This is the channel that helps you build extraordinary relationships, ask the questions that create breakthrough moments and become a captivating storyteller that connects on every stage. Now. How many times have you caught yourself telling what you believe to be the greatest story ever only to realize that your audience tuned you out, 10 minutes earlier awkward storytelling is one of the most important skills for leading a successful life.
You can teach a lesson, inspire commitment and even ace that job interview for your dream, gig, our storytelling ability is the difference between simply communicating and establishing powerful human connection and any speech, presentation or pivotal conversation. If you want to capture your audience’s attention start with story, I will see this all the time interviewing experts, leaders, athletes and celebrities.
The big challenge, though, how can you successfully reveal a part of yourself and draw people closer to you at the exact same time? We’Ll follow these five ideas before you even begin. Ask yourself: what is the purpose of your story? Is it to inform, persuade and lighten, maybe even entertain, every good story starts with framing a problem that needs solving and consider this?
What is your audience care about? Right now, clarify your purpose with a narrative that speaks to their priorities and when you’re doing this keep in mind. Emotion is everything in memorable interviews that consistently see that the most impactful stories were not only fueled by emotion, but they also had four key ingredients. Hope help heart and humor john maxwell outlines these four and one of my favorite books of all time. Everyone communicates few connect.
If you could deliver on one of these, you’ll make an impression if you deliver on all four your audience will never forget.
Your number two great stories tell the truth in interesting ways: opening with an unexpected truth or a secret is a great hook off the top, as it creates a sense of intrigue for your audience secrets, provide motivation and plot twists that may need to be protected or Defended and let’s be honest, everybody is captivated by a powerful personal reveal, it’s important to read the room though, and make sure your audience is ready to receive this degree of personal information as a bonus tip.
It’s also beneficial to choose a secret with a silver lining, because it sets up a change or transformation. Now, if I were to say and start my story by saying last month, I received an email. I was never supposed to see. Chances are you’re, gon na start wondering well, what did it say and are you okay begin with the truth or best secret from your story, and you will have your audience asking the most important question: what happened next number three speak to their senses, our brains, absorb Stories as if we are experiencing them ourselves and an effective way to tap into this idea is yeah speak to the audience’s senses. When you walked into the room, what did you see hear smell touch? Taste, you want the audience to experience your words, and these details draw them right into the scene.
With you, the more detail you can give the more invested, they will become in your plot number.
Four share your transformation. The best stories deliver a transformational truth. You’Ve probably heard of the story structure to have a beginning middle and end, which is essentially a hook, development and climax. This is a valuable baseline to start with. Yet if you want to capture and keep their attention, consider following this framework struggle, conflict and then resolution struggle. If people are goon and cheer for your success, they need to relate to your struggle.
First, so tell them. What did your life look like when you were losing the river?
You can be here the better when you couldn’t pay your bills when your relationship fell apart or when you lost your job, everyone loves to root for an underdog, so describe that range of emotion. You experience behind the struggle and then draw them in the conflict. What was the roadblock you encountered and really dive into the challenge you were up against. This? Is your chance to build suspense and set up a cliffhanger? Was it physical conflict and emotional dilemma tell them what was at stake and then finally, resolution?
Until now, your buildup may have created mystery and unpredictability your resolution or moment of transformation.
That’s the big reveal.
Maybe you saved a life saved your company or reconciled with the loved one describe the moment where you overcame adversity and explained how this changed you.
The key to this point is delivering a tangible takeaway as the entire time your audience will be asking what’s in it for them, and your job is to articulate the lesson learned and give them the meaning behind it. Final point: getting personal with your storytelling, can be an effective way to connect with someone, but consider this convey credibility before vulnerability. If you’re going to present something raw and personal, you need to make sure you’ve proven your worth.
First in psychology there’s a concept known as the pratfall effect.
This is important because how your audience responds to your openness really depends on how they perceive you beforehand. So if you have conveyed credibility and strength and then show your vulnerability, you will draw people closer. However, on the flip side, if people are already questioning your competence well, your personal reveal might actually fall flat and they may just perceive you as a big hot mess, earn their respect before anything else, and your storytelling skills will help you to connect with everyone.
You meet now it’s your turn in the comments section below share your best storytelling tip would love to learn how you captivate others for more ideas on building human connection. You can download the free guide, the 5 secrets to making every conversation count, and that link is in the description below thanks for watching this video for more ideas on how you can have better conversations and become a better listener check out these videos. If you liked this one hit the like button subscribe to this channel and feel free to share the content, we’ll see you in the next video.
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