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Day: December 24, 2024

Headache Relief | Headache Treatment | Headache Home Remedies

If you’ve got a headache right now, then thesis the video for you, here’s what you can do, foursome quick headache, relief, first of all, tension headaches. What are they well there, probably the most common type of headache.

It usually feels like band around your head, which is causing that pain and.

It usually is relieved when those stressful conditions are relieved, or the concentration levels are reduced that are causing it as well okay. So if you’re watching this video, i take it you, probably most likely have a headache going on at the moment, if you do have a tension type headache, the first tip that I’m going to tell you which is the number one easiest thing to do: to give you, some relief involves two Tennis, balls and a sock; okay, if you have them at home, great you’re really goon an find this helpful.

Okay so what you do you get two tennis balls put them. Ina nice, clean sock, lie down on the floor.

Okay, lie-down and place the tennis balls behind your neck next thing.

You need to do is just move your head rock it forwards and backwards if you’re lying down or you can move it side to side just gently so. It massages that area. Okay, this technique, can really give people a lot of relief from attention headache pretty much straight away. So, if it is a tension headache, i want you to try that first okay it’s, probably one of the easiest and best things to do if you don’t have a tennis ball at homer. If you don’t have a sock at home, that’s clean you can also give yourself a self-massage, okay it’s, probably not as good, but you can just massage that area behind the neck, really give it a sort.

Of rotating motion like so work.

Your way up and down this can also be really helpful: okay, so that’s the first tip done, but what other options are available we have loads of different things that. We can try so tip number two tip number twos, very easy go to your freezer, get a pack, of frozen vegetables or whatever you have or if you, have an ice pack even better wrap it in a tea towel, okay and place it on the area place it on the, forehead And around the side of the head, thesis just going to give us that relief, it’s going, to help relax. Those muscles are so tense that causing that tension headache. You can also do this withal hot towel as well. Some people found find a hot towel more useful, so see which one works. Better for you, okay, some people prefer the hot the colder sort of eyes.

Some people prefer hot. I prefer the cold, but then again everyone’s a little different now.

Moving on to tip number three tip number threes: relaxation: okay, if you’ve had a busy stressful day and you’ve, got that tension, headache going on first thing: you need to do: switch off those lights okay switch off those lights, switch off. Those electronics close your laptop close turn. Your TV off turn! Your phone off everything turn it all offend close and relax. Okay, let me close your eyes for a bit as well. This can really help you to relax things. If you want take a little nap, Takea 10 20 minute nap, okay, a little power nap, just so you’re, not feeling too groggy, because if you sleep too much, then you are going to feel very groggy so 10, 20 minute little quick, nap or even if your eyes just shut for 10 to 20 minutes, this can really help cause that relaxation and help with the tension.

Headache: okay, so moving on to tip number, four tip number four is a bit of a tricky one: okay, because too much of it is a bathing and a lot of it is actually a good thing for, a headache, and that is caffeine. Okay, caffeine constricts our blood vessels around our head okays, if you haven’t, had any caffeine on the day consider having you know, a small cup of coffee bit of tea, something like that or even a bit of green tea, or something like that.

It’s just going to get a bit of caffeine into our system and it’s going to help with detention. Headache the opposites, though, if you’re having too much caffeine that, can cause the opposite effect and actually cause a headache as well.

Okay, so think to yourself actually I’ve had six cups of coffee todays, that’s probably what’s causing it. Okay, soot much caffeine is a bad thing. A little bit of caffeine is actually a good thing. I’M moving on to tip number five tip number five is all about medication. Okay, in terms of medication what, do i recommend well paracetamol. And ibuprofen is really good. Potential headaches, okay, but the most important thing that you need to remember is taking it early okay. I can’t emphasize on this point: enough when you feel like you’ve got a headache coming on when you feel like you’ve got migraine. Or anything, like that tension, headache, anything takes it early.

Okay, don’t wait until your symptoms are really bad, take it soon as possible, so it gets in your system and give you that relief. Okay, the other thing that you need to consider as well. Ascertain different formulations can get into your system faster. Okay, for example, dispersible tablets liquids, okay, that sort of stuff can get just a lot quicker and let’s say a tablet, because it needs to come to your stomach. Then it needs to break and disperse and slowly absorb so bear that in minds well and lastly, always speak to you. Healthcare professional before buying any medications before you buy paracetamol or iPro fit anything like that, let them know so they can Takea history.

They can make sure you’re safe and suitable to take that medication, always read the information leaflet that comes with it that is the most important thing, because your safety is, the most important thing, okay, so now we ‘redone with the treatment options for the tension headache. Okay, I’m trying to make this quick because. I know you like this information quickly but thorough. At the same time, the next thing i want to talk about is prevention, okay, it’s much better to prevent getting a tension, headache than getting it in the first place, so let’s talk about those tips.

Okay. So, let’s begin with tip number one tip number one is: are you hydrated are you drinking enough water? Are you drinking enough fluids? Basically, okay. Remember all fluids: count to hydration! Okay!

This includes tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, orange juice, water, all of them cow, soup all of them count food.

Has it in it as well byte way, so i want you to make sure that you are staying hydrated the reason I’m telling you thesis. If you’re dehydrated, your brain shrinks, and it shrinks and it pulls away from the skull. When it pulls away from the skull it can cause.

These tension headache type symptoms, okay, so staying hydrated in the first place may prevent the headache from coming on so definitely think about that. One now in terms of how much fluid should bedrinking, you should be drinking about six to eight glasses a day of water. Okay, but remember other drinks contribute to it as well, so bear that in mind. Now, let’s move on to tip number two tip number two is making sure you’re not getting eyestrain.

Okay, if you have to wear glasses, wear your glasses: okay, if you’re constantly straining todo tasks to read things to read the monitor, okay go and see your optician, because all of this can potentially be causing the headache in the FirstPlace also make sure you’re taking breaks formwork.

If you’re constantly sat from your computerlike that one okay and typing away and doing your work and not taking a break, it’s goon an cause, that strain, okay and that strain is goon an bring on that headache. And we don’t want the headache. Moving onto tip number three make sure you are well fed okay, make sure you’re not starving yourself.

And your blood glucose levels aren’t dipping downtown to those bottom levels: okay, because ifrit is that can actually bring on headaches as well and especially when you’re working and you’re doing things and you forget about if you’re eating or you keep pushing on further and further before you eat, so make sure You have set times to eat so there’s blood sugar, levels that blood glucose levels aren’t dropping down too low because that might be causing it in the FirstPlace. Moving on to tip number four tip number fours all about relaxation.

You need to make sure you are not stressing okay too much, because if you ‘redoing it too much, your goon can be releasing loads of adrenaline and its goon an make you tensional tense those muscles and tense the muscles around the face and its goon a potentially cause that tension headache. So, we need to make sure weave relaxation techniques in place. Thankfully already have quite a few videos on different styles of relaxing and reducing stress, levels so I’d highly recommend watching them.

If you’re someone, who knows that you’re getting stressed-out a lot more often, okay, I’ll leave a link toit up here and in the description below and tip number five make sure you are getting enough. Sleepy know it sounds basic, but if you are not getting enough sleep, your body doesn’t have enough time, to refresh the brain, basically, okay, when we sleep outbrain, actually gets cleaned and refreshed during that time. Okay, that’s the best way to look at it it’s like when you’ve had your computer open fora long time and it’s getting really slow, because you never switch off and give it a full restart okay. And then after we started it’s all super-fast again.

Okay, the brain’s kind of like that, but a lot more a lot trickier okay, but we need to make sure we’re getting enough sleep, so you need tobe getting eight hours of sleep and good quality sleep. Okay, if you don’t know what good quality sleep is, it’s goon can be quite a long video, if ego through it in this video, but it’s making sure that you’re sleeping at the right time it’s, making sure that you’re doing the right thing so it’s high-quality sleep and your body will Thank you for that. Okay lack of sleep has been shown to increase headaches migraines tension, headaches.

Everything like that okay so make sure you’re getting sleep if you’re someone who struggles to get asleep.

If you want more information on good quality, sleep – and i keep plugging videos right now, but it’s otherwise going to – make this video really long. If i talk about them, so i have lots of videos on them, topics already on sleep, how to get better quality, sleep and leave it up here and in the description below so.

It looks like we’ve come to the end of ThisWeek’s video.

Please remember there are times where you should seek medical attention for a headache and, I’m going to leave loads, more information in, the description below, as i always say, at the end of every single video always remember you’re awesome, and i will see you next week. You feel like a headache is coming on. If you feel like that, i did not expect that. Oh god, it’s so hot in here tomorrow is apparently one of the hottest days in the up.

It’s going to be 40degrees and it’s definitely already getting there super-hot. Thankfully i had very big hands and it had like a little uh vanity.

Lazy Commissions

10 easy tips to Eliminate Joint Pain Naturally: Knee Arthritis treatment

If you’ve ever experienced the pain of arthritis, especially in your knees, you know how frustrating it can be.

Simple movements become painful and suddenly everyday tasks feel like a challenge.

But what, if I told you that there are easy natural ways to get relief in this video? I’M going to share 10 simple tips that can help you eliminate joint pain without relying on medications or invasive treatments, whether you’ve got arthritis in your knee hands or shoulders. These tips are designed to Target the root of the problem and get you moving again. So, stick around. You might be surprised how easy it is to finally feel better now before we dive into these tips.

Let’s quickly talk about what’s going on when you’re dealing with joint pain, arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and it’s not just one thing: it comes in many forms. The most common types are osteoarthritis, which happens from wear and tear and rheumatoid arthritis, which is actually caused by your immune system. Attacking your joints either way. The result is the same pain, swelling and stiffness that can make even the simplest movements difficult, whether it’s your knees, your hands or even your shoulders. Arthritis can show up in different places, but the good news is there are ways to manage it.

Naturally, so, let’s jump into some easy and effective tips to help you find relief all right, let’s dive into some easy and natural solutions, starting with foods and supplements that have been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain, tip one turmeric first on the list Is turmeric you’ve probably seen it used in curries and golden milk, but turmeric is more than just a flavorful spice. It contains an active ingredient called curcumin which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, studies show that curcumin can be just as effective as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs without the side effects. If you’re dealing with knee arthritis or even rheumatoid arthritis, adding turmeric to your meals, can help manage pain and reduce stiffness over time, you can sprinkle it on vegetables mix it into soups or even take it in capsule form.

It’s a natural, easy way to Target inflammation From the Inside Out tip two omega-3 fatty acids. Next up, omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are essential for your overall health and they’re particularly helpful when it comes to joint pain, found in fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as flax seeds and walnuts.

Omega-3S help reduce inflammation in the body, especially in areas like your knees, hands and even your shoulders.

The best part they don’t just reduce inflammation. They also help lubricate your joints, making movement smoother and less painful, so whether you’re struggling with arthritis in your knees or general joint stiffness, incorporating more omega-3 rich foods into your diet or even taking a high-quality fish oil supplement, can make a huge difference over time and Remember, consistency is key here, it’s not an overnight fix, but with regular intake you’ll start to feel the benefits tip three Ginger. Finally, let’s talk about Ginger. This root has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years and for good reason, Ginger Works similarly to turmeric. When it comes to fighting inflammation, it contains compounds called ginger which help reduce the pain and swelling that often come with arthritis. Whether you’re dealing with knee arthritis or pain in your hands, Ginger can offer relief. You can grate fresh ginger into your tea.

Add it to stir fries or take it in supplement form plus ginger has other health benefits too it’s great for digestion and boosting your immune system. So not only are you helping your joint point, but you’re also supporting your overall health at the same time now that we’ve covered some powerful foods and supplements, let’s shift gears to exercises and movement. One of the best ways to combat joint pain, especially knee arthritis, is to keep moving. I know it might sound counterintuitive, but regular gentle movement can actually help reduce stiffness and improve. Your range of motion here are a few exercises that are easy to do and can bring lasting relief tip four low impact exercises when you’re dealing with arthritis, especially in the knees high impact exercises, can do more harm than good.

That’s why low impact activities like swimming cycling or even walking are your best friends. Swimming in particular, is a fantastic full body workout that takes all the pressure off your joints; while letting you build strength and flexibility.

The water supports your body allowing you to move freely without the added stress on your knees or other joints.

Cycling is another great option, whether you’re riding outside or on a stationary bike. It helps strengthen the muscles around your knees, which in turn reduces joint pain. Even a simple daily walk can do wonders for your joints as long as you take it slow and steady. The key here is to keep the movement, gentle and consistent. Your joints need that circulation. Boost and low impact exercises offer just that without causing additional damage tip. Five stretching and yoga next up, let’s talk about stretching and yoga incorporating stretching exercises into your routine is a great way to relieve joint pain, especially in areas like your shoulders. Hips and legs.

Yoga, in particular, has been shown to improve flexibility, balance and even reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

There are specific yoga poses that focus on opening up your joints and strengthening the muscles around them, which helps reduce pain and stiffness. You don’t have to be a yoga expert to get started simple poses like the cat Cow stretch, child’s pose and seated forward. Bends can make a big difference over time if you’re new to yoga consider starting with a beginner class, either online or in person to make sure you’re doing the poses correctly. The best part yoga also promotes mindfulness and relaxation, which can help manage the stress that often accompanies chronic pain, tip six strengthening exercises. Strengthening the muscles around your joints is crucial for long-term pain relief, especially if you have knee arthritis.

Strong muscles help support your joints. Reducing the pressure on them during movement, one simple exercise you can try is the walls. All you have to do is lean against a wall slide down, as if you’re sitting in an invisible chair and hold the position for about 30 seconds. This targets your quadriceps, the muscles in the front of your thighs, which play a key role in supporting your knees. You can also try leg raises or hamstring curls to build strength in your legs for shoulder or hand, arthritis, simple resistance, band exercises or light dumbbells can help strengthen the muscles around those joints. Remember when you’re strengthening your muscles start slow and increase the intensity, as you feel more comfortable over time, you’ll notice that stronger muscles lead to less joint pain and better overall Mobility.

Now that we’ve covered exercises and movement, let’s dive into a couple of natural remedies that are simple to incorporate into your routine and can provide real relief from joint pain.

These remedies have been used for centuries and are easy to apply at home. So, let’s get into it tip seven Epsom salt baths, one of the most relaxing and effective natural remedies for joint pain is an Epsom salt. Bath. Epsom salt is rich in magnesium, a mineral known for its ability to relax muscles, reduce inflammation and ease joint pain. When you soak in an Epsom salt bath, your skin absorbs the Magnesium which helps reduce the stiffness and discomfort caused by arthritis, especially in areas like your knees, shoulders and hands. It’s particularly effective after exercise or a long day of moving around to try.

It simply adds two cups of Epsom salt to warm bath water and soak for about 20 minutes. This remedy is not only great for your joint points, but also for your overall relaxation. So it’s a win-win. If you don’t have time for a full bath, you can soak just your feet or hands in a basin with warm water and epsom salt. The relief might surprise you tip eight hot and cold therapy. Another simple, yet highly effective remedy for joint pain is alternating between hot and cold therapy.

It’s a tried-and-true method that can bring immediate relief when you’re dealing with arthritis, flareups heat therapy like using a heating pad or taking a warm shower, helps increase blood flow to stiff joints, relaxing muscles and soothing pain. This is especially helpful if you wake up feeling stiff in the morning.

On the other hand, cold therapy works, wonders for reducing swelling and inflammation, using an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables. Wrapped in a cloth can numb the area and ease the sharp pain that often comes with arthritis. The trick is knowing when to use each therapy use heat before you exercise to loosen up your joints and muscles and apply cold afterward. If you experience swelling or pain, this simple combination of hot and cold can be a powerful tool for managing joint pain in the knees, hands shoulders or any other affected areas. We’ve gone through some great tips so far, but these last two are all about making lasting changes that can have a huge impact on joint pain over time.

Let’s talk about how your lifestyle can play a major role in eliminating joint pain, naturally tip nine weight management.

One of the most significant factors affecting joint pain, particularly in the knees, is weight. Car carrying extra weight puts additional pressure on your joints, which can exacerbate arthritis and led to more pain and inflammation. Studies show that even losing a small amount of weight just 5 to 10 % of your body weight can significantly reduce joint pain, especially for people with knee arthritis. If you think about it, every pound, you lose takes four pounds of pressure off your knees.

That’s huge! Now I know weight loss can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be drastic start by making small sustain, able changes to your diet and daily activity. Swapping out sugary snacks for fruits, drinking more water and taking short walks can all add up to a noticeable difference. In how your joints feel not only will your knees, thank you, but you’ll also feel better overall tip 10 improve your posture. Good posture is often overlooked, but it can make a world of difference in reducing joint pain when you slouch or sit in awkward positions, you put extra strain on your joints, especially in areas like your back shoulders and knees over time.

This can lead to chronic pain by improving your posture, whether you’re sitting at a desk or lifting something heavy.

You can take the pressure off your joints and prevent further damage. One simple trick to improve posture is to make sure your shoulders are back and down your chest is open and your spine is aligned when you’re, sitting or standing. It may feel a bit strange at first, but it’s worth the effort you can even try using ergonomic chairs or standing desks to help maintain better posture. Throughout the day.

This small change can have big rewards when it comes to eliminating joint pain, especially for those dealing with arthritis in the shoulders or knees there.

You have it 10 easy natural tips to help.

You eliminate joint pain, whether you’re dealing with knee arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or general stiffness in your joints from anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric and ginger to low impact exercises and natural remedies like Epsom salt baths. These tips can bring real relief without relying on medications. Remember consistency is key. The more you incorporate these habits into your daily routine, the better your joints will feel over time, which tip are you going to try?

First, let me know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe for more health tips to keep you feeling. Your best.

The All-New Click Generator

How to Choose an Air Purifier – 10 Tips Buying Guide

Are you looking for an air purifier for your home? First, I’ll, let you into a secret most of the air purifiers on the market, underpowered and overpriced. I want to help you to avoid the thousands of Duds on Amazon to find a device that works. Since 2020, I’ve tested over 70 different air purifiers and performed in-house experiments looking at air cleaning performance, sound level generation and energy usage, and this is how I’ve uncovered 10 tips to help you choose the right air purifier for your home number, one Kar Karnow. Unlike most home appliances, the work of Anair purifier is hidden to the naked eye, which means that manufacturers can say all sorts of rubbish to get you to choose their product over a competitor.

The good news is that the association of Home Appliance manufacturers have a Kadar test short for clean air delivery rate and this evaluates air purifiers at removing dust pollen and smoke and the score ranges from 0 to 400 C’mon as a very rough approximation for small space sup to a maximum of 200 squab ft. You need at least150 CFM for medium sized spaces, you’re looking at260 CFM and for very large spaces. You’re looking for, 300 CFM and over very large spaces will need very large Kar. For example, you might look at the smart blast, which has a massive Kar of 559 CFM alternatively. You could use multiple devices together, just add their Kar scores together. The energy star website has a great directory. Where you can search and see the car scores for most air purifiers.

Two bigger is generally better while.

It’s a good rule of throb to match the carto your room size. In most cases you want to get the biggest device. You can live with the reason is that Kos scores are made at the highest fan speed and for many devices. That’s just too loud for most people to deal with. They can be upwards of 65 DB with larger devices. You can run them at the lower fan speeds, and they can still clean a lot of air without generating too much noise.

Another benefit of a bigger device is they often have similar only very little extra-running costs as the filters. Don’t need to be changed so often three don’t trust, room, size recommendations. If you go on Amazon today, you’ll see many air purifiers Giv specifications for room size of 1,00, 1200 1300ft for small little cheap air, purifiers and you might. Think that you should get one of these small devices and it’ll be fine for your large space Butin reality they are using a marketing trick because they’re, giving the room size for just one air change per hour and there, not breaking any rurales and there’s no rules against doing that. Butin reality you need much more than that.

The Praenomen’s you get at least 4.8 air changes. And this really reduces the room size, recommendations that you’ll, see so as a good rule is use the energy, star directory to look at the room sizes there, as well as our site at house. Fresh cuz we always give the room sizes for 4.8 air changes four. Look for models that have a removable pre-filter. All types of air purifiers will use a pre-filter which protects ports. The main filters from being used op and also means that larger particles are stopped before going into the device. But you need to keep on top of keeping it clean.

Now some devices have pre- filters that are attached, tithe filter and it’s just tricky to keep on topo it it’s much better to choose a device that has, a removable, pre filter that you can take out of the device without removing the main filter, and you can keep it clean regularly. Intest, we saw that a dirty pre-filter can reduce Effectiveness by 40 %. Now, if you can’t remember the last time, you cleaned your pre-filter give it clean. Now, your lungs will.

Thank you. Five don’t worry too much about activated carbon.

The particle filter often her. In many cases, do the bulk of the work for most people. So, unless you have a serious issue with gases, vows and odors then you don’t need to worry too much about getting a large, activated carbon filter. Now you will notice that many air purifiers do have a carbon filter but. Many just have such small amounts of carbon that. It just won’t be useful in cases where you have serious issues.

Now, if you, you have serious issues with vows and odors such as smoking, from neighbors next door, you’ll likely want to look at specialist devices like the Austin air HealthMate that has 15 lb of carbon or the Isair HealthPro, Plus that has5 L of carbon, but be aware these devices cost a Lot to buy to run and the filters cost a ton. So, if you don’t need it don’t worry too much about the carbon, the cheapest air purifier, that has a good amount of carbon would-be, the Wini 55002. It has a separate washable carbon filter that you can wash and get more life out of it, and it’s good considering the price butut still won’t be enough to deal with very serious issues with odors and gases, carbon filters will reduce the particle efficiency of your device. Soif, you don’t need the carbon filter, try running it without Smart hair.

Does this really well where all? Their units will only come with particle filters as standard and you choose to get the carbon filter, whereas devices like Levit wherreted bond, the carbon filter with the particle filter means you have no choice. You have to run the filter with both the particle and the carbon. Six HEPA is not a requirement for a good air purifier. Hepa is just a grade of filter that measures, how much small particles are blocked-in first past filtration, but air purifiers will have, multiple places of air. So, it’s not such a good thing to look at now.

We’ve seen this yourself with Lavoy, where we’ve now found out thither, don’t use Hep grade filters, yet they perform very well and removing tiny particles from there. The same is true with the Corsi Rosenthalbox or the Nikit Tempest Di devices that use MF 13non Hepper grade. Yet they perform as well or even more effectively than many devices that use HEPA grade, don’t get caught up with the Hep grade, used look for Kar.

Seven, don’t forget about noise, levels there’s, no point in air purifier being great at cleaning, the air. If it sounds like a turbine device like an air, purifier is going to be needed to run continuously, so you want to make sure that it’s not so loud. That’s going to put you off doing it. Many devices that are too loud are just going to be switched off and never used now be wary of Manufacturers cuz. They will often State the lowest fan, speed sound level instead of the highest fan speed. Now some of the quietest air purifiers we’ve come across are from Brandlike Allen.

Smart air and we’ve also been super impressed by this new pc fan, DIY kits, like the new kit Tempest where they use PC fans to push air through a device and clean the air, but without generating massive amounts of noise. So, before you decide on a device make sure you know exactly how much sound, it’s going to generate at the fan, speed you want to run it at eight decide. If you wanton, ionizer ionizers have a bad reputation. After companies in the early 2000s push these device son consumers like The Sharper Image Ionic Breeze which.

Then we found out that caused high levels of ozone and vows. Now there was a change in the law in 2010 and carb certification came in places, modern ionizers. Don’t lead to these buildups, however. They can lead to dust buildup around the device and some house. Fresh readers have let me know that it can irritate their respiratory issues. Now, if you do want to go down the path of getting, an ionizer sticks of brands that have Itas a button that you can press on and off. Alewine copay all have this and avoid Brands likelier where the ionizer is integrated as part of the process. So, you can’t disable it. Nine you might not need those smart features.

Now modern air purifiers come with a ton of bells and whistles with onboard sensors app support schedule in you name it, but for many situations you might not need it, for example, dealing with Wildfire smoke allergies or outdoor pollution. You’re going to want to just use your air purifier at the highest-level that you can deal with from a sound point of view and just let it run so only these extras are not required, and you can often find devices that.

Don’t have these smart features for less money and are less likely to have issues in the future 10. Stick to brands that have been around awhile. If you don’t want to go down, the DIY route good rule of thumb is to stick to brands. That are well known many Brands like Iqra, smart Arlevia, Cowey, Wini they’ve been around for many years, and you can be sure that they have a lot to lose if their products don’t live up. Tithe hype in 2020, loads of new companies, enter the air purifier market and in our testing the mainly, had underpowered and overpriced devices and. The real bad side of these new brands is that if.

They go B and they go out of business.

You won’t be able to find filters, or even access warranties for devices that break so it’s much less risky togo for brands that are well known. I hope these tips have helped you to find the right air purifier for your home. If you want to know which specific models, we really like then check out our best air purifier for 2024 I’ll make sure to link it at the top. As always, if you have any questions about the tips, I’ve shared or even have any tips to share yourself. Let me know in the comments.

The All-New Click Generator

Advertise to millions -#6- Multiple marketing techniques.


This is a series of articles about marketing and advertising. There are different ways you can reach an audience of millions of individuals all around the world. I show you on this series how to implement profitable strategies in your marketing career.

It has been said that “what matters is not what you sell but how you promote it.” So, the secret to success lays within your marketing techniques. That’s why it is very important for business owners to develop skills which allow them to increase the sales of their products.

One of the most important skills you must have is the ability to reach a lot of people quickly. To do this you need to realize how powerful media is an how it can drastically increase your revenues.

– Newspaper ads –

Americans read their newspapers a lot, that’s a fact. Check the statistics and you will realize that the newspaper have always being a good place to advertise. Depending on the kind of products or services that you sell you could use the American’s newspapers to generate new sources of income for your business.

It doesn’t matter whether you live in the USA or not. For example if you own an international e-business this could bring you good profits. I think this is another way you can diversify your marketing strategies.

There is a website called Nationwide Newspapers, which allow you to post your ad in thousands and even millions of papers all around the country for a low fee. Imagine how much publicity you can get from that! You choose your budget and everything. They have different advertising packages to suit different business needs.

Whatever you choose to market, always use powerful phrases in your messages. The most effective ads are brief but they have the ability to act upon the feelings of the readers. Motivate them, intrigue them, make them feel the heat. Always remember that short phrases with a strong emotional impact are the most effective ones.

– Highway billboards –

If you want to advertise outdoor some companies may help you with this project like for example Keep in mind that this is an expensive type of advertisement. To rent an ad space on a well populated area will usually cost you a few thousand dollars per month.

On the other hand, I think the best choice you have is to buy a piece of land in or near a mayor highway and set everything up by yourself. Learn about the laws and regulations in your specific state. Probably the most important agency you will have to contact is your state Department of Transportation.

Visit to find your state agency. They can give you specific information about this subject. Basically you will have to fill out an application where you affirm that you own the land where the billboard will be placed and you will pay an annual fee which may range from $100 to $500 depending on the state you live. To have someone design and create the ad for you will cost you $1,000 to $3,000. That’s a one time fee you will pay.

How much publicity can you get from this? A lot! But it all depends on your ad’s location. If your ad is next to a highway with a high traffic volume, let’s say that on average 45,000 different drivers travels through said highway everyday, then there will be more than a million individuals watching it every month.

That’s a lot, but to be honest with you, this kind of advertisement works better for local businesses like nearby restaurants or real estate Companies than for other kinds of businesses. Also transnational corporations with a large advertising budget, which would like to build reputation would want to have many billboard ads across the nation.

Small business owners usually prefer to market their products using other less expensive techniques. Anyway, I included this information here because I thought some of you would like to read about it. After all this is another way you can reach a vast amount of individuals in an everyday basis.

– TV Commercials –

To advertise on television will have a powerful impact on your business revenues. Different factors will determine how much this marketing strategy will cost you. For example the price vary depending on the channels you choose, how often you will advertise, etc.

There are some Companies which can help you reach your clients easily. I think the two most popular are and In National TV Spots some marketing packages start as low as $26 for a 30 seconds spot. This is other way to diversify your marketing techniques.

– Magazine Ads –

You can advertise on magazines and save up to 80% off the regular price. There is a company called Media Bids –, which allow you to meet other marketers as well as to choose among different marketing packages available. The service is free. You only pay for an ad if you choose to make a purchase.

As you can see, these techniques can increase your exposure and help you get more clients. You can read about other effective marketing techniques from my other articles on this series.

EasyWebRiches ? 2006