to attract more people, raise awareness of a brand, show appreciation for current customers, and get new construction jobs.

11. Paid ads Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a way for construction companies to raise brand awareness on a number of online sites.  To use PPC, construction businesses pay an ad publisher every time someone clicks on one of their ads.

Construction companies can keep their ads up to date by using their own marketing staff or a third-party consultant who knows how to use this method.

This can take careful tracking.
PPC is a good way to market directly to a large number of people, and construction companies may find that its benefits are worth the time and money they have to put into it.

12. Targeting a small group of people Niche audience targeting is a way for construction  companies that offer a wide range of specialized services to draw certain types of clients.  For example, a construction business that specializes in home repairs and renovations  might host a webinar on simple home repairs and renovation tips to connect with homeowners who  could use their services. 332 And that’s the end of our video about 12 ways to sell construction.
We hope these tips were helpful and gave you new ideas.

Remember that the construction business is always changing, so to stay competitive, it’s important to keep up with the latest marketing trends and techniques. You can build a strong brand, connect with your target group, and reach your business goals by using these strategies. Don’t be afraid to try new things and practice to find out what works best for your business. With hard work and persistence, you can make a great marketing plan that helps your business grow and make money.



Online Marketing For Small Businesses – The Secret To Success

Alright, in this video you’re going to discover the secret to success with online marketing for small businesses. Before I get into that, if you’re interested in learning some advanced strategies that insiders are using right now to get a 248% ROI using paid media, then I’ve got a special video just for you. Just go ahead and click the link that’s below right now.

Before I get into that, I do also want to tell you a little bit of a story that’s going to paint the picture for this. So, I took on a client that’s in the consulting space, and when I brought them on, the whole idea was they needed an entire funnel built, and we needed to drive a very specific prospect into this funnel to convert strategy sessions for them to sell a high-ticket service on the back end.

Now, when I told them that we were-When we were bringing them on, I told them we needed to be able to test and drive the traffic through, monitor the data, and then apply a bunch of tweaks along the way, and so we had a three-month engagement.

Well, things weren’t working out as fast as they thought, and so at the end of 30 days, they were already getting cold feet about the process and didn’t want to continue. We hadn’t really done much optimizing yet because we were still trying to get traffic through, and so they ended up pulling the plug on the project only 30 days in. And that’s really the secret to success with online marketing is that you have to be committed to the process of testing, tweaking, and optimizing until you can get the results that you’re looking for. Very rarely will you ever put a brand-new marketing funnel out and have it work really, really, really well.

It just very rarely happens. Now, what you can do is apply best practices so you can get some results right away, but you should be prepared for, with any marketing funnel, you should have the idea that it’s not going to work, and all you’re doing is gathering data so that you can apply tweaks and different strategies to actually get it to work.

That whole process typically takes 60-90 days if you’ve got somebody that really knows what they’re doing. If you’re not using the right tools and systems, it can take much longer than that. So, if you’re looking to do marketing online, and you’re a small business, just be committed to the process of building out a funnel, testing, tweaking, and optimizing until you get it right.

When you do, you’re going to have an asset that will produce leads and sales for you at ROIs of 500% or more very easily. Just don’t expect it to happen overnight. One thing you need to understand is that online advertising is becoming increasingly difficult to pull off successfully using the traditional methods because people are simply becoming blind to them.

The most effective way to combat this is using native advertisements, which is just a fancy way term for ads that look similar to the content around them. It sounds counter intuitive, but the best way to get noticed is to actually blend in.

Think of soap operas and infomercials. They’re the original native ads that have been running successfully for decades, selling billions of dollars of products. Now, if you want to start leveraging native ads, there’s two choices you can make.

You can go out and spend all the time and money trying to figure them out on your own, or you can just click the image on the right.

That will take you to a page where you can get free instant access to a special video, I put together just for you.

It’s called 17 Advanced Native Advertising Insiders Use to get 248% ROI Right Now.

These are all techniques that have been proven to work through multiple tests across the 22 accounts I manage for clients and myself. You can use them to drive sales of products or to generate leads for selling high ticket products and services over the phone. It will literally save you massive amounts of time and money. So go ahead and click that image right now to get this video while it’s fresh on your mind.

Funnel Hacking International


This is why online marketing isn’t working for you

Building an online business can be very frustrating when we start out as entrepreneurs, we’re usually hopefully optimistic, and we have an important message that we want to get out to the world. We have a great product or service, and we feel like. Surely, if we build it, they will come this thing that I have is so great and so valuable.

Surely, if I put it out there, people will find me and then reality sets in because the response to your new website, your latest piece of content, your new product or service, is generally always the same crickets, no matter how much work you put into it.

No matter how much you care about your message and your product, no matter how much you want to help, you are not seeing more traffic, a growing subscriber number, more followers or really anything at all.

So then we realize ok, indeed build it and they will come. Does not work and what’s the solution that we have to learn marketing, we have to get into all the marketing stuff and we start learning all this stuff about what we’re supposed to do differently, how to write headlines how to make better content? How to present our products and so on, but unfortunately, even there, the frustration usually doesn’t end. Instead, you find yourself doing more and more work and being overwhelmed. There’S all these different tips and all these different things you’re supposed to do in order to grow an audience online and grow your business online and even though you’re doing so much more work and instead of working on your business. As you imagined, you would you’re basically sitting there staring at a screen all day, trying to write better headlines and trying to use social media the right way and so on.

You’Re doing all this work you’re putting in all this work and the results are just still disappointing now. The good news is, there is a reason why the stuff you’re doing is not bringing you the results you hope for, and there is a better way of doing it. I have been building online businesses for over 10 years and I’ve been doing things very differently from what you’d imagine. If you read online marketing blogs and follow general online marketing advice, I think countless entrepreneurs could greatly benefit from a completely different approach to building an online business. But there is a problem here and it is greatly summarized in a Chinese proverb about filling a cup. This is the first problem we have to solve right now. Your cup is already full of all the wrong ideas of all the ideas that have kept you stuck where you are so. The very first thing we have to do is empty the cup and that’s what this video is for right here. I want to help you unlearn two of the biggest mistakes that are keeping you stuck.

The two things we have to unlearn are what I call the old paradigm and the great gap.

So, let’s start with the old paradigm. Tell me if this sounds at all familiar for online marketing advice. You have to post more, you have to post. More often, you have to post on a regular schedule and you have to post everywhere on every possible channel and on every possible social media platform. And if that doesn’t work, then the problem is that you’re, not posting enough and the solution is post even more. Do even more of the stuff that isn’t working, and even that is not enough, because we also have to do this social selling, where we have to reply to every single comment. Reply to every single email we get and whenever people comment on your stuff, send them a direct message, get into a chat conversation with people and try to sell them your stuff.

There there’s no shortage of so-called marketing experts, who relentlessly beat the drum of posting. More posting everywhere and doing more and more and more, but this just doesn’t work well as a way to grow an online business and the sheer number of entrepreneurs were doing their very best to follow this advice and getting basically zero results should be proof enough. What’S happening here is that this is an attempt to take an old strategy from the physical world, specifically door-to-door sales and transpose it onto the Internet.

If you’re a door-to-door sales person, what you can do is you can go out and knock on the door and then ask the person who opens the door if they want to buy your insurance or your kitchen knife set or whatever it is that you are selling And if they say no, you go to the next door. You knock on that door and so on, and if you do this enough and if you try hard enough, then eventually you have made a good number of sales. Now, in the old paradigm, with door-to-door sales, you can do this. You can do this kind of work to essentially cover an entire area, but if we try to take this strategy and bring it to the Internet, it simply doesn’t work. The Internet is an ocean of messages and trying to blanket the Internet with your message is just not going to work, even if you bring a big bucket of messages to the ocean, that is the Internet, you’re never going to make a significant difference now. Look, I could tell you a simple story.

It just says all of this kind of stuff simply doesn’t work. Any kind of door-to-door sales stuff applied online doesn’t work and you should never do it, but I’m not one for simple answers. So let me give you the actual truth reaching out to people trying to engage people one on one can work, but it’s something for an early-stage business where the goal is to validate a business idea. Maybe get your first customer your first 10 customers, and for that it is fine, but this is not a strategy that you can use to build the kind of online business that I bet you wanted to build. I bet you didn’t dream of being an online sales person who has to work 24/7 forever and ever in order to keep income going instead, what we want with an online business is, we want something that can work independently in the virtual space without us always having To trade time for money and for this goal, the door-to-door salesmen approach simply does not work.

Smart entrepreneurs and highly successful online businesses know this and don’t follow the old paradigm. The old paradigm on the Internet has been replaced with a new paradigm called inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is basically a reversal of the door-to-door sales approach where, instead of going out to where people are interrupting them, knocking on the door and hoping they’ll say yes, we do. The opposite: the goal of inbound marketing is to get P, who want what I have to offer to come to me, and that is our first key takeaway right.

There start unlearning all this door-to-door sales.

Whenever you see any kind of advice about online marketing, any kind of new marketing strategy or online marketing tip, ask yourself: does this fit the old paradigm, or will this help me build an inbound marketing based online business that can work independently of my input? The second problem – that’s keeping entrepreneurs stuck – is the great gap.

Now when it comes to the old paradigm, there’s a bunch of information, it’s just bad information, it doesn’t fit the purpose and it’s best if we ignore it and forget about it with the great gap.

The problem is a bit more complicated because there’s a lot of information.

That is not wrong, but it’s the wrong kind of information. Here’s the kind of thing I mean the length of the average blog post is 1142 words, however, posts with 3,000 words or more yet, three times more traffic, four times more shares and 3.5 times more backlinks than the average blog post on YouTube. The ideal video length through click-through and engagement is between six and eight minutes.

However, for monetization the ideal length is 10 to 11 minutes. Content that has a separate social sharing.

Thumbnail is 316 percent more likely to get shared on Facebook and content without an image.

The ideal image dimensions for Facebook are thousand two hundred by 628 pixels and the ideal image dimensions for a range of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, reddit and so on is a square image of 1200 by 1200 pixels all posts with a title length of 6 to 12 words get more traffic than articles with longer or shorter titles on YouTube. Titles between 42 to 60 characters get the most clicks and titles, with over 70 characters performed 37 % worse than shorter titles, least post and infographics get up to 90 % more shares than regular article and for least post. The ideal number of items on the list is 10. A top 10 list gets more shares than lists of any other non-maximize email, open rates sent on a Tuesday at 3 p.m.

With a subject line of between 6 and 10 words, the best time of the week to post a Facebook for maximum engagement is Wednesday between 11 a.m.

And 2 p.m. the restaurant post on Instagram is Wednesday and Friday between 10 and 11 a.m. and for Twitter, it’s Wednesday and Friday at 9, a M. thing in that list is factually true: everything you just saw is based on research and data, and it is all factually true, but it’s the wrong kind of information, and, if you think about it, can you see how this kind of thing is just never going To really move the needle it’s bit like we’re looking at a map that has a huge chunk in the middle missing and everybody’s, just focusing on all this stuff on the periphery, which is correct and interesting, but nobody’s going hold on what about this bit? In the middle, for example, you can easily tell that if you write 2,000 or 3,000, words of just inane meaningless nonsense and you create a catchy headline for it. Following all the rules with all the right word, count, that’s not actually going to work.

Is it the actual substance of the text of the email of the video of the tweet will always make a far bigger difference than all these technical low impact details? Why, then, is the Internet full of this low impact information? Well, it’s because this is the easy stuff you can easily quantify things like word count and video length and so on and come up with these stats that also make for a catchy headline. You can put them in a shareable infographic, and that is the way information spreads the most easily the stuff at the edge of the map is shareable goes viral is easy to write about and easy to measure and quantify the stuff at the center of the map.

That is more complex, and you can’t make a neat little infographic.

That sums up the step-by-step success, recipe for creating a piece of content that people will actually engage with and actually long and there’s also a nasty little hidden truth. In all these facts, which is to say that, yes, long blog posts get more shares. But most people are not going to read your 3,000 words. So, if you have 3,000 interesting words, but you can’t sum it up in a catchy headline or in an infographic, then you don’t have that nice situation where people can see something kind of skim through it and go oh wow. This is very substantive. I’M goon an read it later.

We’re goon and share it now, which is how most online sharing happens. So, the entire system is signal boo, all of the wrong stuff. If we really pay attention not just to averages, but especially to successful outliers, we can see that there are plenty of brands, businesses and content creators who break all of these rules and do extremely well for themselves.

For example, YouTube creators like bacon or Toska, whose posts very rarely very irregularly and super short videos, but gets hundreds of thousands of views or creators like contra points who also posts very rarely but extremely long, very in-depth, complex videos and gets millions of views or Matt Dia Bella, who seems to break all the rules about how you have to have a click, baby, spectacular, exciting titles, on YouTube in order to be successful or what about the Joe Rogan podcast in an age where everyone’s always talking about how everyone’s attention spans are diminishing? The most successful podcast in the world often posts three-hour long conversations and we can look to websites and blogs to find even more rule-breakers.

We have James’s clear who is a highly successful blogger, one of the most successful ones in his space who posts. Quite rarely almost never uses catchy titles or images often writes short, but to the point posts and has massive success.

Doing so for Cal Newport, who also doesn’t have a publishing schedule, often publishes very short posts, but is a highly sought after right war. Wait but why one of the most successful blogs on the internet posts completely regularly quite rarely hosts the kind of stuff you would never get to by following a bunch of internet marketing tips and is hugely successful.

And the list of these exceptions goes on and on and on the reason these creators are successful is because they focus on the stuff in the center of the map that you simply won’t find by following the latest top 10 internet marketing tips blog post.

So, what can we learn from these creators?

And what can we do to get this kind of success that doesn’t follow the mainstream advice now that we’ve emptied your cup of two of the worst problems that are keeping you stuck in the next video we’ll start, exploring that important centerpiece of the and make sure You subscribe below if you want to get notified in the next, video is released.



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