What would you do if your disco stick came with porcupine spines? Does size really matter? Ever wonder if some guys are packing a backup? And what do Cornflakes have to do with your Robert Downey Jr.?

We answer all that and more on today’s episode of The Infographics Show: Weird Fact About the Penis! Number 15 – Penile Spines Alright, let’s kick it off with one of the weirdest ones-imagine your manhood came with  built-in spikes. Yeah, feeling the shivers yet? Well, it did have them once, but the DNA code for it disappeared before Neanderthals and modern humans diverged. The belief is that  having spines allowed your personal pogo stick to get erect faster and promoted more promiscuity.

with spines seem to be more prevalent in species that are more promiscuous,  like cats. These spines don’t look like the spine in your back,  though. They’re little keratin speed bumps. Makes you wince just thinking about it, doesn’t it? So, what’s the deal with these strange, vestigial growths?

Around six million years ago, these  spines existed in a common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.

Over the centuries, minor genetic changes have made human pleasure poles smoother and simpler. Scientists don’t completely know why certain deletions happen, but one theory is that it’s because humans generally form monogamous relationships. Sorry to all the swingers out there who missed out on all that spiney goodness. Human guys don’t really have to play the “who gets there first” game.

But hey,  if they did, Netflix would have a whole new dating show. However,  the research on this is tenuous, and it has yet to be proven definitively that monogamy  is fully responsible for the change. The mystery of the wiener barbs continues! In chimpanzees, these small barbs are designed to make it painful for the female to remove them. This makes it so she’s less likely to mate with other chimps after partnering with one chimpanzee.

Okay, this is getting a little depraved – Let’s  move on to something less cringe-inducing in the world of peculiar genital facts. Number 14 – Size Does Matter… Sometimes When it comes to discussing the merits of your Little Richard, people often debate if bigger is better or if technique matters more than the size of the tools.

Statistically, size does matter for some women. Sorry, fellas. These women have found that they’re more likely to have a vaginal orgasm if they’re with a man with a longer rod, thanks to deeper stimulation of the vagina and cervix.

A 2013 study reported that women believed the ideal dangling size was based on a man’s height. Men who were taller looked better with a larger schlong to match. But if you’re feeling insecure about the size of your equipment right now,  fret not! Why debate size when you can just dazzle them with moves from the Kama Sutra? Speaking of size, the smallest natural penis ever recorded is a man from Miami with a hog  that measures 1/16th of an inch.

He has no interest in surgery and seems to have embraced  his size. On the other side of that spectrum is a Mexican man with the largest sexual anaconda at 48 centimeters long, 900 grams in weight, and 25 centimeters in glans circumference. Perhaps  together, they can form some kind of bizarre superhero team – instead of X-Men,  maybe X-Rated Men. I don’t know, we’re just spit balling here. And let’s talk about shoe size for a second.

According to old wives’ tales,  you can tell a man’s size based on how big his shoe is. You might not be surprised to learn that,  like most old wives’ tales, it isn’t even a little bit true.

In 2002, the BJU International published  a study that confirmed there is no correlation between shoe size and the size of your dingus.  So, let’s take our completely non-penis-related shoes and kick that myth to the curb, shall we? But if you’re a man about town, you’re probably wondering: What factors really do affect the size of your favorite body part?

Don’t worry, we’ve got some data on that for you, too! Number 13 – Permanent Shrinkage One thing studies have taught us is that smoking can impact just how long your Donkey Kong ends up being.

That’s right – It can shorten it by as much as 1 centimeter. What causes the shrinkage?  The calcified blood vessels that appear in smokers can reduce erectile circulation.
So put down the cigs, or your Tubesock might end up looking like it’s shrunk in the wash. Weight gain can also make your manhood appear to shrink even when it hasn’t.  Because your Woody Harrelson is attached to the abdominal wall, as the belly expands,  it pulls the pocket rocket inward. This causes it to look smaller than it is. But don’t worry, if you lose weight, your Nimbus 2000 will return to its original shape and size.

Actually, any penis might be longer than you think it is. It’s attached to your public bone, and a lot of it is tucked up inside the pelvis. So, while it’s inaccessible, it’s there! Just maybe don’t try using this as a pickup line at a bar – It probably won’t help you.

You might also have been told your Jean Claude Hot Damn is a muscle, but it actually isn’t!
It’s made up of erectile tissue and not muscle. When you flex your kielbasa, what you’re actually flexing is the muscles in your pelvic floor. That was a fun little fact – But we’re warning you, the next fact isn’t fun, it’s absolutely horrifying.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you! Number 12 – Handle With Care You should be careful with your one-eyed monster because you can break it.

No,  it doesn’t have any bones to break. What you’re actually damaging is the phallus itself. It’s known as a penile fracture. Handle your meat saber with care, or you might hear a snap that’ll haunt your dreams forever. Your disco stick is made up of two columns or cylinders that are like sponges.

They fill with blood to make the penis hard when you’re aroused. One column is a corpus cavernosum, and the other is corpora cavernosa.

They’re covered  in tunica albuginea, which is a protective layer. When you break your small soldier,  what’s actually happening is that you’ve torn the tunica albuginea. It often comes with a loud  popping or cracking noise, and the possibility of extreme pain.

You’ll notice bruising and  swelling from blood buildup under the skin, and you might notice blood in your urine.

It’s  probably one of the most horrifying things a person with a wood rocket can experience. So be careful with your little guy. You can break it during sexual activity, energetic masturbation, or even just by falling on it, rolling on it, or hitting it. Oh, we’re not done with the horrifying parts yet.

Stick around to the end and we might give you something to feel less existentially terrified about. There are other ways to damage your Peter. Peronei’s disease is when scar tissue known as plaque forms under the skin of your willy.

As men get older, they’re more likely to suffer from it.

Bending your pork sword too much in a certain way during sex can cause small tears in the tissue.

Over time, this gives your skin flute a curved shape. It can cause pain and erectile dysfunction and is more likely to happen to people with vigorous sexual and nonsexual activities that might injure your third leg. It also happens to people with certain autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction or who have a history of prostate cancer treatment with surgery.  If you have a family history of Peronei’s disease, be sure to check in with your doctor.

Let’s take a break from the horrors for now and get weird and downright crazy instead.

Number 11 – Double Trouble Did you know it’s possible for people to have two trouser snakes from birth?

The condition is known as diphallias, and it happens around every 5 to 6 million live births. It’s not always two fully formed penises, though. It can appear in different ways, but it almost always requires some kind of phalloplasty, a type of surgery that focuses on Saving your Private Ryan. The book Double Header: My Life with Two Penises by a man known only as Diphallia Dude discusses what it’s like to have two little Elvises in the building.

The author opens up about his life while refusing to reveal his real name or identity.

However, it’s difficult to prove if Diphallia Dude is real since he chooses to shroud himself in such secrecy. His story seems fantastical, but according to researchers, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. If it is all true, Diphallia Dude can expect an invitation to the X-Rated Men superhero team – He’s even already got a superhero name! And, if you’re wondering, yes, there is a female version of diphallias.

Some women are born with two uteri or two vaginas. But enough about strange medical anomalies – How do the penis and the brain, two body parts often considered to be mortal enemies, actually interact? Number 10 – Night Moves

Your saber can become erect 3 to 4 times a night as part of your REM sleep.

If you ever wake up  with a hard-on, that’s why! You probably woke up at that moment during your REM sleep cycle.

It’s not a sign that you’ve been having wet dreams, either. It’s a completely average thing your body does. It’s not completely clear why the human body does this, we only know that it’s totally safe and normal. In fact, if you stop experiencing them, you might be dealing with erectile dysfunction.

Your spine has more say in when you ejaculate than your brain.
It’s known as the spinal ejaculation generator. Your brain does, of course, play a role in all of this, but it’s why you can’t just ejaculate on demand. And  if you could, you may be able to become the fourth member of the X-Rated Men! Sorry, we’ll stop that running gag now. Thank you for your understanding.

Number 9 – Blue Ball Blues Speaking of myths, we’ve heard men complain about blue balls before, but is it real? In a way, yes.

It’s known as prostatic congestion. It happens when the prostate becomes swollen by excess fluid, like blood. It can be relieved by an orgasm, but it can also be fixed with a simple aspirin or a warm shower.

But what about semen, one of your Jack Nicholson’s two main products? What’s the deal with that? Semen is made up of more than just your sperm. It consists of around 96 percent water,  2 percent sperm, fructose, vitamin C, sodium bicarbonate, various proteins and enzymes,  and minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Fructose nourishes sperm, while the vitamin C helps keep sperm healthy.
The sodium bicarbonate is what protects the sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina. Bet you never knew it had that much gone on.

We’re aware that this video has given you certain things to worry about – from broken penises to blue balls – so let’s see if we can dispel a few common groin rifles worries to make you feel better. Number 8 – The Crooked Man Sometimes people worry about the direction their weathervane is pointing in, but an erection can point in any direction and be perfectly normal. It can point straight ahead, left, right, up,  or down.

One study collected data on just how much it varies. Based on this study,  if your wiener pointed up, they would measure it as 0 degrees. If it was pointing forward (or horizontally), they would count that as 90 degrees.

Around 5% of participants were 0 to 30 degrees, almost 30% were 30 to 60 degrees, another 30% were 60 to 85 degrees, just under 10% were 85 to 95 degrees, roughly 20% were 95 to 120 degrees and 5% percent were 120 to 180 degrees. In fact, very few penises are completely straight.

They can curve in any direction,  and a curve of up to 30 degrees is considered normal and healthy. But what about penises that have boldly gone where no penis has ever  gone before? That’s right: What about erections… in outer space? Number 7 – Out Of This World From what research tells us, it’s more like a “taffy pull” than a traditional erection.  Scientists are actually worried that sex in space might not be viable.

In order to keep up blood flow to the lower parts of the body, you need gravity. In space, it rises to your head and chest.

Due to the lack of gravitational force, it’s difficult to get erect in space. Currently, there isn’t a lot of research funding being dedicated to space sex.

However, NASA is interested in learning more about it, especially as humans grow more inclined towards space travel.

It’s not even clear if space sex would be a pleasant experience. As of right now, we know it’s difficult to get aroused in space, but it’s not impossible. As to conception, pregnancy, and birth, it’s unclear what that might even be like – And

it’s not exactly easy to find volunteers for this kind of experiment. Speaking of fertilization… Number 6 – Sperm Olympics Your King Charles sends out a lot of sperm when it ejaculates,  somewhere between 80 and 300 million sperm. They have to cover at least 6 to 7 inches in  order to reach an egg to fertilize.

When they are first ejaculated, they travel at a speed of  around 28 miles per hour, but eventually slow down to a speed of 5mm per minute. By the end of the whole ordeal, only around 200 sperm will ever be able to come close to  the egg. Starting from ejaculation, it’ll take them about 15 to 45 minutes to get there. This may sound slow to us, especially if you compare it to when you’re driving in your car. But by sperm standards, that’s incredibly fast.

If you were to scale up sperm to 6 feet, they would be four times faster than an Olympic gold medalist. If there is no egg, the sperm can wait inside the body for up to five days. Number 5 – Not What It Seams POP QUIZ! Have you ever noticed the seam on your donger? This is called the “penile  raphe,” and it’s a sign your Captain Corrigan was once a labia.

Remember, all humans begin life in utero with female anatomy until 7 weeks. When you notice a seam  on your scrotum, that’s a scrotal raphe. The raphe is present in female bodies.

It  extends from the anus to the labia majora, and it becomes the inner lips of the vagina. Speaking of the physical makeup of the penis, let’s talk about foreskin – and its surprisingly controversial removal procedure.

Number 4 – Off With His Head Circumcision, the removal of the foreskin of the penis, isn’t an uncommon practice. It’s often connected to religious or cultural beliefs. For our weird  facts list, we’d like to talk about the surprising advantages and disadvantages,  and you’re free to argue about which you prefer in the comments. People who have been circumcised  are less likely to develop penile cancer, and it can prevent foreskin infections or phimosis,  a condition where the skin is tight and cannot retract behind the head of your underwear  warrior. Circumcised people are less likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease.

The downside to circumcision is that removing it also removes thousands  of sensitive nerve endings in your Lex Luthor. This can reduce how much sexual  pleasure someone experiences. It can also lead to a rare condition known as meatal stenosis,  where the opening at the end of the phallus narrows and becomes too  small. It’s often fixed with surgery. While complications from circumcisions are rare, it does happen.

They can cause infections or injury to the penis or urethra. And if, for some reason, that made you hungry, we’ve got a weird fact about wieners and a certain famous food for you! Aren’t we just so thoughtful like that? Number 3 – Corn Hub If you’ve ever enjoyed a nice bowl of cornflakes in the morning,  you might be surprised to learn they have a dark history.

One that has a lot to do with  your self-pleasure habits!

Cornflakes first came into being in the 1890s and  were created by the Kellogg company, which was founded by Keith Kellogg. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, Keith’s brother, was raised in the Seventh-day Adventists Church, a Christian denomination that observes Saturday instead of Sunday as the Sabbath. His medical research was heavily influenced by his religious upbringing, and he even became the head of a church-founded health institute. He believed that the blandness of cornflakes would help make the minds of those eating them stay pious and pure.

Yeah, he was a really weird dude. Sadly, this isn’t just a silly tale of a weird guy who thought cereal should be bland to keep your thoughts pure. J.H. Kellogg actually promoted painful and punishing procedures.

In order to curb young people’s masturbatory urges, he would have circumcisions performed, or he’d put pure carbolic acid on them.

This was not a man who we should have been letting near breakfast cereal or anyone’s privates. It’s unclear who is actually responsible for cornflakes, but it was meant to be a boring meal that would lead to abstinence and less masturbation. J.H. Kellogg believed that avoiding sugar, alcohol, and other indulges was the key to remaining abstinent. If anything, his bland cereal was at least a step up from his barbaric practices.

It  also doesn’t actually accomplish what he hoped it would. Otherwise,  it would probably be a lot less popular. Now, let’s get morbid: Number 2 – Deadwood Did you know you can get an erection when you die?

This is known by several names, like terminal erection, death erection, Rigor Erectus, and angel lust. It’s not uncommon at all, and it’s particularly prevalent in people who have died from hanging. It’s believed it’s due to the pressure on the cerebellum from the noose.

And we’ve got one more utterly crazy story for you. Number 1 – Napoleon Boner-part You might have heard of the tale of Napoleon Bonaparte’s amputated Le Petit Caporal.

It was supposedly taken off shortly after his death in 1821. As the story goes, his tiny emperor was cut off by his doctor, and then, in 1977, it was sold to a New Jersey urologist at an auction for $3,000. The urologist kept it for 30 years for reasons we can’t really explain. But was it really Napoleon’s musket? While it’s not impossible it could be, it’s hard not to have our doubts.
The New York Times’s Judith Pascoe described the object as “barely recognizable as a human body part.” Channel 4, a British television channel, aired a documentary called Dead Famous DNA. They described the dingus as “very small,” and it only measured out at a 1 inch. It’s likely that its small size is due to how old it is, and it’s not an indication of how big Napoleon would have been while he was alive. The current owner has only allowed ten people to see the coveted imperial dong.

It’s never  been recorded on camera, adding to the doubt some people feel that it may not be real. It  was supposedly put up for display back in 1927. A writer from TIME noted that it looked like  a “maltreated strip of buckskin shoelace.” It has been compared to leather, a shriveled eel, and beef jerky over the years. Now you really can’t say we never teach you anything!

For more videos like this one, be sure to check out How an Erection Works and Weird Facts About Male Foreskin.

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