In this episode, we’re going to talk about how to take a website where somebody wants to take casual website visitors and turn them into email subscribers. So, let’s get into it. That’s right! Here we are so uh real, quick before we get into this video. I want to talk about this thing. ¡Oh no! It’s over here it’s over here! Now it’s the perfect blog post cheat sheet, which i just created. I figured it was absolutely perfect for what I’m doing here. If you want to learn how i create the perfect blog post to rank and to convert, go to cheat sheet, and you can download that for yourself.
So, let’s talk about how we can convert regular visitors to a website into email subscribers, and you know what i don’t know what to call this: let’s call it copy all right, so we’re going to talk about copywriting.
This is the site and kind of looking at it off the bat. It’s fine. You know i kind of like it.
This guy, this guy looks strong, looks like if i eat and train with this guy. I could learn something so flexible.
Dieting made simple access. The video right off the bat as far as like the copywriting is concerned, it’s not getting me to feel any sort of way about why I’d want to you know access this video. I want something more specific, flexible, dieting made simple. I don’t know what flexible dieting is. Is that some cool new diet is that keto?
I don’t is that is that intermittent fasting, i’m somebody who doesn’t know, but i want to eat and train and learn and maybe you’re speaking to the different audience. But i know this site doesn’t get a lot of traffic, but at this point let’s assume that everyone’s a dumb like me – and they want to learn how to you know, eat train, eat and train. I guess so. Maybe flexible dieting is too much of an industry word. Maybe it needs to be. You know how to use this new fad of flexible dieting to blah blah blah blah blah whatever it is like. What is it that I’m going to benefit now?
You see, watch my free training to learn, step by step, how to reach your fitness goals with flexible dieting. I think the copywriting here is the problem, because that is just very vague. What does that even mean?
Is that being that what’s my fitness goal, it could be completely. You know it’s all sorts of things, so i think, being very, very specific in the outcome is how you would use this copywriting access, the video you have a button here.
The button’s gray and the background here is red and so kind of looking at this. I’M thinking it should be flipped where the background should be gray and the button should be red because that’s going to make the button stick out and yes, i want to access the video or download the video or watch the video accessing the video here. Here’s the thing about videos: I’ve learned too about if you want to uh, get people to subscribe to your email list. Videos are free on YouTube.
You can YouTube anything.
You don’t need to have a video, so i actually have a video as a lead magnet on another site that i run and it doesn’t do that. Well, just put it out there. Maybe it’s not a video, maybe it’s a cheat sheet. Maybe it’s you know a. I don’t know spreadsheet where you can enter stuff. Maybe it’s a little app. Maybe it’s i don’t know something else, but just something to think about there too uh. So, looking at the bottom here, you have this other thing which, if we’re trying to convert emails or trying to convert visitors into email subscribers, I’m looking at this and saying wait. How is this email? Is this different from this?
What’s this, where am i going so right off the bat I’m getting this like thing to get this free, video and i have to download so i have to enter my email address to download this video, but then down here, I’m entering my email address to Get started on what our content is designed to cut through the misinformation of the internet and give you real actionable principles to help you see and sustain results. If that’s not the most generic thing, I’ve ever read, I’m sorry to say, discover, enjoyable and sustainable fitness habits. Again, we’re talking about we’re not giving the benefit.
You know like enjoyable and sustainable fitness habits.
Yeah, i mean sure, but it’s it feels very industry talk and not very specific to what I’m goon an get out of this. So, if I’m goon an sit here and spitball anything, let’s, let’s, let’s see, if i can do it eyes, closed and spitball something. So, you know how to create sustainable fitness habits that you can do anytime on your busy schedule, terrible, but something along those lines where you have the benefit of what they’re going to receive from sustainable business or sustainable business habits, sustainable fitness habits.
So, some, i think really here, it’s copywriting and you’re, offering two different things here on the homepage: you’re offering the access the video up here and then something about. Let’s getting started about something so just not a very clear message into getting your visitors to turn into email subscribers, the best thing that you can do on this website, which is not a terrible website. I’M not gon na sit here and critique the website whatsoever. Besides, maybe flipping the colors so that the button pops out – oh, my god, i use the word pop again that button kind of sticks out.
What i would do here is create a cohesive offer. That is compelling, and i know that even those sentences and those words are vague, but if you spend the time workshopping that and figuring that out talk to somebody else, this is what i do all the time you want to know what this, how this came about. Yeah, workshopping talk it out, figure. It outthinks about what your audience ask your audience. You have an audience; it may be small but say like hey. What are you looking for? What are your goals with your body? What is it could it? You know some people just like me. I just i want to gain as much weight as possible. So that’s why I’m drinking these beers right yeah. I know i have a beer next to me.
It’s very professional matt great.
I want to look at your most popular posts because you’re trying to convert again casual visitors into email subscribers.
Well, this is the most popular post is where you’re getting all your traffic, so where’s the offer is the offer here: free, beginner, training. Again, i hate this because it’s a button and it says beginner and you’re – going to segment your audience kind of right off the bat. So this isn’t really working for me. I’D much rather have some sort of offer closer above the fold somewhere here at the top. That’s like hey here’s my offer again remember you were on my home page.
That was my offer.
Here’s my offer again whatever that is be very specific, with the copy be very specific, with the offer it could be a cheat sheet. It could be all those things that i mentioned earlier. A video could work, i’m not saying a video won’t work test. It, though, try a video and then try something simpler than a video. You know something easier to create like a pdf, and i think you might see results just kind of i don’t know again. That’s me using my anecdotal evidence on my site and i think the reason that people are like free video there’s a freaking million free videos on YouTube. I could free video all day so offering a free video doesn’t feel very special. Free eBooks feels special free cheat sheet feels like private and secret and special. So, i don’t know think about that uh. So, moving on, i don’t see an offer.
It’s not a cohesive offer from what i saw on the home page, so put something at the top.
That’ll definitely help you scrolling down. We have this in the middle okay, two things I’m goon na. I want to jump real, quick into branding. Yellow buttons see these pops, oh god, I’m so sorry designers. This stands out on the black background, but i know there’s some text in here.
I can’t read: oh, it says marketing by active campaign: don’t give them anything just get rid of active campaign, so you say: try these six easy to learn. Trax exercises to build muscle and increase strength again. Dum-Dum over here doesn’t know what tax stands for or what it is or why i should care about it or how it’s going to help me in any single way possible. So and there are sticks a lot, he said they’re easy to learn. You caps easy. I don’t know, i don’t think this is really compelling to me. You know you know it could be something.
That’s like try these six easy to learn exercises who gives a about tax to build muscle and strength in blank amount of time or in your own home without equipment. You know: what’s the what’s the benefit at the end like? What’s the thing?
That’s going to be like oh yeah, i don’t have equipment like this is great.
Then you say enter your email here and it’s all a little tiny and tiny, and you have seen the exercises get the exercises like get the exercise cheat sheet. I know I’m saying cheat sheet a lot because i just created a cheat sheet. Maybe it’s gotten the exercise video. You know the special unlock these exercises. I don’t know this could be there’s something just a little bit more compelling a better call to action copy uh. So going back to copy what i would do here is again. You don’t have a cohesive message. You have some.
You have two different offers on the home page. You have a third offer now that I’m seeing in the middle of your blog post, let’s keep going and see if we can find any more love. These uh hey the same wall color as i do look at that, it’s a very nice wall color. This is called blue note by the way from Benjamin more. If you were curious but you’re not so I’m going to continue so moving forward, then we have a lasso link very nice. If you want to use lasso to make your affiliate links, stand out just go to, slash lasso. I helped invent that plug-in. Isn’t that nice? I don’t work from it anymore, but that’s another story. Trax goes suspension training. I guess I’ll find out. If i read what tax stands for and then you’re missing an opportunity here at the bottom, i love that you have your face. I love that you say who you are and your certifications. I guess you have a bs. I am that.
Is that what that means, then you have a-f-a-a-c-p-t cpt. I don’t know what that means.
So, you don’t say anything else. You do say live strong.
I would. I would worry about that because that could be copyright.
Infringement don’t know, but then you have I’m here to help you when it comes to eating better training, smarter and learning faster. Give me more of your background. This is where it’s a good spot for your eta, speaking of which moving into seo a little just a little just a little tiny bit. Um eta stands for expertise, authority and trustworthiness, and that is what google wants to see, and so this is a great place. I think this is awesome. You can see your face, it’s black, it stands out, not doesn’t pop, it stands out and you could add hey. My name is ant. I have been doing this for x number of years. I’ve trained here.
I’ve done this.
I’ve started this website 40 years ago, what i don’t know just different criteria that makes you an expert or somebody that has authority or somebody that i can trust in this space. But you should also add another email, opt-in down here and i’m going to say this. One last time, which is figure out your cohesive message figure out what it is that you want people to join and what it is that you want them to get. You can make something that can appease the large crowd who want to eat and train and learn from you so figure out. What that is it’s going to take time; you’re going to try different things. You might try a pdf, you might try more videos, but really you can. Probably, since you already have these things, it’s probably just copywriting, it’s probably just creating a better message, something more compelling.
That’s going to get them to actually subscribe to your website.
That’s what i think anyway, thank you for watching. If you liked this video, please leave a thumbs up.
If you want to see more website critiques website, tear downs whatever you want to call it make sure you hit the subscribe button, and if you want your website on this channel – and you want me to do what i just did for entrain, you can submit Your website, by going to moneyback, slash submit and other than that, if you think i missed anything, please leave a comment if you think there’s any glaring errors or you’re like oh, i have an idea.
I want to help this guy out then just leave a comment below that’s it. Thanks again and I’ll see you in the future. You.
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