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Day: November 25, 2024

Sneaky Cold Email List Building Mistakes Killing Your Outreach (Try These Strategies)

Today, we’re diving into a topic plaguing most entrepreneurs, salespeople and marketers, who reach out to me all the time they often say things like Patrick. My coal Outreach isn’t working. I’ve tried everything: it’s not bringing me 10 53 or even one new client every single month, and when I audit their outbound efforts, I find a slew of mistakes costing them time money and precious resources, and you know what the biggest culprit sabotaging their efforts is. If you guess their lead list, you’d be right and time and time again I see people drastically short changing the importance of building a good lead list.

Too often you all are just hastily putting together the biggest and cheapest lead list you can find, which is a fatal mistake, and then you go and blast thousands of your relevant cold emails to people who you you think is your ideal customer which not only burns Your sending reputation to the ground, but if you’re also doing a multi-channel outbound approach, it’s also adding to the losses by wasting your time, cold, calling unqualified, leads or sending irrelevant LinkedIn connection requests, which are already limited due to linkedin’s rules and think for yourself.

When you’re burning time and money on the wrong leads, what aren’t you doing?

You’re not spending time on leads meaning the opportunity cost is huge, and what many fail to understand is this: in cold outbound, whether it’s email, deliverability copyrighting, a multi-channel approach, outbound software follow-up strategies or building a lead list, every single little thing matters every component is crucial In any company’s sales process executed correctly, it’s going to bring you gold, but when mishandled, it’s going to bring you Fool’s goal, and this might seem trivial but believe me, after building a million-dollar, outbound sales agency and now running a sales software uptick, I’ve literally seen it All poor cold Outreach, stats are a common site and list building is frequently one of the major issues, if not the biggest issue, so today’s cold to Gold, Video is all about ensuring you’re reaching out to the right prospects and maximizing your conversions.

Now, let’s dive in to give you some actionable advice when it comes to list build building, one of the key steps is creating a detailed Persona if you’re not familiar with personas there, essentially a way to segment your lead list based on specific variables like location, job, Title company size, industry, company tags, that kind of stuff, but not just technographic and firmographic data for each Persona. You should work to understand their actual problems and desires what they want to solve and what they want to achieve, for instance, check out this 15 plus page Persona report. We generated it’s a line-by-line detailed listing of everything.

You’d need to ensure you’re targeting the right prospects, industry, company, size, job titles and yes, problems and desires all tailored for each Persona. The goal is to Target your ideal prospects, not just any random person and with the recent changes coming to Google and other email providers, we now have to be abundantly thorough about who we’re reaching out to and with what message that we’re actually reaching out to them. With to avoid issues with the email guides or the personas who have no interest in your product or service, so instead of blasting emails to thousands and thousands of people, we’re going to hyper Target our Outreach to get much better results.

But this means knowing who your ideal prospects are their job, title’s locations and other relevant details, as I mentioned, and you can do a lot of This research right in chat GPT as well.

It’s not that hard, so use Ai and Technology to your advantage. Just give chat, GPT your website URL and have it analyze it and start asking it questions about your personas or you could try using uptakes and our ideal customer profile report to get a comprehensive analysis of your ideal customer profiles and personas with sales Outreach campaign, ideas Which brings me to our video sponsor today, who is, of course none other than yours, truly uptick, and today I’ve got a special promo for all of you. You can get 20 % off our software for the first 3 months when you subscribe to a plan. Just use the code cold to Gold 1123, but, as you know, good things don’t last forever, and the offer is only good for the first five people who are redeem it within the next 7 Days.

Okay, so back to the content, once you have your personas figured out next, we need to separate the personas into subcategories a process known as cohosting. This isn’t that hard, but what you need to do is segment into as many audiences as possible. So, instead of lumping everything together, you have a list for, let’s just say: marketing and advertising industry at companies with say 1 to 10 employees who you’re targeting the founder and if there’s enough leads, you want to use keywords as well, because marketing and advertising is Broad.

So you might want to segment, for, let’s just say, maybe SEO design or paid ads Professionals in that audience, the more granular you can get the better, and once you have the list dialed in you want to test different copyrighting angles for each cohort and your messaging Should be very, very specific to that cohort, for example, let’s say we’re selling a cold email service, your target Persona might be CEOs of companies with fewer than 20 employees.

Let’s just say, with more than two sales reps based in the United States in the coaching Services industry, we’re going to export these leads load them into a system like upticks, launch, different campaigns to see where we get the most engagement. Because before we dive into the deep Waters and TR try fishing for insane number of customers, we want to see where we’re going to get the Nibbles from and again since Google is always changing their spamming policies.

We have to test with low volume anyway and ultimately, what we want to do is perfect our messaging, and we want to perfect our process that we’re using and essentially with the cohorts, what it’s going to give. You is feedback when you launch a cohort you’re going to learn some stuff when you launch another cohort you’re going to learn some more stuff and an every cohort, we Implement a few minor tweaks and changes and, as time goes on the fewer the changes we make, The better, of course, because we can isolate variables and figure out where we’re getting results or what’s really causing the results to improve.

So that’s a little bit about personas. So now the question is: where do you find the best leads? Well, data is abundant.

Nowadays, you can get it almost anywhere, there’s hundreds, maybe thousands of different companies providing data, but you got to make sure the data that you’re using is valid and make sure that you’re revalidating emails at least once before. You enroll people into your campaigns. But if you don’t want to handle this part of the process, you can use our sales up services where we’ll build your lead list, write your cold emails and do a whole bunch of other stuff for you, because, ultimately you don’t want to destroy your domains and Inboxes and have bad email deliverability, which, as you know, isn’t getting any easier and then deal with the aftermath of an empty pipeline.

Nobody wants that and you can apply these strategies to anything, cold, emailing, cold, calling LinkedIn Outreach or any other social platform, and it just works period and again this strategy might seem deceptively simple and that’s exactly where many people falter so don’t fall into the Trap. Remember it’s often the simple things that elevate us to new heights PS. Remember, no matter how compelling your copy is, how high your open rates are or how sophisticated your outbound tools are, if you’re not building the right list and reaching out to the right people.

It’s all in vain. The key to success and Outreach lies in this Precision. Targeting everything else hinges on list building now, that’s all I have for you in today’s video. If you have any questions, leave a comment below smash the like button.

If this was helpful and consider subscribing to the channel for more content on sales and Outreach, then join Over 4,000 sales Pros who use upticks to grow their sales.

And if you don’t want to do 90 % of the work, then you can check out our sales up services that I mentioned.

There’s links in the description to learn more and remember there’s nothing more sales can’t cure and money L speed.

So, let’s get some yeah.


When Day Trading Finally Made Sense (Mindset, Psychology & Motivation)

Today I’m helping you with your trading mindset. Your mindset is made up of all the established beliefs and attitudes you default to, internally, when it comes to trading.  And speaking from experience, a change in mindset is one of the hardest things to achieve. But when you do it, trading will become a lot easier. It’s going to be interesting.

So, like, subscribe, and stick around for the full video. Trading is more about people than prices Trading is as much about game theory than any underlying economics. You don’t make money by predicting performance, you make money by predicting how people respond to changes in a particular market. There’s a common saying: the market has memory. Well, I would say the market participants, the crowd, have memory.

Optimism and pessimism, hope and fear—all these emotions can exist in one trader at different times or in multiple traders or groups at the same time. The market psychology is steering market trends and price action. Reading market trends and market psychology can be extremely hard for a beginner.

But it can be done if you analyze volume and the open interest. You will be in a much better position to assess the mood of the market and adjust your position accordingly.

So, remember, trading is a game with your own rules, a game of psychology and discipline. Numbers, analysis, data etc are secondary. What drives your decision-making? Each one of us has a unique risk tolerance. Some are more aggressive, some more conservative or analytical.

I’ve said many times, make sure you use a strategy that fits your risk profile and fits your daily schedule. Many traders fail because of their inability to understand themselves.

You need to ask yourself some questions:

• How do you handle stress?

• How do you deal with uncertainties?

• Can you cope with losses?
• Do you get euphoric after substantial gains?

• Can you detach from money?

• Is you patient?

• Are you flexible and willing to change during a trade?

• Can you admit being wrong?
These questions are related to fear, greed, and the adrenaline that interfere almost on a daily basis. Answer to them honestly and try to understand what drives your decision-making.

Your dominant personality traits will sooner or later influence your trading Let’s make a quick exercise. Write down your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to trading. Look at yourself from a distance and try to be as objective and neutral as possible.
By putting your traits down on paper, you force yourself to express your thoughts clearly. In my case, as strengths I’ve wrote down: analytical mindset, self-control, very organized and logical, passionate for trading.  And as weaknesses: inability to be 100% detached from money when I’m in a live trade, not the most patient trader when I’m scalping, the need to perfection sometimes affects my trading decisions. It’s a simple exercise aiming at understanding your personality traits, and your strength  and weaknesses.

In the end, all your dominant personality traits will sooner or later influence your trading and thus your profits (or losses).

So do yourself a favor and think about your personality type. And build your trading around your strengths, not your weaknesses. No trade and no strategy are perfect Expecting the perfect entry or exit, or expecting to catch the full wave, are things that are incredibly rare. I still struggle with this. Most of your trades will be far from perfect and this is the tough reality of trading.
If you expect perfection, you will suffer through a lot of frustration. And it goes without saying but, also, there is no perfect trading strategy. A perfect trading strategy is one that makes money in the long run, not a system that makes money with every trade. You may already have a profitable trading strategy in your hands, you just don’t know it because after every losing trade, you change it, or you want to adjust it so that the loss you just took could have been avoided. However, changing your system means you’re opening it to other potential losses.
Accepting that no trade and no strategy is perfect relieves you of a giant burden.

Things rarely ever go according to plan Let’s face it, things rarely ever go according to plan, even if you are organized and prepared. If you refuse to accept this reality and if you don’t work tirelessly on a solid trading plan with an effective action plan that covers as many possibilities as you might run into while trading, you are not going to survive as a trader. When you trade, it’s imperative that you know what risks you’re willing to take and how you will manage them if something goes wrong along the way. In trading, all uncontrolled elements are considered risks.
These are the factors that can always go against your trade. On the other hand, controlled elements are the tools that help you restrain and reduce the risks.

Know what you can and can’t control in trading So let’s talk about controlled and uncontrolled elements in trading. Your analysis is the first controlled element. You control how thorough your analysis is.

If you invest the proper time and knowledge into it, you’ll be able to come away with a well-educated analysis and assessment of a market. Timing The Entry / Exit is another obvious controlled element. You get to make the decision for where and when to act in the market and at what price to place your positions, targets, and stops. The market and

Time frame You Trade are also under your control. You decide when, where, how long, and under what settings you want to trade in.

Another controlled element: Risk-Reward.

It’s your decision to filter out trades that are not deemed to provide a sufficient risk-reward ratio. Position Sizing, another controlled element. You decide how much you risk on a position. It’s at your discretion to set the margin for error and drawdown.
You can also time how to secure your exposed position during major economic releases.  The schedule of these events is pre-planned and published ahead of time, so you have plenty of time to stay out, set stops and targets, reduce exposure or any other mean of protection from the upcoming high volatility. Training Your Psychological State is another thing which is somewhat under your control. Knowing your mental strengths and what you can put to use.

This also means being aware of the mental weakness you need to work on.
Capping your risk is also something that’s definitely done by your decision.  So are shifting and securing profits with stops and setting stop loss and  targets in realistic locations, relative to the market conditions.

All these elements are under your control. But how about elements you can’t control. The trigger condition is the first one.

You can never time when all the right conditions align to trigger a trade (or an exit). This sometimes results in doing things like missing the entry and jumping late on a trade or prematurely entering a trade. Available information is another uncontrolled element. As a retail trader, you are always on the short end of receiving the  relevant information that can affect your trade assessment. For example, information such as increasing volume is not available for forex trading.
Retail traders like you and me are left only with little information, such as chart reading and macroeconomic data.

We simply don’t have an information edge. And this is a risk. Price Volatility is also out of your control. When price moves in a strong manner, you can only see it after it happens.

It’s almost impossible to get a heads-up before a major move occurs, and your position will always be exposed to such rough events at any given time. Once you are in a trade, while the price moves, you cannot really do anything as it happens. The same thing goes for unexpected news events that affect our positions.  You can never know when they’re about to erupt and in which direction they’ll move the market in. Also, setting trade targets does not guarantee prices will reach it  before they reach your stop loss.

We have no control over what direction the market takes.  If you’re aiming for a specific RRR, it’s not guaranteed you will get it as expected. Your psychological readiness for specific events can hit you by surprise. Life Circumstances is another uncontrolled element. Maybe you’re having a bad day, or you’re facing a challenging period in your life, you’re tired, or demotivated.

Life circumstances will not always be optimal to support your trading. The point is: always acknowledge that there are more aspects that you’re not aware of,  that will affect your trading and expose your position to risk. Acknowledge that  these events can pop out of the blue and surprise you. Eventually, you will be able to spot new blind spots as they begin to form. You are overtrading, and you don’t even know it Overtrading is one of the most challenging lessons for a trader to understand.

If you tend to overtrade and you continue to overtrade, you will lose a lot of money.

You expose your money to the market any time you enter it. The fact is you could be overtrading, and you don’t even know it. If you are overtrading, there are several signs: – If you close a trade for a loss and you believe deep down that you shouldn’t have taken the trade, you are guilty of overtrading. – if you find yourself looking at lower time frames like the 5-minute chart and “discover”  some trades, even though you planned to use the H1 chart, again it’s a sign of overtrading – if you’re spending too much time gazing at charts, you become vulnerable to seeing  too much market activity, which again, might turn into overtrading – if you find yourself looking at charts for hours, attempting to “force” a trade, that  is not that obvious, because you don’t want to feel that you wasted time, again, a warning sign The biggest issue is that many traders are clearly unaware that they are over-trading at the moment.


It is really possible to get fixated on a less-than-ideal trade setup, lose track of your trading plan, and become uninformed about whether or not you are over-trading. If you are guilty of this, it is best to go on the offensive against over-trading  and revisit your trading strategy and plan a better a trading schedule ahead of time.

Not having a position is a position The number of trades often does not translate into large profits. Instead, the effectiveness  of individual trades makes the real difference. After a successful trade and a significant profit, you can be tempted to continue trading, but the market doesn’t work according to your commands.
After a few successful trades, you may start losing. Here’s a quick piece of advice: Set a limit on the number of trades you want to open in a single day. Keep up with this plan, and if you feel like opening one more trade, remind yourself that there is always tomorrow. Again, I’ve said many times in the past, not having a position is a position.

Some of the best trades in life are the ones you do not take.

Get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you value Each one of us has different ways of understanding and processing trading situations. When we look at  a chart, we all see things differently and we experience the market events uniquely. When you have a teacher or mentor, you can try to learn the concepts they share with you,  but you can’t expect to have the same results. What works for them can contribute to your success, but in order to really succeed,  you will need to custom tailor everything you learn, to fit your special way of thinking. This is why someone might trade supply and demand successfully, while you may be failing,  despite both of you using the same concepts.

Don’t just use a strategy just because it’s popular, or you read somewhere that this is the best way to trade. Customize it to fit your need, get rid of anything that doesn’t bring value and adjust it to your own beliefs. Now, if you’re looking to further improve your trading psychology and correct more mistakes, this video will definitely help you.  And check out our academy program if you want to further level up your trading.

Until next time!