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Day: January 31, 2025

Law of Attraction 24 Hour ROUTINE for ENHANCED Manifestation (Living a Law of Attraction LIFESTYLE!)

Law of Attraction 24 Hour Routine for Enhanced Manifestation Living, a Law of Attraction, Lifestyle, this law of attraction, routine, is part of the law of attraction. Accelerator course that I’ve created with Erin dowdy. In this course, we give you very practical tools to begin transforming yourself into a master creator if you’d like to learn more, please click the link at the top of the description area, dedicating 20 to 30 minutes per day to deliberately creating what you want can boost Your ability to manifest the kind of life you desire significantly, however, you can maximize the effectiveness of the law of attraction by finding ways to use it in a consistent manner, use the following 24 hour routine throughout your day to amplify your success rate. Note that the precise timings can be adjusted to accommodate your schedule, 6 a.m. create a visualization process when you wake up each day.

Take a few moments to visualize what you would like to unfold over the course of your daily routine, see everything happening in a positive way. A simple, 10-minute visualization process can help you construct a clearer image of what you want to transpire in the hours to come. It will also add an emotional component of positivity and place you in a great “ Law of Attraction” 24 Hour Routine for Enhanced Manifestation Living, a Law of Attraction, Lifestyle position to handle the day’s events envision yourself as happy and having amazing interactions throughout your daily routine.

Then take a moment to write out a few simple sentences of what you would like to occur during your day. Examples might be, everyone is friendly and positive to me. My meeting with my boss is going to go exceptionally well and dinner is going to be one of the best meals. I’ve ever had next write down two goals that you would like to accomplish.

During your day, these can be large or small goals. Try to choose things that will move you towards your larger goals or anything that might add to the transformations you’re making. For example.

Today I will talk to my boss about the raise I deserve or today I will make an effort to go to new places and talk with new people. 6:30 a.m.

Practice affirmations as you’re getting ready for your day, recite your affirmations out loud choose the affirmations that align with what you want most, for example. I am confident that my day is going to go well, or I am healthy, wealthy and happy choose 5 to 10.

Affirmations to recite as you’re moving through your normal morning, routine 7, am. be kind to your body, nor is your body with something healthy make the conscious decision that you will start your day by eating or drinking something that will give your “ Law of Attraction 24 Hour Routine” for Enhanced Manifestation Living, a Law of Attraction, Lifestyle body, A boost this can be as simple as a piece of fruit or a large glass of water write down some things that you would like to eat or drink that will nourish your body and amplify the way you feel physically dedicate yourself to purchasing these things and, Following through with the action, it’s also wise to commit to drinking a lot of water throughout your day, 7:30 a.m. stretching and physical activity take just a few minutes to stretch your muscles.

This is a great way to release stress from the body.

It also increases your physical flexibility and helps you maintain a larger range of motion in your joints. Without stretching the muscles can shorten and become tight when this happens, they are weak and unable to extend all the way when we call on them for activity, because action is an important part of the manifestation process. A light stretch is a good way to get your body in motion.

Even just 10 minutes of stretching can make a huge difference in how your body feels try to incorporate a physical activity that you enjoy 8 a.m. To noon as you work your way into your normal morning, routine, a simple way to stay on task is by offering positive energy and random acts of kindness.

While doing the other things you do. This can be as simple as smiling at everyone you see giving out. Compliments offering gratitude and abundance and listening intently to those around you take a moment to write down 5 to 10 things that you could do in your morning, hours to uplift, the environment and people around you and incorporate those things throughout your morning, routine 12 p.m. Law Of Attraction 24 Hour Routine for Enhanced Manifestation Living, a Law of Attraction, Lifestyle eat a healthy lunch, continue to let your body know that you appreciate it by nourishing it with at least one healthy item.

Yes, you can have the chocolate cake if it’s calling out your name, however, commit to eating at least one healthy, and/or fresh thing: 12:45. P.M.

Taking a quick break to visualize your goals will help you renew your focus. You may choose to use the same visualization that you practice in the morning hours or move on to other goals in your life, 10 or 15 minutes to create this visualization is sufficient. Once your visualization is complete, set the intention to have great interactions and conversations throughout the remainder of your afternoon, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. our gratitude commits your afternoon to offering gratitude to everyone, including yourself, actively search for new things, to be grateful for by embodying the energy of gratitude and appreciation.

The universe opens up for you and offers new things to be grateful for throughout your afternoon, routine, commit yourself to writing down five things.

You appreciate about yourself and five things you appreciate about your surroundings, continue to add to this list as you move throughout your afternoon. Hours, this will help you stay centered and focused in a positive way: 5. P.M. To 8 p.m. review the progress of your day throughout your later afternoon to evening hours think or talk about what Law of Attraction 24 Hour Routine for Enhanced Manifestation Living. A Law of Attraction.

Lifestyle was so great about your day if you’re, interacting with others, make a point to tell them all of the good things that happened while ignoring anything, you didn’t like, say your affirmations out loud again when you have time and nourish your body with at least one Healthy item add an extra tall glass of water to this portion of your day or even two.

If you can eight pm get some brain food, choose something positive for your mind to engage in, as you begin to relax, read a book that encourages your progress or watch a video that gives you more information to work with make this fun and light. As you begin to decrease, your energy and movement realize that what you place in your mind, especially just before bed, will be worked on by your subconscious to bring it into fruition.

This is an ideal time to add brain food to your routine. Nine pm gratitude and intentions take the time to write everything you were grateful for during your daily routine. You can also add your everyday items to this list, such as a bed to sleep-in air-conditioning food to eat and clothing, to wear write as many things down, as you can think of, and then set an intention for a peaceful night’s rest and complete healing.

While you sleep Law of Attraction 24 Hour Routine for Enhanced Manifestation Living, a Law of Attraction, Lifestyle 9:30 p.m.

Meditate into sleep meditating into sleep is a great way to impress the mind to work for you, as you rest use, one of the meditations given on this channel or another favorite meditation that you have if you are able to visualize your desires. While listening to your meditation, this is a great way to fill the mind with more positive information. 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. rest try to dedicate between 7 & 8 hours of sleep into your routine.

This is a time when your body rejuvenates and your mind processes. Information, a full 8 hours of sleep is a fantastic way to energize your mind, body and intentions. If you have difficulty sleeping revert back to your meditations to soothe you adjust the schedule according to the timeframes that fit you best when you learn to live a law of attraction lifestyle, you significantly boost your odds of having everything that you want to manifest by consciously Going through your day in a manner, that’s consistent with the things that you want.

You maximize your potential and your power Law of Attraction 24 Hour Routine for Enhanced Manifestation Living, a Law of Attraction, Lifestyle.

4 Tips To Make Money On Clickbank | Quick, Simple, Affiliate Marketing Tips!

Affiliate marketing has quickly become one of the most popular ways to earn money. Earning a commission by helping to sell another person’s products…it seems so easy, right?

In actuality, it requires a lot more work than just telling people that you have a promo code. As a matter of fact, so many people fail at this venture because they go about it all wrong. Welcome to the channel where I will give you approachable digital marketing techniques that will see your businesses and profits grow. So, be sure to hit that like button if want to keep seeing more Clickbank videos! So many mistakes are made by new users, from choosing the wrong products to leaving too early.

But, how do we correct those mistakes and capitalize on the market? There is no single answer. Rather, there are many small steps that a person can take to start gaining traction and build a respectable level of income. Pick the right product to promote This is, by far, the most important step that any new marketer can take. While many people will point out that the most profitable ClickBank niches are often health, wealth, and relationships, you need to make sure whatever you choose to promote is something that you’re legitimately interested in.



You’ll be eating, drinking, and breathing this product for a number of weeks, maybe even months or years if the product does well. Your interest in the product will add to your happiness and make it a lot easier when things get touch….

and they will. Create a Reddit post Reddit is a website that is jam-packed with potential buyers. There are hundreds of millions of threads talking about a number of different topics, and you could carve a spot out in one of those threads, or even start your own.


Sinply search for a subreddit related to online marketing. Then you can visit the vendor’s affiliate page and grab a ready-made article to use.

Reword it a bit so that it’s in your own words and style. It needs to be personal and friendly. People are turned off by sales pitches. Finally, post the article to Reddit. Now, the site doesn’t actually allow direct promotions of product, so you can’t post your link directly in the thread.

Rather, when people start responding and leaving comments, DM them and make contact. Once you’re able to find that perfect time in the conversation, send them your affiliate link Do a video review on YouTube During 2020, two industries soared in popularity due to the pandemic: online shopping and social media. So, many people have taken to combining the two, using various social media platforms like YouTube and Twitch to promote their ClickBank affiliate products.


Here’s how you can go about this method of promotion. Take a few dollars to actually buy the product you’re wanting to sell.

Then, sit down in front of a camera and simply give an honest review. It will allow you to walk your viewers through the product in real time, showing the many useful and practical aspects of whatever it is you choose to push. Most of all though, doing this builds trust. When a person is able to see you actually use the product, it reassures them that whatever you’re trying to sell isn’t some piece of junk.


More importantly though, they will be able to see the person selling it.

Think about it. Up to this point, they only know you as a person online that’s trying to promote some things. What is there to trust? By providing a face and a voice that they can tie to the online personality, they’ll know you’re a person and not just some internet bot. Study SEO We cannot stress enough how important of a step this is.

Yes, we will be promoting our products, but we can only do so much.


What keyword will they use? How often is that keyword used? SEO research helps us to learn these things. In a nutshell, SEO is the process of making your website rank high in Google search results when people enter certain keywords.

IF you are able to know they keywords that people will search for before they do, it will put you at a distinct advantage. Along with the obvious increased traffic that will be generated, another pro is that learning and studying SEO content is free and can be done by anyone.


There are plenty of websites that are available to help you out when searching for the best keyword or key phrase to use. Just be ready though. The drawback to this is that it’s very slow at first.

IT could take two to three months to see your first sale if that’s your main traffic course. To sum everything up, there is tons of potential with Click Bank. Tens of thousands of products are just waiting to be promoted. To say that the opportunities are numerous is an understatement.


However, it takes patience, dedication, perseverance, creativity, and an ability to learn from situations that may not go your way.

There’s no reason to delay getting started right away. It’s free and fun and you won’t be disappointed. Thank you so much for watching. For more great content, be sure to check out some of our other videos. Also, please give this video alike while you’re here.

We want to know that we are making the best content possible for you, our viewers. We’ll see you next time.



FREE Gift #4 : Ancient Soul Chant


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How to Promote Clickbank Products WITHOUT a Website With FREE Traffic (Affiliate Marketing)

Hi guys, what’s up guys so in this video you’re going, to discover how to make money with Click bank affiliate marketing without a website and this isa beginner friendly, regardless of whatever level that you are in affiliate marketing you’ll be able to. Do this, and this is 100 free methods. You don’t have to pay any time, invest anytime in order to make, it happens okay. So, before we start, i would like to invite you to subscribe to my channel in this channel I’ll talk about how to make money online affiliate marketing and anything that related to online marketing as well so consider smash. The like button, because it does help the algorithm and do hit the bell notification because – will upload uh on daily basis anything that related to make money online.

Okay, so the website or platform that we are going to be utilizing is called So, you can actually amuse whatever platform that you are heavy tout in this particular video I’m going to and we are going to promoting on theself-help niche, which is um dating guides. Okay, south, specifically. What we’re going to do? Here we are going to uh doing content. Marketing and we’re going to get content from this offer by the way this is just an example, so you are free to choose whatever niche that you are interested in and in in this example, I’m going to be promoting a secret obsession, so thesis the product that we are going To be promoting and, just take a look at the landing page uh by the way.

This is a very high quality high converting product, as you can see, 155 gravities. This literally means that 155 affiliates are currently making money with this uh promotion. With this offer and take a look at the offer. I mean the affiliate commission uh, so every sale that you can bring in your goon an get paid 55 all right, so this is there. My name is jay. This is the offer okay, so it is very good, because this is a video sale. Laterite can convert very, very well okays.

Let’s take a look at the affiliate page, so every time you want to promote any affiliate offer be sure to take a look at the affiliate jv page. So that is why i love Click bank so much because you can see uh so many products have, their affiliate jv page, whereby on this particular page you’re going to get a lot of promotional material, such as banner email, swipe custom report product review. So, you can later onuses all this stuff to promote uh on your website blog or social media. Okay, so it is very, very handy so. By the way this is the upsell right, so they have a lot of upsell it just literally means that. You are able to make way more money, than the initial sale, the initial commission which, which is 55 all right. So, this is very good, um, very good product, because you literally can make a lot of money all rights.

What your goon and need to do next Ishu in this particular method, we are going to use the custom report right so click on the custom reports and then you’re going to get all righty the way you need to sign up. First, i have signed up. I just skip the commission bomb and so in this particular method we are going to be utilizing. The custom pdf reports all right, so this is the reports by the way and we’re going to promote Uh these three reports or is totally up to you but the more reports you promote. The more chances people are going to buy from you, okay, so how touch actually do this is we’re going to leave all these two all three steps?

First, because we are not going to use the landing page or website or whatsoever by the way, this is uh the free method that we’re not going to use or invest anytime for the landing page or whatsoever. Okay, so what I’m going to do is just enter your Click bank id over here and then what you need to do is you can also track your id. So maybe I’m going touch put here. Custom report mm for this one momentum method so cry for custom report so that we will be beagle to track which report that bring us the most sale okay, so that we can, after that, just double up. Our effort, for example like if this convert Uthe most convert. So, we’re going to double up this one, so maybe we’re goon an uh post it all across the internet, the blog, either blog or whatever, uh website or page that you think relevant and then we can do that. Okay, so that is the purpose of having the tracking id over here.

But it’s okay if you want to leave it in blank. It is totally up to you, okay, so there so that the next thing I’m going to check, I’m not robot and then just simply click your personalized pdf report. So, what happened next is this is the report so what it does? Isit’S literally insert your Click bank id down here right, so this is the content. So, this is the thing that we are going to be promoting rights when people go through the entire pdf and we when, they find that this pdf is very available and um. They got a lot of value to it and then what they’re going to do next is they’re going toned more right so that they’re going to click the free presentation here.

So once i click the free presentation here, it’s going to land over to Thashu presentation, which is same as this one: okay but this one it doesn’t. Has our um Click bank id but take a look at this one hi, my name is so as youkan see. This is my custom. Id okay, so it has merged or. It has insert in the pdf report that is why we call it as a custom. Pdf report right so what you need to do. Next is literally scattered, this report all over the place on the internet, but I’m going to reveal to you the specific way, a specific way on how to get tons of traffic targeted traffic Uh by doing the free method. Okay, so the website that i talked about is literally Facebook. Okay, soaps!

You can see Facebook has very huge, potential very huge target market for any offer that you want to promote, for example, in this particular method we’re going to be promoting something that related to relationship. So, what are we going? Todo is we’re going to find the relationship group okay. So, you just type in relationship and then. You can click the group tab and then so I’m going to type in back relationship and then click on the group tab and then you’re going tobe able to see a bunch of relationships. Group and take a look at this, the member of the group382 110 posts a day. These one 50 posts a day with, 200 000, 1.5 million 30 posts and etc okay. So, there are so many so many potential buyers in this group right and, as you can see, 50 53kwith 300 posts a day.

So, if you take a look at each and every one-off these, your goon and beagle to see that they are really engaged with this group, they are really Um engaging okay. So that is what we want okay in this group, because we are going tobe promoting by the way. We are not spamming here, there’s nothing that we are going to promote in the group right, because the link our affiliate link is actually uh has inserted in our pdf report or what we’re going to do here. We literally going to share our reports all right, so take a look at, for example, this one I’m going to find um the open group instead of close.

So, i don’t want to go too much into it because. I just okay like this one over here so, you can actually create a post that related touch the product that we are going to be promoting and, then just type in like maybe you can go back to the affiliate vendor page okay, this one you can go to take a look At maybe the copywriting or, maybe the uh article right, you can post the article the short article in the group and then at the end of your uh post. You can ask them if, you want more. I have a free report about, a relationship how to actually get better relationships by the way. This productids focusing on female, so you can attract a female for.

Those of you who wanted to Havea boyfriend or et cetera, et Cetera you, can actually pm me and I’m going to give youth free report. Okay, something like that. So Therwill more likely engage and commend, and maybe Pyou because they want their report because and the most important thing, because this this group is actually a very, very targeted group. Okay, that isa number one method: how to get your um your lead right. So, number two is: you can do go to more and, then click members, what you’re going to do is you go to find the admin and moderator here okays what you need to do add the admin as a friend and then dm them and ask them. Whether They have a slot for you to promote for you, to share your free reports, all rights, i don’t think i i think it shouldn’t be any problem, because you’re, not spamming or you don’t even, promote anything.

What you literally do is you just want to share the free reports which isa pack with content, a very valuable content, on helping people to get a good relationship okays. I don’t think it should be any problem: okay, sothen, what you need to do you you can pay a littlebit of money and then you can get massive trafficthe most powerful about this method is thesepeople is very, very engaging. Okay, these people very engaging and very active just take a look 210210 posts a day: okay, 300 posts a day, 200 posts day right, so this is very, very engaging and very targeted, so that is how you’re going to get free traffic by promoting your affiliate marketing product without any Website, okay, so hope, it makes sense, and i hope you get some value and, don’t forget to try it out and don’t forget tour to subscribe to my channel.

If you want more content like this, i consistently upload uh content related to make money online affiliate, marketing on daily basis and do smash the like button Aswell, because it helps the algorithm. Okay, guys, soi, really appreciate your time. Thank you, forewatching and see you in my next video bye.

FREE Gift #1 – The Harmonic Brain System